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IAMA Wedge of Cheese, molding away in the bottom of a well - AMA

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May 26, 2012 at 7:59 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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In general, I tend to favor minimal government involvement.

Also, I my personal experience seems to contradict the belief held by many fiscal conservatives that money is needed to attract talent. I consider myself a talented person, and I meet a lot of talented people at college, and I've found that, by and large, we're motivated primarily by a love of what we do - money is a secondary concern.
As something of a fiscal conservative myself, I agree with you and can assure you that not all of us conservative-types think that money is needed to attract talent. In fact, there's this whole phenomenon called "selling out," which usually involves artists compromising their artistry and talent for the sake of dollars. Sad, but it's how some people operate. [/rabbittrail]

Mosaic said:
What do you think about Ron Paul?
Unfortunately, I know very little about him, so I'm not really in a position to judge...
I'd encourage you to take a look at what he has to say. Even though he is fiscally pretty conservative, I imagine you might still like him.

During the school year, about 1.5-2 hours a day. During breaks, hardly at all.
Oh, so you're one of those musicians who manages to be awesome without slaving away for hours and hours in the practice room? Or have you simply mastered the art of efficient practice? I hadn't started figuring out efficient practicing until my senior year of college. -_-

It's a pretty ambitious project, so I want to try to make 1 or 2 complete, less ambitious games first.
Other than TWoR, do you have a portfolio of completed games or anything like that? Do you prefer making one kind of game over another?

Animorphs ... The Land Before Time
Yes. Taking me back in the day... wow. I never did finish the Animorph series, though. A shame. My mom and brother did, though. You wouldn't also happen to be a TMNT or Bravestar fan, would you?

Mixer said:
Do you like apples?
They're all right, but not real high up on my list of fruits.
Do you like bacon? Have you seen Jim Gaffigan's bacon sketch? ...Feed an apple to a pig, and the pig turns it into bacon.
We've established that you like Romantic music. What do you think about atonal or otherwise non-tonal music? Shoenberg, Webern, Wourinen, Penderecki, Xenakis etc.

Could we have a music sharing session sometime!?

If this is an open session, can I come, too?
May 26, 2012 at 8:54 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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This well ends in 9 hours, so get your questions in now!

Do you have any disorders? I'm mostly talking psychological (depression, anxiety, etc)
Aside from maybe having had mild Asperger's in my youth as mentioned before, no.

dasu said:
What are your favorite things to eat?
Steak, seafood, pretty much all Italian and Chinese food, strawberries, grapefruit, kumquats, cheese, ice cream, chocolate, key lime pie, cheesecake, peanut butter (though, oddly enough, I'm not too fond of peanuts), pancakes/waffles (especially if they have blueberries in them), salad, eggs, donuts.

dasu said:
Have you had any serious injuries in your life?
Not really.

dasu said:
I'll throw this lovely question at you too: If your mother and your love interest switched bodies, which one would you have sex with? Your mother in your love interest's body, or your love interest in your mother's body?
If I had to pick one, I'd pick the latter. Though, in that situation, I would rather have a platonic (but still romantic) relationship with Faith in my mom's body and have sex with other people on the side, if we could make that work, but if not, I'd just go ahead and have sex with her.

dasu said:
Where would you place yourself on a sexuality spectrum?
I'm not sure quite what you mean by this. Do you mean something like the Kinsey Scale? I think I'm about a 1 on the Kinsey Scale.

dasu said:
At what age did you actively start using the internet?
I think about 11.

dasu said:
Do you have any childhood cartoons you watched?
Oh yes. Not at home, but I watched cartoons all the time when I went to my grandparents' house. Some of my favorites were Goof Troop, Dexter's Lab, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and Dave the Barbarian.

dasu said:
Is there a country you'd rather live in than the US? Give reasons why (government, climate, etc)
Maybe Canada. From what I've heard, the culture seems a lot more chill than that of the US. I guess I'll have a chance to find out if that's true in August.

dasu said:
Favorite notoriously "bad" member?
I'd have to go with royaltyler. It was fun being able to log on to the forums each day and be like "Hmm, I wonder what new crazy dumb threads he's made now?". Also, makes we wanna play a game of Pandemic with Irritable Male Syndrome as one of the diseases :awesomeface:.

dasu said:
Favorite incident of forum drama?
Obeece's "conquest" of the forums. It was fairly harmless, and evoked just the right amount of wtf.

dasu said:
Could we have a music sharing session sometime!?
Fo sho bro mo fo.

Continuation of the fantasm:

The next day, both parents have to work, and my older sister (who happens to be Faith, and who is at the age of having recently started to discover her own sexuality) has to babysit me for the day, so of course we spend the whole time having sex. She is the only person in this story whose relationship with me is significantly deeper than just a sexual one. She notices that I catch on very quickly to the words she speaks, so she starts teaching me to speak English, and I learn freakishly fast. She teaches me how to act like a normal baby (i.e. don't speak intelligently, don't try to have sex with every woman you see).

