Cave Story Translations/Scripts/Patches

Mar 8, 2007 at 11:27 PM
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I just recently posted this to the Livejournal Doukutsu Monogatari community, but I figured I should post it here as well.

---Original Message ---
Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I last posted in the Doukutsu Monogatari communitiy. I had a few questions to ask you all.

While I was doing the recent Cave Story Tribute Site update, I recalled seeing somewhere that a Spanish translation was in the works and also seeing from Pixel's BBDS that there was interest in creating a German translation of the game as well. I guess this is mainly for the creators/translators of these projects in particular as well as to any other developments to have Cave Story translated into another language.

In order to spread the series out to other non-English speaking players and nationalities a bit more, it would be nice to have a link from the site or even host these translations/patches directly from the site. Please email me at sometime if you are interested in having your translation/patch on the Cave Story Tribute Site and thank you for your time and dedication to this game. : )

The other thing I wanted to ask was that I recently recieved an email from a would-be Cave Story player who has the unfortunate handicap in that he he visually impaired and cannot read the text in various videogames. Certain games such as Cave Story, have brighter colors and allow him to see just about everything that needs to be seen in order to play the game, however reading the text in game is too difficult to make out for him. He asked me if there was the possibility of getting English script for the game in which he could print out and use some kind of scanning software to read the words and understand what is being said in the game. I told him that I would try to get in contact with Gideon Zhi over at Aeon Genesis, but unfortunately he is either busy or a difficult man in general to reach. So I guess I'm asking that if anyone has access to the English script of the game and doesn't mind sharing it with this individual, please email me at


Mar 9, 2007 at 11:00 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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One could propably grab the script from Sue's workshop. It'd involve a lot of copying and pasting but nothing too bad I reckon. It would just take time.

I could probably get you the script, with time, if there isn't already a script to be found somewhere (Which I believe should be the case)
Also, it'd help to know how the script is supposed to look, that is, how detailed descriptions (of who, where and what is being said) are supposed to be.
Mar 9, 2007 at 11:08 PM
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Orfvar Stöhtkonung said:
One could propably grab the script from Sue's workshop. It'd involve a lot of copying and pasting but nothing too bad I reckon. It would just take time.

I could probably get you the script, with time, if there isn't already a script to be found somewhere (Which I believe should be the case)
Also, it'd help to know how the script is supposed to look, that is, how detailed descriptions (of who, where and what is being said) are supposed to be.

What do you mean? Grab the Script?
Mar 10, 2007 at 8:11 AM
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Well at this point, I believe the same sort of thing was offered by Ravenworks who explained to me that the script is there, but out of order. I guess if no one already has a script that is already in order, I and whoever else would like to help should probably go ahead and get started with the process. I've never used Sue's Workshop before since I've never had the time to learn to create my own mod, but if someone could send me whatever they can at my main email, that would be great! : )

I appreciate the help!

Mar 10, 2007 at 10:41 AM
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SkyeWelse said:
Well at this point, I believe the same sort of thing was offered by Ravenworks who explained to me that the script is there, but out of order. I guess if no one already has a script that is already in order, I and whoever else would like to help should probably go ahead and get started with the process. I've never used Sue's Workshop before since I've never had the time to learn to create my own mod, but if someone could send me whatever they can at my main email, that would be great! : )

I appreciate the help!


Still don't get what that means I think it's just my crappy english ;(
Would be way cool if you make a mod SkyeWelse, did you get the TSC, and Sue's Workshop 0.3 yet?
You should download ALL the things who are in this thread:

If you ever need help feel free to contact me :p
Mar 10, 2007 at 12:34 PM
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SkyeWelse said:
Well at this point, I believe the same sort of thing was offered by Ravenworks who explained to me that the script is there, but out of order. I guess if no one already has a script that is already in order, I and whoever else would like to help should probably go ahead and get started with the process. I've never used Sue's Workshop before since I've never had the time to learn to create my own mod, but if someone could send me whatever they can at my main email, that would be great! : )

I appreciate the help!


