Save a life - easy guide

Aug 29, 2011 at 3:53 PM
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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You can save a life of someone very very easily with this guide. Many many die unnecesarily at the village I work only because they do not know these facts. These kind of deaths sadden me most. For example, it is possible that we could not save someone last week only because the family panicked and didn't do anything until we arrived (point 9), or many have thrombosis of deep leg veins without asking for medical help (point 1) and die from pulmary thombosis as it's complication (like my aunt did). You never know when you can save a life of a stranger or a loved one.

1) If you notice that someone's leg skin is turned red in a short time - don't think it's skin infection, visit the doctor since it can be thrombosis which possibly can be fatal.

2) Heart attack If someone is having great chest pain that he never experienced before holding his chest with hands out of pain, you can do the following until the ambulance arrives. Open the window. Give the patient 500 mg of Aspirin (if not allergic to it) TO CHEW it (not swallow it as a whole but chew), Nitrogicerin (optional, if the patient has it) under the tongue.

3) Do not heal purulent wounds all by yourself. I have seen someone who's got sepsis that way and almost died.

4) "Water (oedema) on lungs" make the patient sit and open the window, call the ambulance.

5) "Bigger" asthma attack Calm the patient down and forbid him to panic, or WALK to the ambulance by himself since many die along the way that way. Open the window, calm him, call the doctor.

6) Food goes into the airways
or improvise anything that might help. Little kid choking? Hold it upside down and shake it.

7) Poisoning- Do not make him vomit unless the ambulance says so if the patient swallowed something corrosive, unless the ambulance says otherwise. Vomitted corrosives can end-up in the trachea and than the lungs.

8) Tetanus - NOT ONLY CUTS FROM METAL CAN CAUSE IT, UNLIKE MANY BELEIVE! Often contact with earth/dirt. There was a case when somebody got tetanus when he was planting roses and got his by earth contaminated hands wounded by a torn. He ended up in the hospital.

9) If someone is collapsed and you're scared - Call for help. If he is unconscious and having no pulse do cardiac massage. Just push the chest of the person about every second. People are often too scared to do anything even if they've learned even advanced life support. You can not make his condition worse, you cannot harm him, you cannot do any wrong! Are you afraid that you'll break his ribs? Do not be! If you break some ribs - so what! It is an untrue saying, which is even shared amond some doctors "there is no good cardiac massage without broken ribs". Do not worry about anything! You do not have a clue how to push? Just push as you like, no matter how. There is a story how an old man saved his son's life only by "comically" tapping (like giving "facers") his chest. What about mouth to mouth? Do not think of it. Do not do it if you don't know how (even doctors tend to blow the air inside the esophagus instead of the trachea, making the patient to vomit, and the vomit might end up in the lungs). Cardiac massage is much more important than mouth to mouth, and it is much better to ignore "mouth to mouth" if it distracts you from cardiac massage. The significance of mouth to mouth is way way overrated I think because commercial media is fascinated by it's similarity with kissing.

10) Diabetic crysis if someone drops at the street and you learn he is having diabetes always and always give him sugar (water with sugar or any form he can take it). Never ever try to give him his insulin, that way you can kill him.

This guide is written out of love. However you must understand that I cannot guarantee for this guide or for the health of anyone. If you know a better way to help or med. personnal said otherwise do accordingly.
Aug 29, 2011 at 6:31 PM
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How can you make money being a doctor if you're just going to tell everyone how to do it
Aug 29, 2011 at 6:43 PM
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He can still do surgery, something you can't explain in a how-to youtube tutorial?
Aug 29, 2011 at 7:09 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Fair enough.

I'd like to point out that if you perform the Heimlich maneuver and you fail to dislodge whatever the person if choking on, you've just pushed all the air out of their lungs. So don't do it if you're not 100% sure it will work.
Aug 29, 2011 at 7:28 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
Fair enough.

I'd like to point out that if you perform the Heimlich maneuver and you fail to dislodge whatever the person if choking on, you've just pushed all the air out of their lungs. So don't do it if you're not 100% sure it will work.

And what do you do if the situation in your signature happens?
Aug 29, 2011 at 8:24 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Seek a medical professional immediately, they probably want in on the action.
Aug 30, 2011 at 3:02 PM
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Our non-native-English members always have interesting things to talk about :muscledoc:

What's the health care situation like in Serbia? I can't imagine the people have a lot of spare money to use for periodic check-ups or for simple medicines like painkillers or supplements, but you make it sound as though you're able to do a lot of good work and aren't constrained by too much bureaucracy.
Aug 31, 2011 at 8:34 AM
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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DoubleThink said:
I can't imagine the people have a lot of spare money to use for periodic check-ups or for simple medicines like painkillers or supplements.
Many drugs cost only 50 Serbian dinars/box, that's about 0.7 dollars (not even a dollar). These are the same drugs used in the Europen Union and the USA. A check-up at a general practitioner costs about 100 dinars, that's 1.4 dollars only (I think some pay only 0.7 dollars for that or is totally free for the poorest. The nurse knows these rules, and the patients give the money to her, so I cannot be precise). Ambulance duty for urgent cases is totally free. Hospital care isn't much more expensive either I guess even at centres which comply with European standards. Even some surgeries are free or cost-low for the poor. It might sound weird for you, but when Yugoslavia (of which Serbia was a member) was a rich country even extra benefits existed for example free surgery abroad. That is a reason why many people who have both U.S. and Serbian citizenship tend to do their surgeries and other medical affairs here. It was similar healthcare at many (former) communist countries (like Hungary) I guess (since most of the attention and support was centered to the poor working class), although Yugoslavia did not had an "east type" communism, but instead a system which was approved both by the USA and Sowiet Union (we were friends of both, actually - I think the USA and the Sowiet Union were - in a sense - competing to gain influence and friendship with Yugoslavia). We were once as rich as Portugal, it needed "skill" to damage that bad a good standing country.

aren't constrained by too much bureaucracy.
I am, mostly at perscribing drugs. There is a maximum how many boxes can I monthly perscribe from a certain medicine. If I perscribe more than it is allowed and a "control staff" sees it, I have to pay for those extra boxes. The control staff is quite strict about the more expensive drugs for example insulines and there were some doctors who had to pay even around 300$ of penalty. So I must be careful to perscribe only the ammount which is allowed (but that is mostly a reasonable quantity, so usually there is no need for more). Also there is a lot of paperwork.
Aug 31, 2011 at 9:34 AM
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trickybilly said:
I am, mostly at perscribing drugs. There is a maximum how many boxes can I monthly perscribe from a certain medicine. If I perscribe more than it is allowed and a "control staff" sees it, I have to pay for those extra boxes. The control staff is quite strict about the more expensive drugs for example insulines and there were some doctors who had to pay even around 300$ of penalty. So I must be careful to perscribe only the ammount which is allowed (but that is mostly a reasonable quantity, so usually there is no need for more). Also there is a lot of paperwork.
Huh, interesting. It sounds like there's not a lot of waste, at least. My uncle is a dentist, and he told me a story about (I think) a government program where doctors were getting payed (I think) $200 dollars for organising 'needed' dental appointments for their patients. He ended up trying to treat a guy who had depression.
Aug 31, 2011 at 4:24 PM
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My mom's a psychiatrist, so she prescribes medicine all the time. Though there's no limit.