Alright, yeah, I feel like this story is going to take waaaay to long to finish, so I'm just going to abruptly stop.
May 26, 2012 at 10:36 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Moar kweschuns! (Or just one or two more beyond my other post)

Do you like to cook? If so, what kinds of foods do you like to make?
May 27, 2012 at 4:46 AM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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As something of a fiscal conservative myself, I agree with you and can assure you that not all of us conservative-types think that money is needed to attract talent. In fact, there's this whole phenomenon called "selling out," which usually involves artists compromising their artistry and talent for the sake of dollars. Sad, but it's how some people operate.

I'd encourage you to take a look at what he has to say. Even though he is fiscally pretty conservative, I imagine you might still like him.
Cool, yeah I'll have to see what he's all about.

Mosaic said:
Oh, so you're one of those musicians who manages to be awesome without slaving away for hours and hours in the practice room? Or have you simply mastered the art of efficient practice? I hadn't started figuring out efficient practicing until my senior year of college. -_-
I think I'm more the former than the latter.

Mosaic said:
Other than TWoR, do you have a portfolio of completed games or anything like that? Do you prefer making one kind of game over another?
Well, I don't really keep very close track. Probably the most ambitious complete game I've made is The Curse of Lirzanfaro, which can be found (along with a few other games) here. That was quite a while ago, and, in hindsight, I'd say there were a number of bad design decisions I made in that game. I've made a number of really small/trivial games. I'd say the most audiovisually polished game I've made is this. Control with WSAD. The actual gameplay is pretty simple, though it was quite difficult to get the physics right.

As for kinds of games I prefer making, early in my game-making life, I tended to go for turn-based RPGs (i.e. TCoL), but this wasn't necessarily because I liked them much more than other games, it was more because my first two programming environments (namely the TI-83/84 graphing calculators and Liberty BASIC) were very slow and would lag horrendously on all but the simplest of real-time games, so I was limited mostly to non-real-time games.

Mosaic said:
Yes. Taking me back in the day... wow. I never did finish the Animorph series, though. A shame. My mom and brother did, though. You wouldn't also happen to be a TMNT or Bravestar fan, would you?
I definitely enjoyed the few episodes of TMNT I watched, but I've never heard of Bravestar.

Mosaic said:
Do you like bacon? Have you seen Jim Gaffigan's bacon sketch? ...Feed an apple to a pig, and the pig turns it into bacon.
Lol, very nice. And yes, I like bacon.

Mosaic said:
We've established that you like Romantic music. What do you think about atonal or otherwise non-tonal music? Shoenberg, Webern, Wourinen, Penderecki, Xenakis etc.
I'm not as well-educated about it, but I tend to like it. I probably wouldn't want to listen to a whole concert of atonal music in one sitting, though. I'm particularly fond of Schoenberg's earlier expressionist works (more so than his 12-tone works). I've actually worked on the first 2 of his 3 Klavierstucke (opus 11). I also like "sound mass" pieces such as Ligeti's "Atmospheres" and Penderecki's "Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima".

Mosaic said:
If this is an open session, can I come, too?
Don't see why not.

Moar kweschuns! (Or just one or two more beyond my other post)

Do you like to cook? If so, what kinds of foods do you like to make?
Not especially. I don't dislike it, but I haven't done it enough to have formed any particular opinions about it.

And it looks like my 3 days are up. If anyone manages to slip more questions in before the mods lock the thread, I'll answer them, but otherwise this will be all for this well.
May 27, 2012 at 3:20 PM
graters gonna grate
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Uhh... I really don't pay enough attention to cloth to know what my favorite is.

I hadn't planned on finishing it, but I guess I could if you really want me to. I'd probably post it in the nox/ryu thread in that case.
May 28, 2012 at 4:51 PM
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Who's your favourite jazz musician/band?
May 28, 2012 at 9:21 PM
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Is it even possible to like 12-tone music
May 28, 2012 at 9:51 PM
graters gonna grate
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tricky: eh, I'm not familiar with too many jazz people, so I'll just go with one of the few I know - Louis Armstrong.

cultr: well, I can attest to the fact that it's at least possible to not dislike it, but I don't think I've met anyone who's like really super into it.
May 30, 2012 at 11:07 AM
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(looks like i managed to squeeze some in hehe) Have you played/ do you like Libestraum? And what is your favorite color? Your favorite animal? P:
May 31, 2012 at 11:07 AM
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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If God is omnipotent can he create a boulder that he cannot lift?
Jun 1, 2012 at 6:23 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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(looks like i managed to squeeze some in hehe) Have you played/ do you like Libestraum? And what is your favorite color? Your favorite animal? P:
I have not played them, but I've heard the last (and most famous) of the three once. It was part of a really really long concert, so I don't remember much about that particular piece individually.

I don't really have one favorite color; it varies depending on my mood. Right now, I think I'd go with purple.

Fav animal: dog.

If God is omnipotent can he create a boulder that he cannot lift?
That question is unanswerable which is the main reason I don't believe in an omnipotent God.
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