Import funny stuff from some other forum

Mar 24, 2011 at 7:34 PM
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Bill Gates in Heaven thread made me think we could import here funny stuff from other forums we visit.
Mar 25, 2011 at 2:15 PM
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
Join Date: Jul 10, 2009
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Thought I`ll spare you from this, but meh :p

Taken from Alien Arena Forums - "Best IRC convos :)" thread:
[00:24] ([GM]BR_): Someone come play tetris with me.
[00:24] ([GM]BR_):
[00:24] (Sinn): rich of me to talk with the mummerset drawl tho lol
[00:24] (stirky): ^lol
[00:24] ([VP]Roosevelt): that sounds like it could be inspiration for a lymerick
[00:25] ([VP]Roosevelt): limbrick?
[00:25] ([VP]Roosevelt): limbernick...
[00:25] ([VP]Roosevelt): whatever
[00:25] (stirky): <cockney accent in a land of micks
[00:25] (Sinn): hehe
[00:25] (Sinn): tis why i picked devon to move to - them buggers is as bad as zummersetters lol
[00:26] (Sinn): there once was a girl played tetris, who said to her teacher 'it makes me wet miss', all those colored blocks, get me thinking of c*cks, any chance we can heavily pet miss?
[00:27] ([VP]Roosevelt): lmao
[00:27] ([VP]Roosevelt): great sinn... great

PS.: I don`t support the vulgarity in the above discussion. Above is for documentary purposes only.

EDIT: Aw, soz for the 2x post
Mar 25, 2011 at 2:57 PM
graters gonna grate
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trickybilly said:
I don`t support the vulgarity in the above discussion. Above is for documentary purposes only.

Psht, you clearly don't know this community very well if you feel a need to say that :p roflmao

Also, I had a gem of a conversation on this one other forum, but the thread it's on seems to have been deleted :(. I'll try to post as much of it as I can from memory.

We were talking about Chaos Faction (a computer game) when suddenly, out of nowhere...

halokitties said:
^^ I smell pineapple! :balrog: ^^

personwhosenameidontremember1 said:
^^ I don't! ^^


personwhosenameidontremember2 said:
^^ You deserve to be dissed for that comment ^^

And dear God, can we please stop putting these ^^ in our posts?

personwhosenameidontremember1 said:
Were you talking about my comment or the other person's?

personwhosenameidontremember2 said:
I was talking to halokitties.

chaotron (me) said:
WARNING: The following post is extremely dumb. Individuals suffering from the mental illness known as "sanity" may find themselves cured of this illness.

Your mom smells pineapple, um... I mean "coconuts".

Oops, let me try that again...

^^ Your mom smells pineapple, um... I mean "coconuts". ^^

But I don't smell pineapple. I smell something much better: Icosahedron shaped pieces of cheese, which, as we all know, are the meaning of life, unless you happen to be dealing with either a math geek or a soccer player, both of whom will likely cut the corners off your icosahedron shaped pieces of cheese to demonstrate that doing so will turn them into soccer ball shaped pieces of cheese, which, as we all know, are the work of the Devil.

personwhosenameidontremember3 said:


*checks inside head*

Yep, sanity's gone.
Mar 26, 2011 at 12:58 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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dead nigger babies
Yes. That did come from another forum.

One of my old communities has a TMI thread...

Last night my bf was fapping then me, my brother, and my cousin came downstairs to watch Azumanga Daioh in the other room and we left the door open. So he had to fap to Azumanga Daioh audio. When he told me this after the fact I lmfao'd.

My cousin started to masturbate when he was 5 years old (he keeps saying it)

That just now reminded me of the time I looked through a drawer at my dad's house and found a huge dildo in there. DDDDDX

My 9YO Sis never wears panties. NEEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEEEER.

Dear Best Friend,

I love you. Our love is supposedly unconditional. However? I ask that you please refrain from telling me about your rectal bleeding and how you sustained such injuries. It's making the whole 'unconditional' part a little difficult to uphold.


When I was a six year old I was imagining things like 2 girls 1 cup. XD No help at all. I didn't even know such a thing existed, my terrible brain just went on with it. It was mostly about Bowser and Peach, I barely remember all the daydreams.

I love these gaiz