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adventuer kid

Nov 25, 2012 at 9:33 PM
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Download the game here: adventuer kid

This game is compatible with Windows 98/NT/2000/ME/XP/Vista/7

This is a game maker game I began making with the unregistered version of Game Maker 6 when I was nine years old, and finished with Game Maker 7 pro when I was ten. It is a 2D platformer where the goal is to reach the door of each level. For those that have locked doors, you'll need to find a key. Although, missiles will be falling from the sky, so you need to avoid those. If you get hit too many times, you die. Hope you enjoy this game! Note that bits of the credits of this version are censored because some bits showed my last name.

Controls: Left arrow to go left, right arrow to go right, and up arrow to jump.


For those of you who don't have a good sense of sarcasm:
I decided to share this with you mostly just so you could roll on the floor laughing at how awful my spelling and programming skills were when I was nine and ten. So just keep that in mind.
Nov 25, 2012 at 10:01 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Oh man, I remember doing Gamemaker stuff when I was around 9 or 10 as well. Except the screenshot you provided makes it look somewhat promising (at least by 9 or 10 y/o standards?). I'll give it a go and see how hard I laugh.
Nov 25, 2012 at 10:46 PM
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This Is TOO EASY! :L
Nov 25, 2012 at 10:51 PM
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This Is TOO EASY! :L

Alright then, challenge yourself by trying to complete the game without double jumping, or getting hit by any missiles. Then see how easy it is.
Nov 25, 2012 at 11:03 PM
In my body, in my head
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This is possibly the greatest game I have ever played. It needs to go on TIGdb.
Nov 25, 2012 at 11:16 PM
Melon Lord
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This is possibly the greatest game I have ever played. It needs to go on TIGdb.

I agree. Here is my review

Story 50/10
Playing as the legendary adventurer, Adventure Kid, he goes on an adventure in search of adventure. In his path are treachourous spikes, bottomless caverns, and the dangerous but ever so common rockets.

Gameplay 1337/10
The controls are flawless, with a gameplay style not too similar to that of Headcrab on Super Meat Boy. Advanced tactics include the triple jump and wall jumps. Get the legendary hairdryers to become invincible for the stage! The unlockable extras add new depth to the already complex and intricate gameplay

Music - Beethoven ain't got s**t on this
Read the above

Overall - Infinity Plus One/******/S+/Indescribable
Nov 25, 2012 at 11:23 PM
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Thanks! Glad you guys liked it! ;)
Nov 26, 2012 at 1:46 AM
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Dang, I wonder what kind of praise I would get if I put one of my old GM games on here? :p

Anyway, you really brought me back to the days when I started out with Game Maker, back before it could even make executables actually, lol GM 1.1 (first public version ftw! Yeah, I'm kinda old). Anyway, that's what I'd expect from a 9-10 year old, so cool stuff. I'd like to see if you have anything more recent though?? Do you use Game Maker anymore?
Nov 26, 2012 at 1:54 AM
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Dang, I wonder what kind of praise I would get if I put one of my old GM games on here? :p

Anyway, you really brought me back to the days when I started out with Game Maker, back before it could even make executables actually, lol GM 1.1 (first public version ftw! Yeah, I'm kinda old). Anyway, that's what I'd expect from a 9-10 year old, so cool stuff.

I'd like to see if you have anything more recent though?? Do you use Game Maker anymore?
I still use it every once in a while for stuff. I do actually have some more recent stuff I've done with it. Maybe I'll post them here eventually, but first I want this thread to get most of the replies it's going to before I start yet another topic.
Nov 26, 2012 at 2:04 AM
I don't anymore.
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I'll try this when I get home, but it's pretty awesome that you'd put yourself out there like that. Also Noxy, I spent all yesterday setting things on tigsource, and let's just say standards vary. "Will have no issues advertising Robot Magnet Robot"
Nov 26, 2012 at 2:34 AM
Ms. Haze
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LOL good job, my 10-year-old brother can barely figure out how to download GM, I'm impressed that you did this when you were 9!
Nov 26, 2012 at 2:44 AM
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LOL good job, my 10-year-old brother can barely figure out how to download GM, I'm impressed that you did this when you were 9!
Nov 26, 2012 at 3:04 AM
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I demand an HD remake.
Just imagine how great those backgrounds would look...
Nov 26, 2012 at 3:12 AM
In my body, in my head
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I think the part where the protagonist parachutes through Sonic's Hell was the highlight for me
Nov 26, 2012 at 3:28 AM
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I think the part where the protagonist parachutes through Sonic's Hell was the highlight for me
That's my brother's favorite part as well. Though your terminology suggests that you never played Sonic R.

Oh and uh, there's a story behind almost every background in this game.
Nov 26, 2012 at 6:59 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Your voice is great
Nov 27, 2012 at 12:12 AM
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Your voice is great


Elaborate Hayden. Only the creator would know the deep story and messages hidden in each world.


