• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

Planning first cosplay, any help? :)

Feb 4, 2016 at 4:57 AM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
Join Date: Feb 23, 2015
Location: Toronto
Posts: 5
I thought Quote would make an awesome first cosplay considering it's relatively easy (and inexpensive) not to mention my probably obvious love for the game itself. I got a couple of questions though, specifically concerning the pants.

As of now I've got sheet metal for the cap, green fabric for the scarf, black tank top, belt, and construction boots:

- Considering Quote is a military robot, I thought the look should somewhat reflect that so cargo pants like these would be ideal except red never seems to be available.
- On the same point above, "military" styled caps like this are looking really attractive for their square shape similar to quote's art but I've yet to find anything available to me again.
- I've also asked around for opinions on a wig seeing as my hair is crazy curly but I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask what fellow Cave Story lovers for any opinions. ^^
- Lastly, any help at all would be appreciated with the 'antennas', definitely my biggest challenge until now if I end up making them.

I've been researching this for months now, I'm no professional but I'd rather not go than bring a half-attempt as long as I know I did my best! Thank you so much for reading I'd love to know what you guys have to say. :)
Feb 4, 2016 at 7:45 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Hello. Friendly neighborhood novice/semi-experienced cosplayer here!

Sounds like you're off to a pretty good start! But I will offer my advice as needed:

Ebay and Amazon are absolute musts for pretty much everything, especially wigs. For pants, just browse around for red cargo pants online. While cargo is ideal, imo I think slouchy red jeans could work just as well. Same goes for the cap. You do have a nice choice there, but I'd search around online a bit. Alternatively, you can peruse some local thrift stores, if there are any around. They can be quite a gamble, but you can find some useful stuff without breaking the bank. Who knows, maybe someone donated those embarrassing, bright red cargo pants that they wore in the 90s or some shit.

Wigs for cosplay are crucial. Using your real hair is a pain the ass, since you have to constantly style it, and it looks bad more often than not. As mentioned, you can buy cheap wigs on both amazon and ebay. They ship from China, but are pretty good quality. Never settle for things labeled "party city fun deluxe super fashion wig" that look shiny and gross. They're very poorly made. For Quote, I think this one would work best. Wigs like these tend to be long in the front, so you'll need to trim it a bit. Since you're wearing a hat though, excessive styling isn't necessary. Also, don't forget to wear a wig cap. Wigs usually come with them, but if not, you can easily find one at a drug store in the women's hair department, generally. (I have thick, curlyish hair, so I know the struggle keeping it contained)

As far as antennae and whatnot, I'd suggest:

-Getting a really cheap set of headphones from a dollar store something. Take them apart if you can so you just have the ear parts instead of the bulky band.

-Spray paint them green (I prefer Krylon brand spray paints for that type of stuff).

-Get some craft foam. I'm not too great with props, but I know a lot of cosplayers who swear by it. You can go to any arts and crafts store and get sheets of foam (along with Krylon). If you can't find green it's no big deal since you can just spray them. Just cut out the designs and hot glue them to the headphones. I personally think cutting out the main shape of the antennae, then stacking a smaller piece of foam and another would look cool.

-Reattach them on one of those thick hairbands girls wear. Make sure it's wide enough so you can get a good attachment. Then you can wear this on your head, and just put your hat on top. If the headphones are light enough, just use duct tape or hot glue. If they're on the heavy side, you might need to look into screws and anchors (which is a whole nother story and a pain in the ass).

There are alternatives though. You can pretty much find any household item to make cosplay props, so maybe you can think of something or find pointers on DIY robot parts online somewhere. I'm not creative enough D:

If you have plans for a polar star, just get a nerf gun or some cheap dollar store toy gun and spray paint that bad boy. Yakkers made a pretty cool one back in the day. If you want, I can ask him for tips.

Sorry for rambling, but I hope that helps a bit! Have fun and good luck. And post pictures if you're successful :)

Edit: Added some more info
Last edited:
Feb 6, 2016 at 6:13 AM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
Join Date: Feb 23, 2015
Location: Toronto
Posts: 5
Wow, I didn't expect this kind of response so quickly thanks so much WD!

Thrift stores have saved me countless times in the past but I seem to have run out of luck, I've gone out of my way to browse thrift stores I'm just driving by to be disappointed with those tacky Hawaiian shirts and clothes that don't fit me ahah. And thanks for the wig recommendation, found one that ships to Canada looks good.

I tried looking for the post this Yakkers may have made so I can see it but ended up finding a picture you posted of your Misery cosplay on the way and it looks amazing! Nice job on the prop, if the antennas end up half as good as that I'll be happy the instructions are great, not so much my crafts skill.

I wasn't too concerned about the polar star since I felt I can paint a cheap toy gun blue with a star and call it a day but if you still have contact with him, I really appreciate any input! :)

Thanks so much again for taking your time to read my post this was really helpful and you can definitely expect to see pictures when it's done.
Feb 6, 2016 at 12:11 PM
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I'm not going to pretend that I'm anywhere near as helpful as WD or really have anything to add. I'm just here to say that this exchange was very pleasant to see, and I'm looking forward to the results of your efforts. Good luck! :debug: