org to ptcop (pxtone) Converter [Java]

Dec 31, 2011 at 5:09 AM
In my body, in my head
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Yes! There are at least 325 threads whining about how many people want something like this so I, being the totally cool dude that I am, went and made it!


Converter V1.0.1.2
Mediafire Mirror

Converter V1.0.1.0
Mediafire Mirror

Converter V1.0.0.3
Mediafire Mirror

I selected to build it compatible for J2SE-1.4 so even if your java is old as balls it might still work. Of course I don't have a way of testing this so this is all on the good faith of my IDE. As usual, if you have problems, complaints, questions or praise, please post here. The code for this program is especially heinous, filled with magic numbers and a lack of comments, as well as hijacking the GUI code from one of my first ever java projects. So, I wont' post it unless someone explicitly asks for it.

The batch (multiple) conversion feature also checks all subfolders for .org files because I say so. The radio buttons have cat faces also because I say so.

informal changelog:
- This version won't call you a bloated doushe
- Fixed a problem where time signatures other than 4/4 didn't carry over correctly

- Loop positions should now be carried over in conversion
- Added an option to specify added time to the drum length
- Conversion runs on a seperate thread so the textbox updates in "real time"
- Fixed a bug where org files with 0 events would crash it
- Improved the information output
- Added some useless nonsense because I felt like it

- fixed a typo that caused panning to go crazy

- first release
Dec 31, 2011 at 5:10 AM
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Looping doesn't work correctly. >:[
Also the thing about drums being cut off early, but I know you know that and also that it is a very difficult fix.
I think I can still love you.

ps: pan conversion seems to be messed up (see wavecannon and electica). tends to grow louder the more leftwards it goes?
Dec 31, 2011 at 5:48 AM
In my body, in my head
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Ah yes. It appears part of the time I was multiplying the pan by 0xB, and other times I was multiplying it by 0x2B. Probably a typo, I've fixed it and issued a small update for that.

As for the looping, ah, that's something I forgot about in my haste to get this finished, along with any regard for the time signature. I'll try to figure that out a bit later when I'm not dead tired. In the meantime I guess uhh.. tweak them afterwards if you must?

And the drums, yeah. Probably can't be fixed easily just because of the different way in which the drums are handled by organya. I'd have to detect the "safe distance" that the drum note can be played before it collides with the next one. Which now that I think of it might not be all that impossible, but again, another day.
Dec 31, 2011 at 7:26 PM
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When trying to convert a large amount of files (namely 20 ORGs), the converter freezes momentarily, and shows that they are converted afterwards. (e: I tried this on another computer, except with 40 songs this time, and it currently does not seem to do anything)
Also, I tested this out for the beta song "Residents Found Vein." Some of the notes seemed a bit "off." Since I am terrible at explaining this with words, I decided to make a picture instead. Lo and behold. Something hideous.
That aside, I noticed that the songs are noticeably slower. (e: @Lace's comment below me- I forgot to mention that it was off by about 5 units. Nothing major. E: @Lace's edit below me- Ah. That explains it)
Dec 31, 2011 at 7:33 PM
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They seem the correct tempo to me.
(I tried this with a few of cheese's orgs and with traveler and azarashi)

(e: @SEBTi's edit above me - the tempo was encoded on a logarithmic scale, and the converter used a regression to figure out the right logarithm. As it wasn't a perfect regression, the tempo is going to be off by a bit, especially at the lower ones)
Dec 31, 2011 at 8:33 PM
In my body, in my head
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With regards to the picture above; sorry, that's leftover from some "creative problem solving" related to the old algorithm for converting certain values not being accurate (I added 1 to the length of every note). It's already fixed on my side, I'm going to see if I can get a few other things fixed before I push out another update.
Jan 3, 2012 at 12:30 AM
In my body, in my head
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Update to V1.0.1.0, which fixes most(?) of the bugs and adds a probably-useful feature. Enjoy!
Jan 3, 2012 at 1:45 AM
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On both versions of the converter, the conversion won't take place if I try to convert multiple files, being from as little as 5 ORGs or as large as 40 ORGs. Even if I wait, it still won't convert them. It still works on singular files though. (This was tested on the "another computer" that I mentioned in my other post, still needs to be tested on the other computer)
Jan 3, 2012 at 1:51 AM
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Somewhat off topic, but you do realize 17 is the latest version of Garrity, not 16, right?
Jan 3, 2012 at 2:05 AM
In my body, in my head
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Wedge of Cheese said:
Somewhat off topic, but you do realize 17 is the latest version of Garrity, not 16, right?

If it is then I must have lost it :0
Dec 13, 2013 at 5:39 PM
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Hey Noxid --

Sorry to dig up an old thread, but would you consider sharing the source for this tool? I'm trying to convert PTCOP files to MIDI:

Seeing how you went about writing the PTCOP format might help me shed some light on the matter.