• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

Cave story challenge

Mar 12, 2013 at 10:18 PM
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Heyo! This is my first topic here! It'll be a good one, entirely custom. So, think your excellent at Cave Story? Well, I have a challenge.
It includes some sort of backstory...
You gotta get to Hell. Ballos pissed you off for no apparent reason, and after you go get thy trusty Polar Star, the crafter goes missing.
So, you have to:
-Get to Hell.
-Hold onto your Polar Star, NO TRADING.
-Super Missiles you can use ONLY at level one.
-The Blade has no soul of King, so you can only go to level two.
-Save Curly, but you can only use a Level 3 Bubbler against Ma Pignon.
-Balfrog grew iron in his mouth, so no Fireball.
-Ironhead grows a resistance to your rockets. None of those.
-On the Hidden Cave (v2.0) you can ONLY USE Blade or Nemesis.
-Misery and The Doctor, eh. Go crazy.
-Undead Core makes you murder his "puppets". Sue goes last, Misery goes first.
-Your Life Capsules? No, not only 3 HP. You can only get 40. This goes for Hell.
Good luck! -b
Mar 12, 2013 at 10:52 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Just a suggestion,
maybe you could make this challenge a simple mod and maybe show it off on youtube?
But then again...this challenge looks too difficult for me. :critter:
Mar 12, 2013 at 11:20 PM
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I've pretty much done this since I managed a go with only the Polar Star and 20 hp. :p

But whatevs. Welcome!

And it's a pretty good first thread ^_^
Mar 12, 2013 at 11:54 PM
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Sonic, I can't mod. .n. But I tried it. And thank you Polaris! .u. I like your Gardevoir picture. :3
Mar 13, 2013 at 12:27 AM
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Koopa1998 said:
-Your Life Capsules? No, not only 3 HP. You can only get 40. This goes for Hell.
Excuse me sir but umm... the closest to 40 HP that you can get is 41...

I will have fun doing this. :D
Mar 13, 2013 at 12:40 AM
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Pardon me. If I could facepalm, I would. 41 will be fine. :D
Mar 13, 2013 at 1:34 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Interesting idea, I'll have to try it later. I might record parts of the game with those restrictions. (Sacred grounds will be a joy...)
Mar 13, 2013 at 1:52 AM
Professional Whatever
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Not gonna lie, this is probably the easiest challenge I've seen yet. You do know that there are people who've played through Hell with only 3 HP and a Bubbler, right?
Mar 13, 2013 at 2:07 AM
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Yes, I have heard.
I've seen a man go through Hell unarmed.
Ruby, if you would be so kind to give me your Youtube user name? It'd be a joy to watch that. :)

Plus, I swear I see Dr. Fetus...flipping me off in dark corners... e3e
Mar 13, 2013 at 4:57 AM
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I'm willing to try, if you make a mod xD
Mar 13, 2013 at 5:23 AM
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Well, I started to record parts of it about 2 hours ago and I just finished. It was actually very easy for the most part. (Perhaps if you checked my signature you'd find a video with one of my fastest Sacred Grounds times on MY youtube channel...) Anyway, my youtube Channel is Rubyyoshi1. I recorded the run in multiple parts, (with some failures) so I'll upload some of the more note-worthy parts. I noticed that it felt different for me to go through the game using a specific route.
A couple things to note from my run:
  • I didn't get or use the Missile Launcher at all in the run.
  • During the Ma Pignon fight, I had the Bubbler go down to level 2 (and finished the fight at level 2)
  • I found myself speeding through the game. (Kind of like a Speed Run, which I want to do sometime)
  • My route kinda changed on the dot. I had to think while I was playing, such as grabbing a Life Pot from Jenka instead of the one from the Puppy since you get a life capsule.)
  • I do a weird way of making the segments, but I didn't feel like making nice clean cuts, but it's acceptable.
  • Some parts there's sound and others there isn't. My comp doesn't like Hypercam recording sound, so I tried fooling around with the settings a bit. Later parts I just turned the sound off. (Clicks and Clacks of my Keyboard don't sound very entertaining...)
Anyway, there isn't many restrictions that makes it hard. The Life isn't too bad, Fireball against Balfrog was a bit annoying and Polar Star only is easy since you can Blade spam. (No level 3 actually makes it easier)
Mar 13, 2013 at 11:35 AM
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So, think your excellent at Cave Story?
Yes, I think my excellent at Cave Story! I think? Hold on, I'll have to call her and double check. :sue:

Well, I have a challenge.
It includes some sort of backstory...
You gotta get to Hell. Ballos pissed you off for no apparent reason, and after you go get thy trusty Polar Star, the crafter goes missing.
Ballos pissed in my cheerios? Son of a BITCH who DOES that? Well I don't need the stinking gunsmith anyway! I'll just get the machinegun from Curly, and--

-Hold onto your Polar Star, NO TRADING.
Wait did Ballos also kidnap Curly and Chaba? Damn that son of a bitch is thorough.

