Y'know what's fun?

Oct 18, 2009 at 12:04 AM
graters gonna grate
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Take a blank sheet of paper and just write down every random thought that pops into your head until the paper is full. If you ever stop and think about what you're writing, then you're doing it wrong. I did this three times and it was kinda funny how often I mentioned Cave Story and/or the forums.

Here are mine:

Your mom is vick the lion that's what she said zero dollars in the face with bullets OH SNAP!!! BOOM!!! That just happened dood is a face with multiple wedges of cheese no shit Sherlock you suck my Mannschaft die now you smug bastard you're a billion dollars no you're not yes I am shut the fuck up JacobX891 you're a douchebag, well I don't give a shit so fuck off that's what she said yeah I know, NOT CAAARE BEEAAM!! Oh shit I just got not-care-beamed in the face and it was not a pleasant experience unlike your mom OOHH! Let's go to the post office it's good time like the lightside Thank you Captain Fabulous, suck my dick VoidMage_Lowell and I lost the game I already lost, no you didn't you're lying sack of shit Yeah, I know right? Shut up. On an unrelated side note you're black. No. How's your mom doing? You're a liquid, no actually I'm a solid wedge of some substance that may or may not be cheese. Good times in the face with silver awesome projectiles extends Entity kthxbai no yes no yes no maybe ok I lost no you didn't I'm gonna die ohz noez it's gonna suck, ohno billion mark time 4 punch Jack Kasprzyk in the face 4 stomp down bitch I SAID STOMP THE FUCK DOWN!! AAA!!! You're serious business, the higher your post-count the bigger you penis. OHSHT!!

@Jacob and Lowell: I have nothing against you guys, your names just happened to come to mind at the same time as the topics of douchebags and dick-sucking, respectively.

Five bucks man that's what I'm talkin' 'bout heall YAH! no dollars goddamnitfuckalldollarsinthegoddamnuniverse!!!!! No shut up you're Jamaican now wait for me to finish you're all one word y'ah mon dood you fail tattoos in the rear of everything in everything OSHTPARADOX! Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Dm-dee, etc that was supposed to be that Cave Story theme song but it's not really you're a schreiben. Ich schreibe jetzt nur auf Deutsch. Deutsch ist epic, oops that wasn't Deutsch, um, Crap I mean das war nicht Deutsch, of fuck it I can't keep this shit up! FUCK! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm not really that mad I just wanted to waste two lines #include <yourmom> using namespace std; //hell yeah you'll get tons of std's int main(){int thing=0; cin >> thing; if(thing==5) cout << "HELL YEAH FIVE BUCKS!!!\n"; System("Pause"); return 0;} you're a stupid C++ program your MOM SWEARS A LOT no dollars FUCKSHITASSFUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one was on a smaller sheet of paper, so that's why it's shorter.

Ghaa oh my god a billion freaking dollars just happened to your mom in the cheese house which, good sir, just happens to be the thing that is absolutely what she did in fact say! In other words, that's what she said, for those of you who don't comprehend my brilliant wedge of cheesy awesomesauce foolness boom. Ed McMahon moment not really screw you

So, let's hear yours :p
Oct 18, 2009 at 12:55 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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I'll get my stream of consciousness crayons.
-Skips away-
Oct 18, 2009 at 1:15 AM
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waiting on the world to change...
Oct 18, 2009 at 1:16 AM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Oct 18, 2009 at 1:18 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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I started doing this and the piece of paper burst into flames.
Oct 18, 2009 at 1:18 AM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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I hate it when that happens.
Oct 18, 2009 at 1:22 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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It was flashpaper.
Oct 18, 2009 at 5:01 AM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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I actually made one of those.

It had earthbound hack ideas, a formla for SSBB, and a simple drawing of that red stabby plant from VOYAGE.
Nov 11, 2009 at 11:17 PM
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I tried this last night because I couldn't get to sleep and I heard it helped. However, I had to destroy it because if anybody saw the things I wrote I might end up committed or worse.

But it did help me sleep :D
Nov 12, 2009 at 5:27 AM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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Can you tell me what you wrote?

I promise to keep it a secret.
Nov 12, 2009 at 5:42 AM
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Cheese is the only one brave enough to reveal the inner workings of his mind? Well, let's do this. I am currently listening to More Than a Feeling by Boston, so that might influence things.
So there I was walking away from Marianne, when I closed my eyes and the inside of my eyelids were like "WHOA DUDE YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN" so what the fuck ever to those guys, right? I will get excited when I'm back in black, then I will hit the sack with such vengeance it will make Pluto's interstellar balls shrivel, although it's fucking cold out there so I guess thats already happened. Run on sentences! Suck my balls, every English teacher I've ever known. Aperture Science: we put some chick in a lethal testing lab because we get off to that shit. Yes, More Than a Feeling ended and Still Alive came on. You want strong base, you look like you want strong base, you pay fitty dolla, you pay NaOH! Yes, I just fucking went there, racism and chemistry. So anyway, there I was, with the penguin almost covered in packing peanuts when my mom was like "STOP! HAMMERTIME!" so we played Warhammer for like 2 hours oh god my mom sucks at Warhammer. Shit, I don't even own any of those anymore, what am I talking about? Painting them was a bitch, you needed a fucking toothpick. How the god damn hell are you supposed to paint eyebrows that are smaller than your dick? It's hard, man. The painting, not your dick. I apologize if you're female. Not because of that sentence, I'm just sorry for you. YEP, SEXISM TOO. So now I am kinda running out of steam, speaking of which I kind of hate Steam. Not only does it run slow, it is also a memory hog. But what I hate most is that I can only play Half-Life 2 and Portal if my internet is working. Well, sometimes my internet stops working so I'm like "GET BACK TO WORK, LAZY MEXICAN," because my internet's a fucking sp--
Alright, that is pure, unvarnished me. No filter between what I'm thinking of and what I wrote down, aside from "I am writing stuff down. What should I write next?" I decided to stop before I got banned for being offensive.
Nov 12, 2009 at 5:35 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Thank you Fabulous, I was beginning to think no one would actually do this...

*notices sig*

Ah, but mine is original, right ... ?
Nov 12, 2009 at 11:33 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Yours is awesome and it would totally make me jizz in my pants, if I were wearing any.
Anyway, my brainthoughtwordsthing is different from yours because I just typed mine, I didn't use a sheet of paper, therefore I could write faster and it was more coherent.
Nov 13, 2009 at 12:23 AM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Yeah, I noticed that. I should maybe try that some time.

And did you try following the link in my sig?