Just so you know, those of backgrounds not included in this post were not included due to not having a very interesting story. And I gave just links instead of embeds to the less importan ones so that I don't go over the image limit.

Lego Racers and Lego Racers 2 were two games that my brother and I grew up playing, and stands as one of our favorite classics of all time. This background is the main menu to Lego Racers 2. The reason I decided to include this in the game was because I took this screenshot when first learning how to use Ctrl+Print Screen, and as it just so happened, the game automatically saved it as an image for me somewhere in it's installation, and I didn't need to get into paint and paste it and save it as a file. I thought that was pretty cool, so I decided to have this as a background in the game:

I was no older than nine when this happened.

Some of you people who've at some point or another owned a Windows XP computer might notice, this background is a sample picture included in the installation of Windows. I was attracted to this image because somehow this copy was residing outside of the sample pictures folder. Later on, my brother was surprised to see that background in the game, as he told me he specifically remembered editing that image, and adding those bits of black to cure his horrible case of boredom.

One day, my sister just decided to get into paint, and make something completely random with colors that at the time held the throne as her favorites. She was four or five at the time. And I decided to steal it and put it in the game because I had little to no understanding of copyright infringement at the time, but my sister didn't mind, so I guess you could say I had her permission.

Ah, this one is very memorable. Sonic R was another game me and my brother spent a sizable period of our childhoods enjoying. When my older brother was playing as super sonic racing on radiant emerald, he was barely holding first place at the end with Metal Knuckles in close second. At the end, my brother was traveling along the upper path, and the Metal Knuckles AI traveling along the lower. Then as Metal Knuckles was approaching the finish line, my brother descended from the upper platform landing right in front of Metal Knuckles, barely taking first place before crossing the finish line. We were both holding our breath during the end of that race, and it became a memorable moment for both of us. We watched an action replay of that race at least twice. Wanting to have a morsel of that memory remain, my brother took a snapshot of the part of the replay where he passes the finish line JUST before Metal Knuckles:

This took place when I was six, and when my brother was nine.

One day, my brother decided to watch an action replay of a race he had done in Lego Racers 2. During it, it cut to a guy whose car had been wrecked, reducing him to traveling on foot until he could reach a pit stop. When a car passed by him, my brother found it amusing to take a snapshot, since it made it look like it was an angry Lego guy chasing and keeping up with a vehicle. Then he made it look like the guy chasing him wielded special power by summoning a dark thing that would attack the driver. This was meant to act like these black things with eyes that would sometimes come at you from another game me and my brother grew up playing called Rayman 2. After seeing Rayman 3, we were led to believe that these enemies were properly referred to as black lums. Then after drawing that, my brother added flames to the back to imply that he was like, "oh crap, I've gotta get out of here before that black creature kills me". So he asked me what else he should add to it to make it funnier. Seeing as how I was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog from age six to eleven, my natural response was, of course, "Sonic!" So he added sonic in implying that that guy was driving so fast that he was going as fast as Sonic. And for more comedic effect, he decided to paste in an image he'd taken earlier on of Super Sonic from Sonic R as well, and added more flames to suggest that he's going even faster than regular Sonic.

I'm wanting to say I was eight when this happened, and that my brother was eleven. And this picture's history made me really want to add it into the game.

For the longest time, me and my older brother thought there was some secret shortcut on the track "Ice Planet Pathway" in the game Lego Racers that we hadn't found yet in addition to the two that we already knew about. There was a vehicle for display on the track with a saw just standing around, and we thought for some time that it was the key to finding this shortcut. One day, me and my brother dedicated an entire day to trying to find that shortcut. We tried everything we could, and never found any new shortcut that whole day. After exhausting every bit of evidence to suggest that the vehicle with the saw was any help, we went to a nearby area. One interesting thing we found was a very small dark line on one of the parts of the track. Being the silly little kids we were at the time and not realizing this was just a result of 3D worlds from a 1999 game, we thought there was some significance to this, and took a snapshot of it, and spent a good twenty minutes debating if a platform opens there if you do something special, or what it could mean:

I believe this took place when I was eight, and my brother was eleven. I felt that this was SO important, that I ended up putting this as a background in the game.

After that last level, I got a bit lazy, and decided to end the game on that level, and have these subsequent backgrounds be unused. But then I decided to have a menu with extras because I had seen the kind of stuff with other games and thought it was so cool to have a launcher that first has the game in a window, then goes to full screen when you click play. So I tried to emulate that by having all these unused sprites and sounds featured in this menu. Though all of these backgrounds ended up making an appearance in later levels of Adventure Kid 2, save for those seen in spoiler number 12 which I'm saving for Adventure Kid 3 if I ever again come across a day where I have no projects going on and as much free time as I did when I made Adventure Kid 2.

