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Cave Story: A Brand New Story (1.1, no more crashing!)

Feb 14, 2014 at 3:05 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Hi. This is the second mod I've uploaded onto the forums and I think it's a, er, decent mod.
Anyways! This mod is called "Cave Story: A Brand New Story". ...Maybe it's not a fully brand new story, it's what it was called in development and will be most likely what it's going to be called and is definitely it's current name.
There's custom music and sounds, new areas, whatever.
Anyways, please tell me what you think, if the new songs I edited should get changed, some areas need more things, ect.

Download 1.1 here!





If you see any bugs, please report them.
Feb 14, 2014 at 4:24 AM
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Well, I certainly like the direction in which his mod is headed; and good job with the demo so far, I got a good amount of enjoyment out of it.
A couple things:
- In terms of the navigation, I like how it's not very 'hand-hold-y' but it can be a bit disjointed at times. What I mean is that certain events happen before others even when they're not supposed to or aren't exactly apparent. The first time I entered the shed, (the closest door to the entrance to Mimiga Village) Curly mentioned Sandy, but considering Sandy was at on of the furthermost doors, I didn't actually meet her until after I entered the shack. So might want to switch some locations around, so that the dialogue is more contextually correct.
- Just a heads up, and really, this isn't much of a problem, but you might want to adjust the first boss battle in general a good deal. For one, it's entirely possible to just fight Igor without every triggering the Ravils in the distance, so that bogs down the fight's difficulty significantly. (Solution: Place them closer to Curly). Also, if the player runs out of ammunition in the fight they're no way to replenish it, so perhaps add some ammo refill drops from certain enemies and projectiles?
One thing confused me about this mod's story at first.

When I saw that Curly had finally finished building the house, my initial thought was that this was a sequel. Then when I visit the village, almost all the mimigas are young, so is it a prequel?

Either way, I'm looking forward to future demos for this mod, and it looks like it has some genuinely interesting potential, should the story and gameplay continue at a sufficient rate.
Good luck with this!
Feb 14, 2014 at 4:41 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Did some rigorous testing with this. Been a while since a Cave Story mod actually played really nice.
Found a lot of bugs though... Here's a list that will hopefully help you fix them.

General Bugs:
At several times, there will be an incorrect facepic, but then get's replaced with the correct one. (It usually happens within a second)
After obtaining the Slingshot, it doesn't give you the message saying that you refilled your ammo. (It does refill, just doesn't say that it does)
Curly faces the wrong way when operating the scooter.

Jukebox Area
Last 2 signs didn't play music. (Unless I didn't wait long enough)
You can jump off if you really want to...

Balcony/Prefab House Area
Checking the right-most bookcase will give you booster's note about the booster item and it's development. It also uses the "Provided if I live long enough." line.
When you enter the prefab house, you spawn up in the air as the new map doesn't have ground where you normally come in from the balcony.
When I jumped into the demon crown cutscene, I believe I ran into the pillar and hit some collision. (This also happened with the shack where you fight Igor. It's nothing major, but it feels weird to hit something when jumping)

Start Point/First Cave
In the Start point if you reload, a Curly Brace will be standing where you entered the map.
There was a little weirdness entering Mimiga Village... (Seemed off more like it)
If you return here with the door from Mimiga Village, you appear at the top before you entered the door.

Mimiga Village
Checking the top-most building will make some unreadable text (Text box never shows up) appear, and then you somehow unlock it with a key. (I didn't get the key) After this, it sends you into the Shack.
When leaving said shack, you appear behind King.
After talking to Sandaime, I found out you can ride the scooter without telling King at all. (If you go via bugged building)
When talking to Sandaime's mother, there's an akward spacing.
When you try to talk to Kanpachi, it doesn't work. (He says nothing and it's like a <END command when you interact with him)
Apparently, Jack's parents are no where to be found. (Same with King's parents)


It is possible to reach this area weaponless.
In Grasstown, you should make it so the critter doesn't see you. When enemies attack as soon as you go through a door transition, it might scare them.
After beating the enraged Mimiga in Grasstown, it gives the "Defeated Igor" message. I don't think that's supposed to be Igor.
When checking the scooter to go back to the shack, it should be the freeze command. During the choice to go back or not, it makes time run again. So if you didn't kill the critter, it'll hop around you, but do no damage.
In Grasstown, if you aren't careful, it's possible to use all of your ammo. There is the refill in Santa's house, but still... (Nearly ran out against Igor)
You can check the computer first and it has a blank text box when you had the choice.

Post-Demo Bugs
If you go back to the First Cave, you can get the flamethrower from tap. (Since this is after the demo ends, this isn't really a problem)
Bubbler has a messed up sprite in the inventory when you get it from the fireplace, but it works normally.
HUGE BUG: It is possible to get to the Graveyard and when you leave it, you get stuck in a wall; Forcing you to reset.
If you talk to Ma Pignon, you can't fight him.
Getting Arthur's Key before you get the shack key will appear as Arthur's Key in the inventory. (I believe)
Getting Arthur's Key after you get the shack key will not change a thing. (Except for getting stuck)

I took a couple pictures of some bugs if you need some reference. (Don't feel like embedding 7 separate pictures, so I'm gonna link the whole album here)

After all that bad news though, I do have some good things to say about this:
The jump eccentric parts actually bring some challenge and feel rather nice.
The killing enemies and getting health 100% of the time thing is actually really cool. (Too bad we don't see level 3 flamethrower and level 3 slingshot...)
2 Unique weapons. (Slingshot and hidden Flamethrower)
After you finish the demo, you have free exploration over what is included in the demo. (You can explore the first cave with the booster for example instead of kicking you out or leaving a black screen)
Feb 14, 2014 at 4:58 AM
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Wait...I feel like this absolutely should not be possible...
Feb 14, 2014 at 5:11 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Thanks for the feedback! I'll put Nado's and Ruby's in different spoiler boxes.