I'll see if I can make something, just a test to see if the format is what you're looking for, when I have the time.
There's still one problem though, like I said. How are we supposed to make clear who is talking and where they are? A script is by nature linear while many areas (like the Mimiga village) have several people and locations you can visit in whatever order you like. A person who can read in game what places are called would have no problem finding the same place in the script, since he knows what he's looking for, but this visually impaired individual would have no such point of reference. Just a whole bunch of dialogue and meaningless names.

Maybe we could add screenshots?
Mar 10, 2007 at 12:48 PM
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Well I have the feeling I'am getting ignored <_<
Mar 10, 2007 at 2:53 PM
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You're not being ignored. :p

SkyeWelse's statement could use some context - on the Livejournal community, he asked the same question he asked above in the topic post. Raven, the guy who is making Cave Story for the DS, offered to give him a copy of the script that he has (Raven was allowed to have the source code for Cave Story from Pixel in order to help him work on the DS game, but isn't allowed to give out any of it beyond stuff that wouldn't hurt, like the script). However, it is out of order and does not go in order with the game (Misery taunting Quote before fighting him could come before Balrog asking if Quote's going to fight him for the first time, for example). He needs it in order so that sight-impaired guy can use it in tandem with playing the game.
Mar 10, 2007 at 3:21 PM
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Thank you.
You guys are all talking about a "script" what do you mean with this?
Mar 10, 2007 at 3:33 PM
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Shining Phantom: When I'm talking about the "script" I mean specifically the text that is spoken through the dialogue boxes throughout the game as you play it. This included all of the conversations between minor characters and major characters as well as cutscene dialogues (such as King's assault on the Doctor). Basically whatever is spoken. This looks like it is going to be quite a daunting process to acquire the script of the game since it seems that there is not a script that is in order (in other words, area by area and scene by scene) so one would have to spend some time to put it all in some sort of order. Does this help you understand a bit about what I'm trying to accomplish? This might not actually pan out because doing this may take a lot more time than I originally anticipated. This guy who is visually impaired may just have to face the fact that there is no current English script available for him to print out and scan using is reading software to allow him to use the script while playing the game.

As for making mods and such, I've never made one and at this point I know I wouldn't have the time to begin such a project. Perhaps one day. : )

Mar 10, 2007 at 3:49 PM
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Thank you very much I'm understanding now. lol
Mar 11, 2007 at 10:18 AM
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How about changing the text and textbox color to something he can recognize?
Mar 11, 2007 at 2:17 PM
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Changing the textbox colour is easy. However, I have no idea how one would go about to alter the font, size, or colour of the text itself. I can imagine it would mess things up if one did, too.

Then there's the fact that we don't know how bad eyesight this person has. It might be worth a try though, if anyone here knows how to do it.
I've had a look at the dialogue in Sue's; the unlinearity of it and the sheer amount of text is intimidating. This could help.
Mar 11, 2007 at 2:37 PM
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Orfvar Stöhtkonung said:
Changing the textbox colour is easy. However, I have no idea how one would go about to alter the font, size, or colour of the text itself. I can imagine it would mess things up if one did, too.

Then there's the fact that we don't know how bad eyesight this person has. It might be worth a try though, if anyone here knows how to do it.
I've had a look at the dialogue in Sue's; the unlinearity of it and the sheer amount of text is intimidating. This could help.

It doesn't just changing the font could, it depends on which person does this job.
Mar 11, 2007 at 11:58 PM
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If there is a way to increase the font size or color variation, that might be something that could help. Let me know if that is a possibilty if you all have time to look into it and I'll shoot the guy an email asking him which colors show up best for him. I appreciate the effort you all have provided so far with helping out this fellow's situation. : )

Mar 12, 2007 at 1:04 AM
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We could easily give him black text on a white window - if he can see quote against black, that should work fine for him.