Oct 7, 2008 at 4:17 AM
Yup. I can run Crysis in medium mode yet Cave Story crashes my computer. And only Cave Story it seems. Is this any kind of known issue or am I the only one who experiences this?
I was able to run Cave Story before, so I have no clue why this is suddenly happening.
BIG GIANT EDIT: I fixed my problem! Turns out that the hardware acelleration for my soundcard was too much! I set it down to basic and it worked. Pepe and JTE in the mIRC helped me, so kudos to them!
I was able to run Cave Story before, so I have no clue why this is suddenly happening.
BIG GIANT EDIT: I fixed my problem! Turns out that the hardware acelleration for my soundcard was too much! I set it down to basic and it worked. Pepe and JTE in the mIRC helped me, so kudos to them!