Question on 80's band called "China"?

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Sep 6, 2016 at 10:03 AM
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Hi all, first post here. I have a question I'm hoping someone may have an answer to:

I was serving in the U.S. Navy in the 1980's. While stationed in Bremerton, WA, I bought a two-song EP cassette tape from a used record store in downtown.

I'm fairly certain the band was called China, and the first song was called something like, "Eyes in the Back of my Head", or something like that. The lyrics were: "I've got eyes, eyes in the back of my more lies, lies are better left unsaid...". I can't think of the title of the second song, but it was just as good.

I've found China on Google, and I've contacted a member in that band named Eric St. Michaels. He was the bands' lead singer in the early 1990's, and he's not familiar with that song or those lyrics.

I figure I might have the band name wrong, but I've searched the internet for years and haven't been able to find anything on this band or the song. I've had good luck twice this last year, finding an old Dare EP and an old Malice album. I thought I'd try my luck here and see if any of you folks have heard of this band, or this EP, and if you might have a source for it.

Thanks everyone!
Sep 6, 2016 at 11:18 AM
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So uh turns out our friend Cactus Guy has at least three other accounts and has been going back and editing ad searches into their various posts :critter: Fancy bot or otherwise, it's stopping now.
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