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Touhou Series ~ Danmaku Shooting Games

Jul 24, 2008 at 3:31 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Well, mostly Danmaku Shooting Games :D
Or Bullet Hell, whatever you preffer.
Anyone plays except me? D:
Jul 24, 2008 at 3:59 AM
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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
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I think I've made it more than clear that I play.

Mushihime-sama and it's sequel, both on Ultra mode, are the absolute hardest danmaku games currently in existence, btw.
Jul 24, 2008 at 4:15 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Kageryushin said:
I think I've made it more than clear that I play.

I knew that you will post into this thread :D

Most of the songs in the games, are one of the best I ever heared.
Jul 24, 2008 at 4:24 AM
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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
I knew that you will post into this thread :D

Most of the songs in the games, are one of the best I ever heared.

Agreed. All of them except the ones from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil are extremely catchy.
Jul 26, 2008 at 8:13 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Kageryushin said:
Agreed. All of them except the ones from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil are extremely catchy.

Well "U.N. Owen was Her?" is awesome imo :p
Aug 23, 2008 at 2:36 AM
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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
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High levels of technology > Youkai. Both Earth and the Lunarians have proven this. Gensokyo was a bad idea to begin with: they just trapped all the youkai in one place. They're ripe for the slaughter. When the Earth finally breaks into Gensokyo, all of the youkai will either end up extinct or will retreat into the underground seen in Subterranean Animism. The only youkai that really stands a chance is Yukari, and even then everything will fall apart for her eventually, after all, VIVIT, who has beaten Reimu before, will be fighting for the human side. This is just what humanity does, and the youkai have been asking for a beat down for awhile, attacking and eating humans and all. If this wasn't their ultimate fate, then they would never have disappeared from the outside world in the first place.

I can just see this occurring in an animated movie. There's this melancholic, somber music playing in the background as you see even Yuka reduced to a pitiful mess in front of humans who aren't even thinking about what they're doing. They just sweep entire areas for youkai, weaker ones like Chen and Mystia hiding under debris, within caves, or wherever they are ensured some semblance of shelter, their eyes teary and filled with fear. Entire families of youkai are dragged out of their dwellings and slaughtered in broad daylight, people cheering as each one is brutally executed in front of one another.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion would get burned to the ground, China being shot to death beforehand. No matter how hard Sakuya tries to defend her mistress, even with her ability to momentarily stop time, she is eventually disarmed, thought of as insane for being a youkai-sympathizer and thrown into a concentration camp for people like her. Patchouli’s library is caught in the fire that destroys the mansion and she herself is shot before she can cast anything to counter the assault if she even survives the fire. The Scarlet sisters put up an immense fight, Remilia changing fate any way she can to save them both, desperately hoping for a way to escape even though she knows she and her sister are doomed, and Flandre obliterating entire armies with her ability, but both are ultimately mercilessly hunted and forced into daylight, bringing about their torturous demises.

Eientei would share a similar fate unless Kaguya can maintain her ability forever. The Lunar Rabbits will be easy prey to the superiorly equipped and trained enemies, easily mowed down in moments. Reisen is only good for sexual appeal, so it’s hard to say she won’t get raped, and though we all know Tewi is a bitch that deserves to be tortured painfully, she’s a child so a quick bullet to the head is probably the most effort that will be given to her. No matter how hard Eirin attempts to use SCIENCE to defend against the rampaging forces, people with equal or greater prowess will take the reins and smash her efforts. Kaguya, after surviving a multitude of hazards that would instantly kill anyone else, will be taken in for experimentation and will be dissected while she is still conscious tens of thousands, possibly millions of times.

Yukari frantically attempts to gather the remaining youkai in an attempt to escape, but, unfortunately, she is inevitably intercepted by the human armies. Yukari prepares to fight, but Ran takes her place, telling her to go on with the remaining youkai since she is the only one who knows where they can truly be safe. Ran fights valiantly, but as Yukari moves farther away her power weakens until she is easily incapacitated. The humans, triumphant, cut off all of her tails and rape her before ending her life.

Yukari is able to successfully hide what remains of the youkai in the underground world, saving them for years to come, and, her work completed, she can find no other alternative path for herself other than to avenge her faithful Ran. Resurfacing, she is able to easily wipe away hundreds of battalions with little effort, however, even she knows that she cannot stand against the armies for long. She continues the battle, or, rather, the massacre until a sudden twist stops her in her tracks: an army of VIVITs, powered by Saboten Energy, finally confront her and beat her down to a pulp, her final words protesting the unfairness of humanity’s atrocious acts.

I dunno, humans actually inside of Gensokyo are unlikely to make this happen, but VIVIT does indeed exist on outer-Earth, making this scenario very possible if Earth were to attempt anything. Or Yukari could hax them back into ignorance, but if it happened all over the world until all of the youkai were cornered in this one area in Japan (of course, another theory of mine says that this isn‘t the case), then who’s to say the end of all youkai can’t one day arrive?
Apr 11, 2009 at 11:17 AM
Source Splicer, 2nd Class
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Yes, I know I'm bumping an old thread, but...

Touhou- Not as of yet
(I had a chance to, considering the removed links in that one thread, but I missed the opportunity...)

Curtain Fire/Bullet Hell games- Yes, I've been trying out King Watinga Hell DX recently.

The quote that's been etched into my mind after playing this is the one said before the "level" starts...
Get ready to be SCHOOLED!
EDIT: For those who want to try KWH DX, here's the link- http://www.sendspace.com/file/o6ye7l