This is a snapshot from the ending cutscene from another game me and my brother grew up playing, Lego Island 2. At the end of the game, the Brickster, the main antagonist, accidentally gets trapped in a tower for what appears to be the rest of all eternity. Then in the ending cutscene, all the citizens of Lego Island celebrate that the day's been saved, but not until I was eight did I realize that the Brickster appears for a brief moment attempting to climb out of a pit in the midst of all the Lego Islanders. And then I took a snapshot of this to prove it to my skeptical brother who was around eleven at the time. And I felt it rather important, so I included it in the game:

This was taken the same day as me and my brothers' endeavor described in number six, we took a snapshot of the loading screen for that track. In the game Lego Racers, a map of each track is shown while it's loading. At times, certain details are shown about it. We thought that that map could give us some clues, especially considering that one of the shortcuts is even shown in that screenshot with those two orange lines revealed the path for a shortcut we were already aware of. We then tried zooming in on the "text" next to the icon of the saw, hoping for information on it, only to find that it was far too low resolution to make anything out. Nonetheless, we saved the image, and kept it around, and since I felt it was that important, included it in the game:

I don't remember why, but for some reason we got school off this one Friday (was it because it was good Friday?), so me and my brother spent the whole day in our pajamas playing against each other in Lego Racers 2. Then something weird happened that caused my brother to end up on the top of a loop. The game never intended for you to get there, so this was a big deal for a seven-year-old and a ten/eleven-year-old. So my brother took a screenshot, and when developing this game, I decided to include it:

The PC version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is another game me and my brother grew up playing. It wasn't worthy of our top list, but we played it fairly often. Then my brother decided to take a snapshot of a part where you play Quidditch, and edited that stuff. I guess this one's pretty straightforward, but I included it because I laughed while he drew it. I don't remember exactly how old we were when he made that, but I know that I wasn't any older than nine, and he wasn't any older than twelve.


When I was eight and nine, Rayman 3 held the throne as my favorite game of all time. The game has a nifty little snapshot feature that lets you pause the game, get a different angle on what's happening, zoom in or out, and then take a snapshot when you've got your shot set up right. I conveniently paused when the protagonist was in a squatting position, and a puff of smoke appeared beneath his hindquarters in that split second. Having the sense of humor I had when I was nine, I thought it looked kindof like Rayman was farting, so I just HAD to take a picture. Not sure why, but for some reason, the in-game camera edited out the little puff of smoke, which kindof ruined the picture. But I still felt that the picture had some merit, so I included it in the game:

While I was still making this game in Game Maker 6.1, I decided to take pictures of the application with my game loaded with different themes because I had recently discovered the many themes available in Windows XP. I then decided that I would have a similar snapshot with all themes available in Windows XP, and use all those images for something. I then decided that I would have all those snapshots be in the final boss, and for them to alternate depending on how much health the final boss has, and the backgrounds changing in the order shown in the extras menu (sorry, couldn't put all of them in this post, there's a limit):

I really actually did try to make a boss for the end of the game, but it was too hard for me when I was ten. So I decided I'd maybe make one if I ever made an Adventure Kid 2 or Adventure Kid 3, by which time I knew I'd be older and more skilled.

By the way, that little sound extra that was "removed due to containing personal information," was actually a two-minute long description of the plot. But I went off on some tangents and acted kindof silly, being the random and energetic boy I was at age nine, and at a couple points mentioned my last name, which isn't something I'm going to disclose to people on the internet for at least another two years. But anyway, it basically says that the main antagonist is Professor Terrible, and that he made all the missiles, and I also say that there will be an Adventure Kid 2, and an Adventure Kid 3. I've actually followed up half way on that promise, but I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to fulfilling the second half. Who knows though? Few franchises ever have a second installment without a third. I used to think Toy Story and Men in Black were both exceptions to this rule, but it turned out not.
Nov 27, 2012 at 1:21 AM
Melon Lord
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That's actually rather interesting to be honest. I loved Rayman 3 as a kid, and my little brother would've loved to play those Lego games you had. So, in a sense, this game is a literal trip down memory lane for you?

Also please make Adventure Kid 2, please.
Nov 27, 2012 at 2:10 AM
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That's actually rather interesting to be honest.
Heh, thanks.

I loved Rayman 3 as a kid, and my little brother would've loved to play those Lego games you had.

So, in a sense, this game is a literal trip down memory lane for you?
Quite so. Though most of all, it's reminiscent of my first Windows XP computer that I got back in 2003, as that's the computer on which almost all of these backgrounds were made.

Also please make Adventure Kid 2, please.
Adventure Kid 2 got finished a while back, actually. Adventure Kid 3 is the only installment that hasn't been made yet. In case you're wondering, I do plan on posting Adventure Kid 2 here, but not until this thread has gotten most of the replies it's going to.