Oh, and good to see you're still more or less alive btw :)
Nov 13, 2009 at 9:49 PM
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This isn't meaningless, it's just cake. Johnny, why do you piano? This has got to BOOM. Huzzah! This is C G. I just don't understand how it's possible. Your such a Kevin. Why do all the smilies have faces? It doesn't make any AIM. I love music. It tastes like pie and worldoftext. Not sure how the Ethan where am I? This phone needs to be taken to the black key. It's an F#! You got Link! He seems to want to eat something, give him a question mark? No, you get fermada.
Mar 17, 2010 at 9:56 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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We should do this, like now.
Mar 17, 2010 at 10:01 PM
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Wow these random spoutings seem fun.
I'll do it soon. The results will be interesting.
Mar 17, 2010 at 10:26 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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oh wow look what happens when you lie down the game is annoying i keep loosing soory i am tired im not at school today because life is boring mincraft is fun sandbox sand is a grain grains are god for the body dead body chuck norris killed it twice i like ice cream look at tall that dough i want a ps3 i like turtles what the fuck i could do this forever look at me go no fullstops and i lost again damn you sam i hate it when you make me lose science is boring i dont like maths no punctuation in english over 9000! THIS IS SPARTA y too many memes i think ive gone insane and now it sounds like POW! and mario is cool beware the koopa king he is coming like the narshlops from charlie the uncorn in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonightttttttttttttt haha end
Never ever shall I do it again...
Mar 18, 2010 at 5:09 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Yo fo sho bro mo fo this is actually really fun! SWEETNESS!!! But seriously why did MS bump all these threads? Well I guess I'll find out soon, this is gonna be a fun 30 mins just like your mom, wait no she takes more like 50 hrs, OH SNAP actually I know that wasn't mcuh of a burn but you've confused me for someone who cares but I do am annoyed about certain things, ah fuck it nevermind, alright what should I ramble about now?? Hmm, that's a very interesting question. vVVvvvveerRRyyyy INNNNTerrrrestttinnggggg, and stuff like that yeah I really have no idea now you can all shut up and suck my dick, just form a huge line for a huge dick sucking party, a "rainbow party" if you will, oh but WHAT IF YOU WON'T!?!? Well, then you'll have to answer to my associate HERR KANPACHI THE EPIC FOSHO BRO SHIZZLE DIZZLE WHIZZLE!!!!! OH YEAH BITCHES, okay that's enough of that, and therefore I'm dead, but wait you don't get that joke cause it's an inside joke between me and Jack Kasprzyk, but you don't even know who that is because you've never met him wow that was really redundant wasn't it? Well, anyway, he's the guy who showed me Cave Story, so if it weren't for him I WOULDN'T BE HERE and you would all be much happier, so because of that I'll stop now.
Mar 11, 2011 at 3:07 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Tuhroni and cheese, it's what's for dinner y'all and I don't know what else, probably just some shit that would make me die in a fire, because that's totally what happens when you eat shitty food, you spontaneously burst into flame. It's so fucking racist, I don't even, what is this, the game. Penid. Never in the eternity of forever will your mom win a billion dollars for punching me in the face, 'cause I'm a mothahfuckin ninja and nobody can ever punch me in the fa-*gets punched in the face* just shut the fuck up you know what I am so fucking done with you just leave now I can't find the punctuation keys on my keyboard where the fuck are they and fuck you I know I put an apostraphe shut up and die now. AH THERE IT IS!!! I'm so glad I finally found that damn period key, I was beginning to think it had eloped to Canada with the comma key, but it looks like they're back from their honeymoon, so there. And kudos to me for using all three forms of there/their/they're correctly when I'm just typing random shit fo sho bro mo fo - the film version of course, so let's go make out effective immediately and shit it looks like that's what the comma and period are doing again my God do they ever give it a fucking rest I mean Jesus fucking Christ (aka Jesus masturbating) well at least the parenthesis are still here and not having sex, which is ironic because you'd think they'd be a much better match for each other than the comma and the period WHOA WAIT JUST A FUCKING MINUTE THERE WAS A COMMA BACK THERE, yes, the comma, is sick, of her boyfriend, the period, so she, is just going, to come here, and bitch about it, to all of you, 'cause that, is how she, r,o,l,l,s. And it looks like they finally made amends out of that shouting match. You know what? fuck this I'm done intruding on the personal lives of punctuation, it's like these people so obsessed with celebreties and shit or idk fuck you. Let's play a game; how long can I go typing like this without swearing? I don't fucking know wow I didn't last very long (that's what she said, or he rather) alright let's try again murderous rage-t he film version, of course because the film versions are always far superiour to all other verions (trolololol) penid and I don't care oh I almost said the f word there but no I didnt GUUUUUURLLL NO YOU DINT *snaps fingers ina z formation* I love doing that it's so hunky dory. Meanwhile, I japan, you killing a kitten with a pop can makes me a sad tree. Kudos if you got the reference. Wow I'm actually doing pretty well not swearing. In case you're wondering the reason I'm doing all this shit on teh frumz is cuz I needa be practicing but all the practice rooms are taken up by FUCKING NEW STUDENT AUDITION DAY oops I broke my no swearing streak, so fuck that, yeah so those godaamn fucking newfags are takin mah pracice rooms and Im all GTFO MY PRACTICE RUUM U NOO0B5 and they all you mad bro and I all fuck thisnn and take my anger out of teh cs frumz and dick around for 2 hours until symphonic band practice, and speaking of which, "Shadow of Sirius" is a beautifl piece of music and you and your friends are dead on an unrelated sidenote the end

edit: lol I didn't even notice that I used the word shit so i actually broke the no swearing streak much earlier than i realized.