Psychic World

Jun 29, 2010 at 9:46 PM
In my body, in my head
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I'm not sure why but I liked this game when I was younger, so I've prepared a series of screenshots to show basically the entire game, spoilered for ease of viewing.

A little intro sequence breaks down the plot for you. Basically something explodes and monsters kidnap your sister.
Then if you press anything (Which you will, the intro is really slow) you make it to the title screen. I think "Reprogrammed game" means they basically ported it from MSX to Game Gear.
You start in this grassy place with a really wimpy little beam thing. One of the first powerups you get is the "+" one which makes you invincible for a short time at the cost of a little bit of ESP and since shooting doesn't consume ESP it kinda breaks the game a little bit.
After you kill the boss of the first level you for some reason appear to be in an ice cave shooting green things with fire.
Next is some kind of ruins I guess? By the time you get to here you're pretty much fully-powered, although approximately 90% of your powers are useless at any given time and some of them are useless all the time. For instance, one transports you to the start of a level and resets your health and ESP - a feat easily achieved by dying.
After the Ruins is the "FORTRESS" where you refight a few minibosses. The place is absolutely covered in lasers but it doesn't really even matter because by now your "+" power is so high you can basically have invincibility on for the entire level.
At the end of the fortress you come to the Surprise Twist Ending which I won't spoil for anyone who wants to try the game themselves. After you kill the final "boss" you partake in some kind of bizzare interactive cutscene where you kill the final final boss by bouncing around the screen as the two of you jump up in the air and then land. Finally you rescue your sister and everything is alright once again.

The concept was alright but execution was a little poor on this title, still it managed to keep me entertained for a while when I was younger. I can beat it in just a couple hours now.
Jun 29, 2010 at 9:51 PM
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That looks like a fun game. When I was a small kid it would take me a while to finish a game. But now the games that took a few weeks to finish, are done in a few hours.

I guess us gamers have some sort of "videogame puberty" :)