

Welcome back to the Polaris' Bad Titles Corner, your weekly explanation for the obscure, unfunny, or unfitting! In today's special, we present a quandary the likes of which this gallery has never seen before. Stumped by the seemingly random villages and vague links to bamboo that a quick search reveals? Bamboozled by the equally random song from YouTube? Stuck on how /any/ of this could possibly relate to a Gardevoir or its qualities?

Well, you should be! This extremely quirky and unique piece was named after the equally quirky /song/ earlier mentioned, which is itself named off of ABSOLUTE NONSENSE AND NOTHINGNESS (as far as I can tell!). It would be a disservice to the pic to spend all day on my title choices, though, so let's transition a bit - Bambous, by Caravan Palace, seemed to me in possession of the same sort of lighthearted defiance of the typical that this picture holds, most especially due to its singer and pose respectively (though other vague nuances lead to this view as well). There are little wink-and-smile hints at something suggestive in each, but really they're both perfectly clean and funky, and I like that.

This is without a doubt one of the most exaggerated Gardevoir I've ever seen, surpassing even chibis due to its semi-realistic art style. It takes normally frail features and turns them up to 11, the end result being a specimen that's downright robust (bordering on burly) and very different from what I usually see. Its expression is a little unplaceable, and can be interpreted as you see fit - I see shyness, pride, and joy all mixed up in a subtly pleased cocktail. That serves as the nail firmly tacking this picture up as one of my favorites. :3
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Grand Gallery of Gardevoir Pics
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OT: れんしう by 武士先輩 //

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