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Did anyone else think that the Island was going to be the Moon?

Mar 10, 2012 at 4:52 PM
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For a good portion of the game, between the point when I learned that the game wasn't actually taking place underground and when I got to the Outer Wall, I was pretty sure that the Island was going to turn out to actually be the Moon, and that was going to be a twist, sort of like the ending to Planet of the Apes.

I thought I had picked up on all these subtle hints, too. I mean, come on. A giant floating "island" in the sky suspended there by some mysterious force, complete with rabbit folk? With all the crazy futuristic technology in the game, it made a whole lot of sense for there to be a moon colony. I was ready to ascribe the whole core thing to be a Moon origin story for this game. I've seen that type of plot point before in games like Shiren the Wanderer Wii.
(In that game, the moon is actually the Rock of Chibiki that Izanagi made to seal Izanami in Yomi by blocking the entrance to Yomi, Yomotsu Hirasaka. There are rabbit people living there, too.)

It makes me wonder whether Pixel ever actually planned for this to be the case (for the record, I accidentally typed Kikiyama there at first, heh heh. Guess I've got my doujinsoft creators mixed up.) and then he changed his mind and decided to make the Island a floating continent instead. I have a feeling he was thinking of the moon when he designed Mimigas.
Mar 10, 2012 at 11:36 PM
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I think you've played a little too much Portal 2 XD
Mar 11, 2012 at 12:01 AM
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That never occurred to me, but now that you mention it it's brilliant.

Now I want to make a mod where that's true. Everything will be the same except it's on the moon. So the only real changes will be some dialogue stuff, plus big mods to the Outer Wall and balcony. Who's with me?!
Mar 11, 2012 at 12:45 AM
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Well, it'd all be on the surface of the moon. I'd change the backgrounds, and the gameplay. Maybe either put a bubble around them or make there be no air. The gameplay would be changed.

Oh and I suppose the endings would have to be way different. Might involve a rocket instead of Kazuma's dragon.
...Or a rocket dragon. Yeah. I'll do that.
Mar 11, 2012 at 8:38 AM
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It isn't very likely, but Japanese anime&video games can have an odd, alternative look on things so cannot say you're 100% wrong.
Mar 11, 2012 at 7:06 PM
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Maybe Pixel is actually planning that, but after making the Balcony he realized that being on the surface of the Moon, the reflections would blind everything on it.
Mar 11, 2012 at 7:29 PM
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Maybe Pixel is actually planning that, but after making the Balcony he realized that being on the surface of the Moon, the reflections would blind everything on it.
:hoppy: wat
Mar 11, 2012 at 7:31 PM
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Well, it'd all be on the surface of the moon. I'd change the backgrounds, and the gameplay. Maybe either put a bubble around them or make there be no air. The gameplay would be changed.

Oh and I suppose the endings would have to be way different. Might involve a rocket instead of Kazuma's dragon.
...Or a rocket dragon. Yeah. I'll do that.

Well, what I was thinking is that most of the game would take place in a habitable lunar subterrane. The Plantation and Egg Corridor would be buildings which were built into a mountain on the moon, and the Clock Room would be carved into the side of it. Neither of them were actually built by Sakamoto's team, they were already there when they came. The Balcony would be on the mountain's summit, and would be a landing runway for rockets, including the space shuttle that is retconned from the helicopter that Sakamoto's team took to get there. The Prefab Building would be a small shack near the runway and the Doctor's laboratory (with the Throne Room, The King's Table, and Black Space), and it used to be the laboratory that Sakamoto's team and other researchers used (besides that professor who made the Egg Corridor), comparable to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.

The exit to the Egg Corridor from Egg No. 00 would be another runway at the foot of the mountain for the rocket dragons which was built by the Egg Corridor's professor rather than Sakamoto's team, with an entrance to the Little House along that runway, sort of like the Prefab Building's position on the balcony runway.

The Outer Wall would be replaced by a segment of climbing the mountain to get to the Plantation, with the Earth in the background instead of the moon, of course. There would be fans to ventilate the surface of the moon (The Moon doesn't have sufficient gravity to maintain an atmosphere on its surface, so they have to keep pumping air up to it for people to be able to breathe there) and Quote would use those to climb the mountain like in Grasstown. Don't know what to call the mountain...

Instead of the Final Cave, that door on the top of Plantation would lead to a balcony (like the one in the original Outer Wall, not the type of balcony as the original Balcony) that was on the LEFT side of the mountain, that you would have to climb up, and if you fell off you would never be seen again, so it would be more like the original Outer Wall. In the "Hidden" version of Final Cave, the level design would be different, and you would also be bombarded with meteors along the way (this bombardment would be similar to in that Sacred Grounds segment and exiting the Throne Room before that)

Quote can already jump super high. Seems like moon gravity at work.


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Mar 11, 2012 at 8:48 PM
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I have absolutely nothing to contribute to this topic, but your connections to other Japanese legends is really interesting. Especially the whole moon rabbit notion, since that is referenced a lot due to the whole "Rabbit in the Moon" thing in Japanese culture. Maybe Pixel did have it somewhat in mind.
Mar 11, 2012 at 9:55 PM
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No, I always thought it just took place underground. when it said Kazuma, Sue and all came from the surface, i thought they drilled down or something.... And then I got to the outer wall.
It's a clever suggestion. I never thought of the moon.
The first time I played CS was on the Wii, and it always stumpted me how the game was called Cave Story, yet the menu showed a picture of the sky. :p
Mar 13, 2012 at 2:14 PM
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Me too! I thought that we were on a moon until the game said floating island.... :awesomeface:
Apr 1, 2012 at 1:49 AM
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No, I actually thought it was going to be underground (in the Earth) when I first saw Cave Story.
Apr 1, 2012 at 2:27 AM
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When you were playing a story about being in caves? Underground? Go figure.
Apr 1, 2012 at 2:44 AM
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Sorry for thinking like a retard. :mad: That's just what came to mind when I read "soldier from the surface". :pignon2:
Apr 1, 2012 at 3:06 AM
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oh, I was being sarcastic, I'm pretty sure everyone thought that when they first played this game xD
you're not alone~
Apr 1, 2012 at 4:14 AM
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By big mods you mean making them rounder, right?

I don't think that the curvature of the moon is that noticeable.

I think I'm going to go drink my sorrows away now.
May 3, 2012 at 1:38 AM
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Just a suggestion, make moon dust a weapon, you just THROW THAT SHIT IN THEIR FACE, and they're all like: "Agh! MY FACE IS GETTING FRICTIONED BY DUST! THIS HURTS" and then it sticks to their lungs and suffocates them 'til they DIE.

Just my two cents.

To answer your question:
Cool idea, never would of thought of that...