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  • So I found some random PiyoPiyo-to-LMMS stuff that was never finished enough for me to release while digging through an old laptop. If I didn't already release it I could post it somewhere. I'll put it in my personal PiyoPiyoJ/IkachanMapEdit repo for safekeeping for now (...yes, I still keep an internal semi-maintained copy of their code, but most of IkachanMapEdit's functionality is dummied out because the UI framework has long since broken. PiyoPiyoJ was later and the changes were less bad.)
    It seems like the problem was that I couldn't make the envelope work and I might have been trying to patch LMMS to implement PiyoPiyo envelopes into the BitInvader. I probably ended up giving up on that and forgetting about the project. The file *plays* on unpatched LMMS, so, like, I'm going to just attach this here. It seems to run fine on latest Lua. It is absolutely not a prepackaged solution in any form - for one, it can't do drums. If someone really wants to add that, probably best to mention that 'Saying "I Love You"' has the PiyoPiyo drum samples in easy-to-access form.


    Happy belated forever with your nearest friend-group day.
    Oh heck hello there, good to see a familiar face.
    it just so happens that today i read one of your old PMs that you sent to me, and you just happen to be up top on the recent profile post list =w=
    good to see you still around!!
    In the event that anyone was still relying on the links in my signature for anything, be advised: My server's dead. Probably permanently. If anyone has reason to rehost the files, I've put their hashes in the signature and can transfer them over... something, I don't care. Just make sure to stick them on something more durable than Mediafire or something, since otherwise they'll just break and get forgotten about.
    ...good morning, good night, good day, etc.
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkTdgCCM ovgbIKClGx71vVH rbsP0iOGKxO8Qrb lrcGAJ5nmRoUGll lqJLfSTqv1aPhiz zbi4crZ2QoyymXN sPgcpNVR0OXhqRX HrAyoAlfL9oaoOR F6gd0d90JpCzcvO SHYUtnSqXCDFiYv bBqrmvxsYW1Vjd9 8RrBOETKTwsJitt Cxj0G0VuwyWPi2n PsrUSN69tKrX4Ph rsxLB0IdmXNZx9G q1SyTkLSV5wCGR2 Rw8SnM5WqOojliC th32cLXnBN8hIET zjYVbBeIiyPhsDb M7tbk9sI. END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.
    This is my announcement to *the bird of greeting*. I have been alerted by my colleague to your presence in the *temple of light*. Reveal yourself! (EDIT: If you can't tell, this is a joke.)
    Yup. I now have a weird rambling ... theory...? involving Spiderman and Mark Zuckerberg archived on the server. Well done, person who wrote change ⢻⣟⣥⢴⣹⢳⢷⡣⢲⠼⢅⠫⣹⣓⡢⠈. Well done.
    Motherfucking Jesse Eisenberg jesus christ fuck dude motherfucking Facebook movie bullshit jesus can you fucking believe this shitGoddamn created Facebook and fucking lawyers and shit right fucking Winklevoss Twins goddamn rowing the boat fuck yo shit i can’t even fucking believe this shit have you seen this shit fuck i just watched this shit fuck Jesse Eisenberg manMotherfucking Spiderman Spiderman you put in the time fuck put in the time motherfucking build shit with his bare hands fucking best friend shit Jesse EisenbergNo man i’ll just talk about the Facebook movie all day shit man you have to be so interested in the shit i have to say about the Facebook movie fuck dude i just watched it a year and a half ago fuck Jesse Eisenberg man he fucked over Spiderman crazy Winklevoss Twins rowing trent resin or did the soundtrack fuck this guy who invented Facebook i don’t like dying i can’t think of who the fuck invented Facebook all i can think is the guy who played the guy who invented Facebook who the fuck invented Facebook MARK ZUCKERBERG
    (Before I get totally fucked for this I just want to mention it's a Game Grumps reference and I wasn't even the one who put it on originally it was my friend lmao)
    Hey hey, I just saw you, and I thought to myself; "you better not be performing plagiarism, are you?".
    Hey, I just saw you, and I was thinkin', "You can't be plagarizing, are you maybe?"
    Dropbox says Public folder's going to die, so I'm awake again and HOW MANY ALERTS
    I think I've fixed all the links. I've fixed all the ones I know of, anyway. (EDIT: Nope, one last link left. The outdated TNO commentary.) (EDIT2: Completed.)
    Welcome back!
    Rest in peace, gamemanj. Was a live member of the forums from August 2, 2014, up to September 2, 2016, a full two (or one and some fractional amount) years. UPDATE (19/12/16): HE'S BACK!
    Is he gone entirely?
    ...I was hoping you people wouldn't notice my little disappearance, but then again, I suppose the timing was just too coincidental with a rather disappearance-causing event.
    It's great to have you back.
    PEONS just inflated my executable from 1,452KB to 1,696KB and made it unrunnable after I initialized GSA2. This is probably not intended behavior.
    This also happens when the executable is at 1,444KB, which is the unedited executable's size.
    The inflation is supposed to happen. The crashing isn't.
    Definitely not intended behavior. (The inflation is, but definitely not the crashing, as Bionicobot notes.) Do you still have the crashing executable (preferably before & after)?
    I have returned to here, the land of CONSISTENT IDENTITIES. I will not be on Discord anymore because I've actually lost track of who is who. I am pretty much incapable of working out anything based on people's identities, because they *keep changing all the time.* I've managed to get confused between CU and Spirit so far. It would have helped IF PEOPLE DIDN'T KEEP TELLING ME THAT CU == Spirit.
    "anyone remember the early days of IPBoard?"

    It wasn't by accident that that feature was disabled.
    Despite nickname changes being impossible, people can still change their username and avatar, causing confusion nonetheless.

    And fine, holy shit fine I'm CU/Shopsam/Completely Unanimous, is that what you wanted to hear gamemanj you had to PM 10+ people for the answer and honestly the entire incident is so stupid and irrelevant to the grander scheme of things and just downright annoying so i'm clearing it up here

    edit: my mistake
    Gamemanj my dude you really need to calm down.

    One person changing their username on a semi-regular basis is no reason to believe that you can no longer tell who anybody is and need to leave the Discord as a result.

    Also, how did you even have that problem when people referred to the mysterious CU/Shopsam/Completely Unanimous as SPIRIT?
    I don't know how, but @TLincoln 's profile feed is locked from comments. I think that's the case, anyway. In response to the last profile feed post by TLincoln, "Try playing Pokemon Go?"
    I don't have a cell phone. :/
    Moral of the day. If something seems familiar, it probably is very familiar.
    Ahem. This is an announcement to the non-Discordians. (No, not that other one.) Have this! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21184720/PEONS.jar Source available on request or if I bother to finally add licence headers all over it saying you can do whatever you want with it. Now to spend the next year reading everything I missed while I was working.
    If anyone is wondering where the licence files were in v3.1, they're in now. Packaging error, which should not happen again.
    Semicolons are always a substitute for commas; no matter what the occasion; for they do the job of breaking sentences apart; and surely that is enough; right?
    What; why are you guys so upset; jeez.
    Doors: and then forget to finish your sentence. Have you been talking to that person again? What was their name... I think it was Candl
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