/* *
* Arg types:
* text:
* normal text. no verifications
* weapon:
* weapon code.
* extends num.
* will show a dropdown with weapons' names and pics
* ammo:
* extends num.
* cannot go below 0
* event:
* num.
* cannot go above 8000 or below 1
* entity:
* num.
* if I can, it will show a dropdown of all entities
* that's long term, though
* for now, it will show num input
* num:
* basic num
* shows num input
* direction:
* dropdown
* will show "Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom"
* flag:
* extends event
* equip:
* dropdown for equipment
* face:
* will show face picker (maybe?)
* graphic:
* uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh extends num for now
* illustration:
* see graphic
* item:
* will show items dropdown?
* map:
* just a num. can't go over 200
* npc:
* specific npc
* num
* sound:
* uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if I find a list of all the sounds i'll probably add it
* tile:
* extends num
* x:
* x coord - cannot go below 0
* y:
* extends x
* ticks
* extends ammo
* music
* will show drop-down showing music
* mapflag
* extends num, but max is 127
* universe
* dropdown
* 0000 for normal, 0001 for zero-G and 0002 to disallow movement.
* islandfall
* dropdown
* 0000 to have it crash and 0001 to have it stop midway