Just what is the link between Quote and Curly Brace?

Apr 21, 2016 at 11:11 PM
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'K, so I've been poking my head around the forums for quite some time, and I've seen this question practically everywhere. However, regardless of which, this topic still piques my interest to this day. Just why do Quote and Curly have this iron bond of a connection? Was this pre-intended by whatever force created the scout robots, or did it take time? Perhaps Quote and Curly are of an exceedingly similar build, hence their link? What do you guys and gals think?
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Apr 21, 2016 at 11:17 PM
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Soda, they are scout robots built to destroy the demon crown and are different than all of the other robots made at the time.
Apr 21, 2016 at 11:26 PM
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OK, for one, not ONCE within my first, naive, oh-so blind as could be playthrough of Cave Story did I ever lay my eyes upon a line of text specifically stating that Quote and Curly were created with the sole intent of demolishing the Demon Crown. I remember it being said that they were indeed part of the group of scout robots sent out to destroy the Mimiga race, as stated by Jenka, but nothing more. Secondly, Soda?!? If you're going to chuck a presumably insulting nickname my way, at least enlighten me as to how I should be offended.
Apr 22, 2016 at 12:03 AM
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OK, for one, not ONCE within my first, naive, oh-so blind as could be playthrough of Cave Story did I ever lay my eyes upon a line of text specifically stating that Quote and Curly were created with the sole intent of demolishing the Demon Crown. I remember it being said that they were indeed part of the group of scout robots sent out to destroy the Mimiga race, as stated by Jenka, but nothing more.
so you haven't obtained the best ending, play it again but this time let booster fall and don't come to his aid to get the booster .8, grab the tow rope in the core room before you fight the core. and do many other things that you can just look up yourself.
Secondly, Soda?!? If you're going to chuck a presumably insulting nickname my way, at least enlighten me as to how I should be offended.
@Sora655 just says words that sound similar to the phrase "so uh," like soda and sofa.
Apr 22, 2016 at 7:32 PM
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It is explicitly stated in a bit of dialogue that Quote and Curly were sent together up to the island to destroy the demon crown, so they were probably built by the same person or organization. It is also implied that they arrived after all the other killer robots did. Your usage of the phrase "iron bond" in your opening post led me to believe that you have seen the best ending where you find this out, but your next post leads me to believe you've just made one blind run of the game, in which case you might not have seen this ending. Follow Goerge's instructions and get the best ending, and this should all make sense. If you really want be spoiled on some of the details of the best ending, then here's the information that confirms Quote and Curly are connected:
If you go for the best ending, Curly says this:
Back then, a huge number of robots were sent to this island from countries on the Earth's surface. Their target was the awesome power kept within this island... The Demon Crown. But you and I, we were different. The two of us were sent in order to destroy that power. When we got here, the island was in a shambles. The robots had torn it all to pieces... And countless Mimigas had been slaughtered... It was...terrible... Finally, one man got the Demon Crown in his possession. The robots' work was done, and the island fell silent. But that was just the beginning of the tragedy. With the crown in hand, the man turned the Mimigas into killers and began his assault on the Earth. I tried to stop him. You were there too. ..... That's...as far as I can remember. I'm pretty sure we were able to wound him. But we seemed far out of our league... Do you remember anything?
Apr 26, 2016 at 3:56 PM
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I think they were programmed to protect each other so they would survive. Instead of just attacking they would defend each other therefore saving each other health. Which is why they were sent together. I think the biggest example of this is
Curly nearly drowning herself for Quote and then Quote's immediate response to looking at her to connect her to him with the rope. and the fact that the iron bond's description of curly brace being 'The one soldier you could trust you back to' or something like that.
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