I wanted to make a sequel where the Island falls upside down into the ocean and some places get flooded
while trying to turn the maps upside down I discovered somthing interesting when you select what tileset to use for a map in sue's workshop it not only selects the pbm file but also the pxa file witch detrimines the properities of the tiles now if you've ever fooled around with changeing the tileset of a map you will know that the properities of the tiles are all screwed up & you'll probley find your self trapped withen invisible walls or falling through everything that should be solid but if you change the file names of the pbm's instead of changeing witch pbm is supposed to be used in sue's workshop you'll find that the visual tiles are all messed up but there properities remain as they should be
I found that out when I tried turning a maps pbm file upside down
Your concept reminds of a movie that came out recently which was a remake of another
movie. What was that movie called again?................. Oh yeah! Poseidon!...........Actually that seems like a good idea