New to Xak?

May 29, 2007 at 11:46 PM
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Hi! I guess this topic is guided more towards those who are just now discovering the Xak series and/or is interested in playing them one day.

I'm just curious because even though I've spent a great deal of time over many months creating new content for the Xak series section of XyZ (In a graphical way that I "hope" interests newcomers to the series or just fans of the action-rpg genre to try it out) it is only on the rare occasion that someone lets me know that they've found it, either by shooting me an email or registering at the forum.

I guess my question to you all reading this is how did you find the Xak series and what interested you enough about it to give it a try? I know that the Xak series in particular (besides Ys and Zelda) is hardly known at all, but there has to be something about it that led you here to check out the site or to read this very thread. I guess I'm just curious as to how you all found it.

What I would like to eventually do is to put together a documentary about the Xak series one day in a similar fashion to how some fans put together the 'Zelda Retrospective' series featurettes and I'd love to try and bring up some points about the series that you all found interesting enough to give the series a spin. : )

May 30, 2007 at 12:19 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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k, First I heard about Ys(year ago)...and was interested in Adol lol. But I never played it because I lost interest in it already XD(thanks to SD3 and ffv -.-;; snes games basically... -.-:; )

So then, just about 3 weeks ago, I wanted to know about Ys again. I stumble on the XyZ site. And i wanted to check the Ys section but it was coming soon...but I didnt exit the site YET. I saw a XAK section. I was what the?!! what is XAK O_O;; and then I clicked the link. I saw FRAY and was, OMG MUST PLAY THIS GAME!! Thats basically what started my love for XAK. It is great that XAK exists.

Im a new generation gamer but im also into old school games more than newer games. Personally old school games I think are the best.

yeah, and thats how I found the amazing series XAK.
May 30, 2007 at 4:34 AM
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Cool! It's great to hear that you accidently stumbled onto a old series that you ended up enjoying. I'm kind of the same way, but I grew up with old school games and even though I play a lot of new gen games I still appreciate the older series the most. : )

If you enjoyed the older version of Fray, you might be interested in playing the newer updated version that came out for the PC-Engine. It's just as good as the original, adds an extra stage and has a fairly different end boss and ending sequence.

By the way, not sure if you read it on the site but I found Xak in the order of first playing Zelda, gaining an appreciation for action-rpgs, learning about Ys from a friend of mine and then discovering Xak. If you enjoyed Xak, I'm pretty sure you'd have a field day with the Ys games as there are many of them out there to play and different versions of them to boot. Most of them have been translated as well which is always a plus given that not many of them made it outside of Japan "officially".

Hehe, unfortunately I haven't had the time to create any of the content for Ys yet, but I'm always hoping that I can get away with some development time. Though I'm in the process of adding a hell of a lot more content from various Xak collector items/books/etc to the site as well, so the Ys section may have to wait until I can get that part done. Being a college student doesn't always grant a whole lot of time for working on site projects. lol

By the way, should you ever want to get into the Ys series (which is actually a better series than Xak in the long haul) you should check out some of the Ys links over at XyZ for places like Ancient Land of Ys, Plight of the Fantranslator and the Legacy of Ys.

Also there is a section that I've been slowly putting together on all sorts of other rpgs that are classified as action-adventure-rpgs here. Again same story, I'm hoping to find some time to improve that section and add more content/information one of these days.

And, last but not least if you enjoy shooting games with exloration/rpg elements such as Metroid, you might as well check out the freeware game Cave Story which I also run a site for. This forum also serves as a community for Cave Story fans and modders.

May 30, 2007 at 2:51 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Yea, I've played cave story before...never really got into it XD...,
May 30, 2007 at 3:48 PM
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Yea, I've played cave story before...never really got into it XD...,
Hehe *Hides this from the peering eyes of the neighboring Cave Story forum. <_< , >_>. They are vicious fans afterall, with Mimiga fangs and such... lol

Oct 15, 2007 at 5:02 AM
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SkyeWelse said:
purplefinch said:
Yea, I've played cave story before...never really got into it XD...,
Hehe *Hides this from the peering eyes of the neighboring Cave Story forum. <_< , >_>. They are vicious fans afterall, with Mimiga fangs and such... lol

Mimiga fangs? How about a fully charged spur. :D