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Fullscreen Maps

Oct 9, 2011 at 7:55 PM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
Join Date: Apr 24, 2010
Posts: 8
Anyone have fullscreen maps of this game, like the ones used in guides that contain the entire area? Thanks in advance!
Oct 9, 2011 at 8:12 PM
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Oct 10, 2011 at 8:02 PM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Posts: 8
Thanks for the reply! Those maps will come in handy. Also, anyone have any sprites and artwork from the game, as well as the fonts from the game? I'm trying to make a picture guide, like the official ones you can get in stores. If anyone could help me with this that would be amazing. Also, anyone have door sprites? I need to add doors to the Plantation Map. Thanks again!
Oct 10, 2011 at 9:16 PM
In my body, in my head
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They are all in the data folder of the game. Rename extension ".pbm" to ".bmp" and open with your preferred image editing software. The font is the system font Courier New unless you're using the mac version in which case I don't know, there was a thread about that.

also http://cavestory.org/info_about.php ?
Oct 11, 2011 at 1:24 AM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
Join Date: Apr 24, 2010
Posts: 8
I don't have a data folder in the game. Does anyone else have it? (preferably sprites used in the cave story plus / wiiware versions)

Also, I am using a Mac.

Thanks again!
Oct 11, 2011 at 9:19 PM
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Are you playing Cave Story+ or the Mac port of Cave Story?

If you have the Mac port, Control-Click "Cave Story" and click "Show Package Contents." Click on "Contents," then "Resources," then "Data." The main character and other sprites are found in the data folder itself, and the rest of the NPCs are found in "Npc."

As for Cave Story+, I assume you can find the contents the same way by Control-Clicking the game, and finding the desired files the same way.

To change the *.pbm files to *.bmp files, Control-Click the .pbm, click "Get Info," and change the extension.

EDIT: For the PC version of Cave Story+, go into the Steam Folder, click on steamapps\common\cave story+\data\base for the graphics. The new graphics can be found in in the base folder, and the old graphics can be found in \ogph. END EDIT

As for Cave Story Wii, we are not allowed to distribute any of the files because of this.