• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

Youtuber / Friend is Convinced That Cave Story is Terrible. Need Help to Get Him to GET BACK UP!

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Jun 21, 2015 at 5:15 AM
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I got a problem.
So you see I told this guy to play a little game called Cave Story.

Here is the result.

As you can see, he hated it.
And you can also see, he didn't even give it a fair chance.
Like most people, he will never return.

He WILL miss out on one of the best indie game of all time.
Convinced that it is trash, without even trying to play it.

I need you guys to change his mind.
Go to everyone of his contacts for his YouTube channel.
Tell him to try once more.

Tell him why you loved Cave Story.
Tell him your story.
Tell him the joys.
The tears.
The get-back-ups.
The victory.

Show him your review of this game.

I need you to show him YOUR reason for loving Cave Story.

Trust me. He will thank us.

And yes, he IS the stereotypical gamer.
And perhaps it is too much to ask for him to change his demeanor.


If you want to enrich a life,
If you want to show him what happiness is,

I ask you to encourage him to stand up after he has been beaten.
Show him what a real game is.

Please, guys, please.

He should know the joy of exploration.
And, I hope he will someday find his way out.


Don't go hating on him.
Be encouraging.
I don't want someone to miss out what could be one of their favorite games.
Like I almost did.
I would have never found Cave Story without a few friends telling me to see deeper than 1080p.
Thanks, again.

Jun 21, 2015 at 5:40 AM
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What is the real problem here? He played the game he didn't like it? I'm sorry. If its not his sort of game, then there really isn't any reason why we should change his mind.
Jun 21, 2015 at 6:07 AM
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Opinions are a thing. I wouldn't reccomend attempting to change it unless you are trying to get yourself hated by your "Friend"
Jun 21, 2015 at 6:29 AM
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It's not that he didn't enjoy the game. It was that he didn't really "play" it. I don't care if he will hate it.He had a bad opinion for it from the start. I'm not trying to change his opinion, I'm just trying to complete it. All I want is for him to play it past Grasstown. Then, I will never bother him about this game again. But he will never do so without encouragement. Just tell him YOUR opinions. Nothing more, nothing less.
Jun 21, 2015 at 6:47 AM
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C734R said:
It's not that he didn't enjoy the game. It was that he didn't really "play" it. I don't care if he will hate it.He had a bad opinion for it from the start. I'm not trying to change his opinion, I'm just trying to complete it. All I want is for him to play it past Grasstown. Then, I will never bother him about this game again. But he will never do so without encouragement. Just tell him YOUR opinions. Nothing more, nothing less.
Here's my opinion.

1)You need to learn what a grammar is.

2)I honestly don't care if somebody doesn't like Cave Story. If I like a game I don't expect them to change their opinions based off of mine and like the game. I have plenty of friends who don't like Cave Story and I'm fine with that.

3)Cave Story doesn't improve a life. It prevents people from getting one.

4)It's really hard to hold in my laughter right now.

5)Everything past grasstown is kind-of boring

6)If he got past the egg-corridor he's played it.

7)We aren't cave story-tards (working title) that will hate on anybody who doesn't like Cave Story or force them to play Cave Story. No, we respect others opinions and are civilized human beings that won't force others to do our own bidding and flame them for not thinking like we do. We aren't a collective, we aren't stupid.

8)I'd recommend handling this on your own or just stop bugging your "Friend" before this gets out of hand.

9)He's not your slave. (god that came out wrong)

10)He's obviously done with it, get over it.
Jun 21, 2015 at 6:54 AM
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C734R said:
It's not that he didn't enjoy the game. It was that he didn't really "play" it. I don't care if he will hate it.He had a bad opinion for it from the start. I'm not trying to change his opinion, I'm just trying to complete it. All I want is for him to play it past Grasstown. Then, I will never bother him about this game again. But he will never do so without encouragement. Just tell him YOUR opinions. Nothing more, nothing less.
he started the game up, he got through first cave. He played cave story.
duncathan said:
>play it past grasstown
You mean the second worst part of the game, behind sand zone? Fetch quests are no fun.
I am recently realizing that I'm one of the few people who likes that sort of thing, for some reason fetch quests add to the exploration factor for me
QuoteHax said:
3)Cave Story doesn't improve a life. It prevents people from getting one.
to be honest, cave story has had more of a positive impact on my life than taking it away. Cave story isn't a game that takes years to beat, and it gotten me more in touch with social media without harming my social life.
QuoteHax said:
7)We aren't cave story-tards (working title)
BubblerBitch said:
for the working title thing, how about dokustards?
actually the name that we stand by is Faggots (proclaimed by Noxid) and our motto is "nobody is going to do your shit for you"
Jun 21, 2015 at 7:07 AM
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QuoteHax said:
Here's my opinion.

1)You need to learn what a grammar is.

2)I honestly don't care if somebody doesn't like Cave Story. If I like a game I don't expect them to change their opinions based off of mine and like the game. I have plenty of friends who don't like Cave Story and I'm fine with that.

3)Cave Story doesn't improve a life. It prevents people from getting one.

4)It's really hard to hold in my laughter right now.

5)Everything past grasstown is kind-of boring

6)If he got past the egg-corridor he's played it.

7)We aren't cave story-tards (working title)that will hate on anybody who doesn't like Cave Story or force them to play Cave Story. No, we respect others opinions and are civilized human beings that won't force others to do our own bidding and flame them for not thinking like we do. We aren't a collective, we aren't stupid.

8)I'd recommend handling this on your own or just stop bugging your "Friend" before this gets out of hand.

9)He's not your slave. (god that came out wrong)

10)He's obviously done with it, get over it.
for the working title thing, how about dokustards?
Jun 21, 2015 at 7:43 AM
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I'm afraid we aren't really the sort of fanbase to sic on someone who expresses dissent, even if they do appear to be a tasteless edgelord. This won't be happening so I'd appreciate it if the topic isn't pursued further.
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