The Light

The Light


This picture had its filename as a title and a description of "Placeholder" least a year. Probably longer. Let it be known that I am not a careful person. >.>

Thankfully, as of this writing (not that you can tell when I updated it because this doesn't generate any notifications), I'll hopefully have all of the gallery images backed up. I'll need to think about what the best way to save copyright info and descriptions is, though. We'll see!

As for the actual wouldn't be able to tell from looking at it, but it depicts a specific Gardevoir rather than a generic one! Namely, Leila of a certain MewtwoXGardevoir fanfic, because those exist! (For the curious, a link at the image's source currently works.) It's a fairly cute fanfic, if a touch sappy for even my tastes, but I must admit that I haven't read past the first chapter because I'm a wimp who can't handle conflict. ^_^;
Strange...I can see media that isn't published yet through profile-last-seen-at...?

This will likely loose relevancy soon, but great name you got there!
"The light By ykeproblematenemos d543p5q"
@Raus UGH

You posted this comment JUST before I updated the pic, but I didn't see it - this upload was cued to be updated a few days ago. Now the huge amount of people who look at this gallery and look at these descriptions and totally care and totally exist will think that I'm a liar who's trying to save face :<

Anyway, no, I don't think you can. I'm not working on unpublished media, this is a really old submission.
That explains things. I've roughly figured out your media posting schedule, so when I saw you very active in the media section, I waited until something happens. Sometimes you view these files once they're uploaded, so when I saw you viewing this one, I assumed it was something new, but apparently it wasn't showing up in the new media files section.

Anyways sorry 'bout the commotion, after all I learned my lurking skills from the best. ^_^;
I've added some text to the Gallery's info to make my schedule clearer. Don't worry!

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Grand Gallery of Gardevoir Pics
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OT: THE LIGHT by ykeproblematenemos of DeviantArt //

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