Jul 29, 2016 at 7:59 PM
Eevee Enthusiast

"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
Join Date: Mar 26, 2014
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Age: 27
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Don't look at it in such a negative way.-your execution of ideas is bad
-your music makes me want to kill myself
-you actually expect me to play trough this garbage to vote
-my eyes are bleeding
-this boss fight is terrible
- Think on how to incorporate your ideas better. If you want to have auto-interaction, make it so the mod still flows. For example, avoid scenarios where you need to jump over doors to progress. If you really need to, design levels around the automatic interaction so you don't need to include invisible walls.
- I'm not too fluent on music, though you could try having more people listen to it in order to rake in more feedback. That way, you would have known it was sub-par ahead of time, giving you time to improve it.
- It was one of the longest, if not the longest, mods in the contest. After playing through a ton of short mods, it felt like a slog to go through the entire mod. It also didn't help that it had the aforementioned issues irritating the player.
- Same case as the music. If you ask more people for feedback on it, you will get more opinions on how your graphics look. You can then apply those opinions and suggestions to your improvements if you feel like they are correct.
- When you make a boss fight, you have to ask yourself a few questions. One such question is: "Is this balanced?" Keep in mind that you, the modder, have a lot more experience fighting this boss than anyone else does. You may be able to dodge it with ease and know its dirty tricks, but if it kills the average player for making two mistakes, you have a bit of a problem. The same goes for attacks that have little to no cues or tells; you may know the safe spots or methods of dodging attacks, but the average player most likely does not.
This was entirely uncalled for.yes doors I see now. this amazing feedback is all I need to make the perfect mod. all this amazing, entertaining criticism really makes me want to go andhang myselfmake an mazing mod that will bowl a way the CSTSFs and all its uscer base