New Year's resolutions+New Year's party

Dec 30, 2012 at 11:13 PM
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A) What are your New Year's resolutions?
B) Where will you celebrate New Year's eve?

A) My resolution is to work hard this year, which should be the first year of my specialization and do some charity.

B) Until then I have no illusions. I'll work New Year's eve so we expect some nice fellows like this guy lol.

Dec 31, 2012 at 9:22 AM
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(A): To get something for my birthday, as I get almost nothing except R100 from my grandparents and I doubt I'll get anything this year as the prices of food and stuff keep on rising. Also to not get any of my accounts hacked by a hacker (four of them were hacked three or four days ago). And also to not get punished for something stupid, but I always get punished for everything anyway, so...


(B): Nope. I don't celebrate much, as the last time I celebrated something (my 10th birthday) I got beaten up so badly that since then I hated celebrations. I even got punished because I was badly injured. My parents are horrible people. :/

Dec 31, 2012 at 11:25 AM
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-Get a job
-Get some actual projects finished

Anything extra will be frosting
Dec 31, 2012 at 12:06 PM
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(A) Start reading the entire post (I tend to not read giant posts).

(B) I don't know what I am going to do...
Dec 31, 2012 at 4:20 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I mentioned this last year in a New Year's thread, but I think we should take every moment to try and improve ourselves, not just a time of year.

Regardless, here are some goals of mine:
-Go back to the gym. I haven't been since October
-Be more creative and finish projects I start
-Find out what to do with life and whether to attend school or not
-Continue to learn about and accept others inner peace love gay shit etc etc
-Get enough money for travel
-To stop hiding
Jan 1, 2013 at 5:10 AM
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It's kinda too late to awnswer those questions, so...
Happy New Year!
(That is, in Michigan)
I'm celebrating at my grandpa's house. Flying back home tomorrow.
Jan 1, 2013 at 7:15 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Maybe sad to say, but spending my entire new year's eve on Skype with my bros was one of the best new year's I've had. I guess it's the closest we'll get to a New Year's Cavecon Party. We should do it more often, methinks
Jan 1, 2013 at 9:37 PM
Demon taming, headphone wearing, casanova
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Well I resolve to get a life. Or in other words, develop skills in areas unrelated to gaming, This includes:
1.participating in sports, soccer and baseball seem interesting.

2.becoming more social. I have about 5 friends wich is good but it is nice to have a larger circle of friends.

3.Be normal. As it happens i have asperger. And while it has not caused too many problems, it stil gives me weird characteristics (my horrible humor, lack of imagination) still asperger is something that can be worked around. and that is what i resolve to do.

Also my family does not really celebrate much, we just treat this like a normal day.
Jan 2, 2013 at 1:35 AM
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To eat more Nutella! I just tried it yesterday and it's so good, so I've really been missing out for about a year. This year is gonna be different; though, I'm gonna go through several jars each week!

Oh and also I plan to actually try to improve my cursive and to get my Summer Youth working papers. :3
Jan 2, 2013 at 1:49 AM
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but but
cursive is useless

I'm probably not resolving to do anything this year b/c I'm two for two on resolutions and can't break that streak.
Jan 2, 2013 at 2:09 AM
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I don't really believe in resolutions, simply because if you didn't have the will last year, you won't just magically have it this year...

I celebrated new year's eve at home with my brother, drank a glass of whiskey, then went to a cafe with my best friend where we had four beers (expensive ones!). Then we decided to go to some dude's place, where I acted like an asshole to this really beautiful girl. Nobody said anything lol.
Jan 2, 2013 at 2:25 AM
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WoodenRat said:
I don't really believe in resolutions, simply because if you didn't have the will last year, you won't just magically have it this year...
Same here. Making a list of the things that I'll likely never do is kinda depressing.
Jan 2, 2013 at 2:42 AM
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andwhyisit said:
Same here. Making a list of the things that I'll likely never do is kinda depressing.
Yeah, it really is...
Jan 2, 2013 at 5:23 AM
daughter of chivalry
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WoodenRat said:
, where I acted like an asshole to this really beautiful girl. Nobody said anything lol.
Oh no worries. Girls absolutely /love/ when guys treat them like shit. She will more thank likely come crawling back to you begging for you to have her.
Jan 3, 2013 at 12:33 AM
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Wild Desu said:
Oh no worries. Girls absolutely /love/ when guys treat them like shit. She will more thank likely come crawling back to you begging for you to have her.
No need for sarcasm. I messed up any chances with her a looong time ago...
Jan 3, 2013 at 12:45 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Ah I was being half serious. Some girls do like it. But yeah anyway I'm sorry that happened, bro.
Jan 6, 2013 at 2:26 AM
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Well, It's true in a way I guess...

The only thing I have left now is this picture
