Curly's Adventure remake V0.0.1.3, now with 100% less persistant exclamation mark!

Feb 7, 2015 at 1:43 AM
Mrs. Policewoman
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Well, it's been quite a while now, but I'm glad to say that I've started work on remaking Curly's Adventure.
I did a rather terrible job of it last time, but in looking back, the general plot idea I had wasn't too bad, so I've started over from scratch, and I'm done a few maps now.

I'll add screenshots when there's a bit more to the mod, but for now, I'll just upload the current version.


Special thanks to Doors for helping my hopeless self to fix the hacked title screen, and for making a better version of the music for said title screen.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free (or obligated, that works too) to post any issues/critisicm/whatever as a reply!

Changelog Added 2 new routes, fixed some things, and changed the title screen. Many other things, but I can't remember what. Changed the title screen to not look quite so "patriotic", made some small changes to the outer wall and the jail1 map (I think), changed the loading image, changed the title music to doors' modified version (thanks to him again, how many times am I going to end up thanking you here man?), added and moved some enemies, and added in the Egg No. 00 and Egg Corridor maps (I don't care what you say, the egg corridor IS possible, I had to playtest it, git gud). Fixed locations of everything on the title screen. Thanks to doors again on that. Added title screen hack. Thanks to doors and knuckles for that. Initial release of revived version, including the first versions of the first 3 areas.
Last edited:
Feb 7, 2015 at 3:38 AM
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Alright time to go crazy with this mod. Expect edits once I play the thing.

There's a weird music fade in the first map, not sure if it's intentional but it gets messed up after you pick up the tow rope anyway (it's not faded out afterward), I would suggest just not changing the music when you receive that item.


These storage crates are floating.
Also in this map when you activate the fans the message box disappears without input, or so I could see.


Okay look. LOOK. This face is hilarious and awesome.

Oh, that's it? That was shorter than I thought. I didn't explore the top part of outer wall though

Okay so this concept is rather interesting and seems to be a different take than the other "curly story" mods. I'm excited to see what you come up with for this. Keep at it.
Feb 7, 2015 at 5:58 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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Doors said:

These storage crates are floating.
Also in this map when you activate the fans the message box disappears without input, or so I can see.
I meant for it to look like the crates were attached to and jutting out of the wall, but I guess I didn't show that very well.
Maybe I'll use a different tile there.

Doors said:

Okay look. LOOK. This face is hilarious and awesome.
I can't tell if you actually like that face, or if you're being sarcastic and there's something wrong with it.

Doors said:
Oh, that's it? That was shorter than I thought. I didn't explore the top part of outer wall though
There's going to be a different route through the mod depending on whether you go up or down in the wall, but right now, there's not that much difference between each route.

Doors said:
Okay so this concept is rather interesting and seems to be a different take than the other "curly story" mods. I'm excited to see what you come up with for this. Keep at it.
duncathan said:
looking at that screenshot in sold's post you've got one hell of a background in there
It's actually just all tiles, but thanks.
Feb 8, 2015 at 8:57 AM
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Hope you make it better this time. I never played the original, but I did see the thread.
Good luck!
Feb 8, 2015 at 6:26 PM
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I played previous version of "Curly's Adventure" and I was sad, when you abandoned this mod...

But now, when you released newer version of this mod, I hope, it will be better than previous "Curly's Adventure"
Waiting for looooooongeeeeer version :D
Feb 12, 2015 at 9:31 AM
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I just played the demo.
This is interesting take on a "curly story" mod.
I can't seem to get to the top of the outer wall.
I don't think I'm really missing too much, though.
Feb 13, 2015 at 2:33 AM
Mrs. Policewoman
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knuckles5577 said:
I just played the demo.
This is interesting take on a "curly story" mod.
I can't seem to get to the top of the outer wall.
I don't think I'm really missing too much, though.

You aren't, I hadn't finished any maps past the Outer Wall anyways (not like I changed a whole lot on that map anyways).
Feb 13, 2015 at 3:31 PM
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knuckles5577 said:
I just played the demo.
This is interesting take on a "curly story" mod.
I can't seem to get to the top of the outer wall.
did you try jumping on the blue sand crocks? cause the only part of the outer wall that really requires a booster or machine gun L3 is the section of where the dragon usually is.
Feb 22, 2015 at 4:28 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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A new version is out now, so to anybody who cares about that, the OP's been updated.
Feb 22, 2015 at 10:04 PM
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Cool game, I started playing it until the Outer Wall, then I died to a Hopper. :p How come she only starts with 1 HP? The Hopper takes out 4, so it's a 1 hit KO and no weapon...
Just a suggestion. :p
Feb 22, 2015 at 10:28 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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F_Deity_Link said:
Cool game, I started playing it until the Outer Wall, then I died to a Hopper. :p How come she only starts with 1 HP? The Hopper takes out 4, so it's a 1 hit KO and no weapon...
Just a suggestion. :p

The reason you start out with only one HP is that Curly's just almost drowned, after giving Quote the air tank at the end of the Core boss fight.
I don't really think it's that hard to dodge the few hoppers there are, especially after I removed like 3/4 of them, but if you really think it's too hard, I guess I can make it easier.
Also, if you think that's hard, I can't wait 'till you see the egg corridor (which I most definately made way to hard, and will most certainly try to make at least slightly easier in the next update).
Feb 23, 2015 at 3:16 PM
World's #1 Laharl Kinnie
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Egg corridor is too hard. Volvo pls nerf.
Nov 21, 2015 at 5:22 AM
Mrs. Policewoman
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Hey y'all, I've been working on the new update for a little while now, and although I'm not really PROUD of it, I think I've got enough done for another release.
I can't remember what all I changed, so check it out to find out!
Link in OP.
Jan 18, 2016 at 12:08 AM
Mrs. Policewoman
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The link is dead, could you please fix it? This thing looksed decent... :debug:
It probably isn't even half decent, but I'll fix the link; thanks for mentioning it to me.
Jan 18, 2016 at 8:50 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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Please, I implore you, how did you make that breakable block?
I honestly don't know; how about I tell you if you send me a screenshot of what you mean?