I have no idea what "Homuncual" means. I don't even know if the artist spelled it right, though I'm assuming he did. This seems to be a recurring theme - I was stumped by "[url="
http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/gallery/image/987-fimbulvetry/"]fimbulvetry[/url]" as well. Maybe I ought to expand my vocabulary? I'm usually either too informal in my speech to care or somehow eloquent enough to get by, but it's always a good idea to achieve a better grasp of words. ^_^
As for the actual pic...it's lovely, like all of archus' work, but I've never watched anything Star Wars related so I don't have much to add on that front, either. Only that I always associate it with the phrase "I'll be in my quarters" for whatever reason - except no, I actually don't, that's Star Trek (which I've also never seen) and I got the two mixed up in my head somehow.
...I suppose I have a lot of things to expand, huh. >_