Cave Story: Tweaked (NEW: Version 1.4!)

Jan 20, 2022 at 8:28 AM
Novice Member
"Officially Worth 1 Rupee"
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Thx for the best modification!!!
How to change language?
Russian language supported?
Jan 23, 2022 at 10:26 PM
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Thx for the best modification!!!
How to change language?
Russian language supported?

At the moment only Spanish and English are supported, with other languages coming down the pipe. However, there's no language select in game yet. This is a planned feature but I can't promise an specific date for it.
Feb 17, 2022 at 7:15 PM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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This is great so far. I really love the work done to this.

The only issues I noticed were these.

1. The blinking cursor at the end of every sentence when people talk is not a blinking cursor anymore. It's a blinking whatever is in the background block, instead of solid white.
I am assuming it is now transparent for some reason, and you can see through it instead of it being solid white. (This is just fine in the original v1.3, but is now ruined in v1.3.1 and v1.3.1.2)

2. The upscaled graphics are having some issues and look glitchy. (I prefer the original graphics, but I tried the upscaled, and they have some issues displaying properly at times, depending where you are)
(They mostly work in the original v1.3 and v1.3.1.2 after selecting upscaled graphics, then quitting and re-opening the game to refresh everything, but it's ruined in v1.3.1 even after quitting and re-opening the game)
(For some reason, trying to use upscaled graphics in v1.3.1, causes the graphic settings to get reset when restarting the game. They default back to original graphics, and protoanomaly colors)

Other than that, I love this so far and I hope that information helps with future updates and fixes.
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Mar 25, 2022 at 2:12 PM
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Thanks for reporting this! it's probably an issue with our new scripts for that room. I'll take a look.
New scripts for that room...? Did you try to fix the chako skip softlock??
Mar 26, 2022 at 12:44 AM
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New scripts for that room...? Did you try to fix the chako skip softlock??
yea. I kind of have to, since Default Booster tweaks allow players to have access to flight and perform chako skip without knowing so.
Mar 30, 2022 at 5:18 PM
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yea. I kind of have to, since Default Booster tweaks allow players to have access to flight and perform chako skip without knowing so.
Can you make a patch where it is compatible with Booster's Lab?
Jun 8, 2022 at 4:27 AM
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version 1.4, codename Confronting, is out!

Changes include:
  • Updated SDL backend to 2.0.20
  • Credits are no longer mirrored for Mirror Mode
  • Added Music and SFX volume sliders
  • Fixed map data and attributes being separate per spriteset. Now they all share the same data, making it easier to mod
  • Tweaks no longer stay active when resetting to Title Screen
  • Controller name shows up when a controller is detected in the Gamepad Bind menu
  • NOD text cursor renders properly now
  • Added Rumble support! Added Rumble toggle in the Options menu
  • Added Boss Rush! Credit to Seriousface for the original mod
  • Fixed incorrect death triggers for moving blocks in OHKO mode
Download it from doukutsuclub, here!
Jun 8, 2022 at 10:49 PM
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Nice work, ikuyo. I'm impressed with all the work you've put into this project, this is a pretty cool feature set. And cool to see you integrating this with ancient mods like Seriousface's boss rush.
Jun 12, 2022 at 12:48 AM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Really Thank you The Original Calavardo Link Does´nt work but your link REALLY REALLY THANKS
Jun 22, 2022 at 6:26 PM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Upscaled graphics are borked in 1.4, but I'm glad to see this project is still being worked on given what happened in 2020

EDIT: They only work properly in 852x480 & 1704x960 windowed modes if you boot with original graphics and toggle to upscaled, restarting with upscaled = broken backgrounds, if toggling between original and upscaled at any other screen mode then the ones mentioned above, you'll get different forms of broken sprites and backgrounds

EDIT 2: changing volume sliders doesn't stick after restart and music is way louder then SFX when trying the same % for both
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Jan 9, 2023 at 6:19 AM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Posts: 2
This is great so far. I really love the work done to this.

The only issues I noticed were these.

1. The blinking cursor at the end of every sentence when people talk is not a blinking cursor anymore. It's a blinking whatever is in the background block, instead of solid white.
I am assuming it is now transparent for some reason, and you can see through it instead of it being solid white. (This is just fine in the original v1.3, but is now ruined in v1.3.1 and v1.3.1.2)

2. The upscaled graphics are having some issues and look glitchy. (I prefer the original graphics, but I tried the upscaled, and they have some issues displaying properly at times, depending where you are)
(They mostly work in the original v1.3 and v1.3.1.2 after selecting upscaled graphics, then quitting and re-opening the game to refresh everything, but it's ruined in v1.3.1 even after quitting and re-opening the game)
(For some reason, trying to use upscaled graphics in v1.3.1, causes the graphic settings to get reset when restarting the game. They default back to original graphics, and protoanomaly colors)

Other than that, I love this so far and I hope that information helps with future updates and fixes.

Issue #1 from my previous post has finally been fixed from the looks of it.
Issue #2 is still a problem. It seems worse now, it's not just certain areas but most of the game.

This is still my favorite fork/version of the game. Please don't give up on it! You have done great so far.
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Feb 23, 2023 at 8:41 AM
Novice Member
"Officially Worth 1 Rupee"
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version 1.4, codename Confronting, is out!

Changes include:
  • Updated SDL backend to 2.0.20
  • Credits are no longer mirrored for Mirror Mode
  • Added Music and SFX volume sliders
  • Fixed map data and attributes being separate per spriteset. Now they all share the same data, making it easier to mod
  • Tweaks no longer stay active when resetting to Title Screen
  • Controller name shows up when a controller is detected in the Gamepad Bind menu
  • NOD text cursor renders properly now
  • Added Rumble support! Added Rumble toggle in the Options menu
  • Added Boss Rush! Credit to Seriousface for the original mod
  • Fixed incorrect death triggers for moving blocks in OHKO mode
Download it from doukutsuclub, here!
Idk if that's only me, but whenever I open the download link it just doesn't finish the loading. Actually, the browser just gives up during it.
Mar 8, 2024 at 11:19 PM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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There's a new 1.5. I can only speak for the Windows version at the momment ~ it's not compiled right and errors up on startup with missing glibc, SDL dlls and so on...
Mar 9, 2024 at 1:54 AM
ZYZZ Spur is the best gun because its super cool
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wait this looks sick