-Get to Hell.
Beelzebub got mad at me the last time I was down there; something about blowing up space-time and hating the music I listen to. What an asshole, right? But if you insist, I guess I could call up ol' Lucy and see if he--

Oh, wait, you mean in the game. Wait, is this a prerequisite before the challenge begins? Alright, I'll just--

-Save Curly, but you can only use a Level 3 Bubbler against Ma Pignon.
Oookay. Doesn't that make Ma Pignon easier since he's immune to the Blade and Missiles anyway? Why are you giving me a weapon ethically better than the Polar Star while simultaneously limiting me to the Polar Star?

-Super Missiles you can use ONLY at level one.
-The Blade has no soul of King, so you can only go to level two.
Wait, why are we allowed missiles at all? And if I never picked up the super-missiles and instead opted for the +100 in hell, that's perfectly fine instead? Sweet.

Also I'm pretty sure nobody ever uses the Level 3 blade outside of goofing around. I remember distinctly leveling it down off the fluff-balls outside of the Core's room so I could kill him on my min-item 3HP run. Lucky those things only do 1 damage each.

-Balfrog grew iron in his mouth, so no Fireball.
You understand most people probably disconnected the ability to fireball spam due to its floor-rolling nature and as a result used the Polar Star anyway, right? And wait, you aren't limiting missile use?

-Ironhead grows a resistance to your rockets. None of those.
This isn't a handicap, this is just me playing the game normally.

-On the Hidden Cave (v2.0) you can ONLY USE Blade or Nemesis.
This isn't a handicap, this is just me playing the game normally.

-Misery and The Doctor, eh. Go crazy.
Wait, shit. Do you mean that figuritively or litterally? Well, okay, I'll try. I mean I guess I can quickly cycle through U-D-L-R constantly on the D-pad while weapon spamming in every direction, will that suffice? Although I suppose Misery and the Doctor might think that I'm a bit of a tool if we were looking at this from the perspective of the enemies, but-- wait.

-On the Hidden Cave (v2.0) you can ONLY USE Blade or Nemesis.
Why the hell are we allowed to use the Nemesis, when it effectively trashes the entire game? The only conceivable challenge there is limiting the player to 3HP, which one can easily compensate by actively avoiding exper--

-Your Life Capsules? No, not only 3 HP. You can only get 40. This goes for Hell.

-Undead Core makes you murder his "puppets".
Mar 13, 2013 at 8:47 PM
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Okay, your a jerk and funny at the same time. XD I don't give a shit if people rag on me. .u. I just keep moving. Not foward, of course, but your opinions are valued! Thanks! :DThanks Ruby! I'll check that out after working on my terrible homework. It just irks my nerves so much...>.<
Mar 14, 2013 at 1:43 AM
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Yes yes you walk a lonely road, you're a rolling stone rolling down a mossy hill or whatever the hell
But seriously he's giving you feedback, you should know that not everyone on the Internet has a completely welcoming personality. In fact, I'd say that about a lot of the people on this site, including me. And he was just using sarcasm, it's not like he was demeaning your family or anything.
Mar 14, 2013 at 1:57 AM
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Now now, I know he was using sarcasm. I've been reading these fourms before I signed up. I've seen tons of posts like that on other websites. .-.
I'm not always fun. I can get bitchy sometimes. But not most of the time. Because I'm immune to shit. :D
But seriously, his post nearly made me shit myself over it.
Mar 14, 2013 at 9:36 PM
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Welcome to the forums :)
After seeing how Hell was beaten with only the bubbler and with 3HP in excellent time, I think this challenge is fairly easy.
Mar 14, 2013 at 11:18 PM
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Alright, thank you for telling me that! .u.-b

By the way, Lord Frisbee and Frieza should meet sometime. XD