The first time I entered the shed, (the closest door to the entrance to Mimiga Village) Curly mentioned Sandy, but considering Sandy was at on of the furthermost doors, I didn't actually meet her until after I entered the shack.
What I'm getting is that the door to the Shack (which is essentially Arthur's House) is accessible before meeting Sandy? (And Sandy's a he, not a she.) Or did you mean something else?

but you might want to adjust the first boss battle in general a good deal. For one, it's entirely possible to just fight Igor without every triggering the Ravils in the distance, so that bogs down the fight's difficulty significantly
I usually run at Igor, so I'll move them closer to Curly.

Also, if the player runs out of ammunition in the fight they're no way to replenish it, so perhaps add some ammo refill drops from certain enemies and projectiles?
That is essentially impossible. I have no idea if any sort of ASM can make the enemies drop refilling items, let alone make sure they go to the slingshot. Unless this is somehow possible (it's probably just rerouting the missile ammo to fill the slingshot instead), maybe I should give atleast 100 ammo, or 125. I go along fine with 75, since I focus on Igor. According to my calculations, if you don't miss a shot you'd need a little under 50 to defeat the Ravils and Igor combined.

When I saw that Curly had finally finished building the house, my initial thought was that this was a sequel. Then when I visit the village, almost all the mimigas are young, so is it a prequel?

My friend asked this too. My answer?

Alternate timeline before Cave Story, so where it'd make sense that the Mimigas were younger but to where the ending of the 1.0 release will make sense. (This should be 0.1, oops.) Before I edited a script, Curly said "Let's go defeat Miakid" instead of "Let's go defeat the new leader", so it is a prequel in some sense.

1 ) After obtaining the Slingshot, it doesn't give you the message saying that you refilled your ammo. (It does refill, just doesn't say that it does)
2 ) Curly faces the wrong way when operating the scooter.
1 ) It just says "Health refilled"? I swear I made it say "Health and ammo refilled."

2 ) She faces the right way. Her body is towards the scooter, her head's looking down but to the other way. To me, it looks right.

1 ) Last 2 signs didn't play music. (Unless I didn't wait long enough)
2 ) You can jump off if you really want to...
This area wasn't supposed to be in the game! It was just something for me to test out the music.

1 ) The last two signs don't have anything because I don't have any custom music for those two yet. And as said, it wasn't supposed to be there!

1 ) Checking the right-most bookcase will give you booster's note about the booster item and it's development. It also uses the "Provided if I live long enough." line.
2 ) When you enter the prefab house, you spawn up in the air as the new map doesn't have ground where you normally come in from the balcony.
3 ) When I jumped into the demon crown cutscene, I believe I ran into the pillar and hit some collision. (This also happened with the shack where you fight Igor. It's nothing major, but it feels weird to hit something when jumping)
1 ) Huh. I miss that cutscene alot, though, so not a surprise for me there.

2 ) Forgot to set the new spawnpoint.

3 ) Thats <MM0, it stops you from moving and jumping away. It happens in many of Cave Story's cutscenes, too! (An example is meeting Misery in the Sand Zone.)

1 ) In the Start point if you reload, a Curly Brace will be standing where you entered the map.
1 ) I really think I shoulda used a "Disappear when flag is set" command. I didn't know CS used its own event instead of 90-99.

1 ) Checking the top-most building will make some unreadable text (Text box never shows up) appear, and then you somehow unlock it with a key. (I didn't get the key) After this, it sends you into the Shack.
2 ) When leaving said shack, you appear behind King.
3 ) After talking to Sandaime, I found out you can ride the scooter without telling King at all. (If you go via bugged building)
4) When talking to Sandaime's mother, there's an akward spacing.
5 ) When you try to talk to Kanpachi, it doesn't work. (He says nothing and it's like a <END command when you interact with him)
6 ) Apparently, Jack's parents are no where to be found. (Same with King's parents)
1 ) It's supposed to say locked. I swear I copied Mimi.tsc right...

2 ) Not supposed to happen.

3 ) Forgot the thing that makes it locked, apparently.

4 ) It's some weird problem with CS, I should fix that.

5 ) ...Might have been because CE was stupid and didnt register his event being saved, so it probably says 0.

6 ) I haven't done anything with the assembly hall, so I may just have the door locked until I do do something.

1 ) In Grasstown, you should make it so the critter doesn't see you. When enemies attack as soon as you go through a door transition, it might scare them.
2 ) After beating the enraged Mimiga in Grasstown, it gives the "Defeated Igor" message. I don't think that's supposed to be Igor.
3 ) When checking the scooter to go back to the shack, it should be the freeze command. During the choice to go back or not, it makes time run again. So if you didn't kill the critter, it'll hop around you, but do no damage.
4 ) In Grasstown, if you aren't careful, it's possible to use all of your ammo. There is the refill in Santa's house, but still... (Nearly ran out against Igor)
5 ) You can check the computer first and it has a blank text box when you had the choice.
1 ) So I should move it up a block? Okay.

2 ) Yeah, that'll get changed. Right now, it says Igor because I took the script from Egg Corridor.

3 ) That will also get changed, because I've had that happen too. It also jumps around where you are, since it uses <HMC during the cutscenes.

4 ) That's why you get 25 more ammo, so you run out less. (And it's not Santa's, its the Hideout.)

5 ) Huh?

1 ) If you go back to the First Cave, you can get the flamethrower from tap. (Since this is after the demo ends, this isn't really a problem)
2 ) Bubbler has a messed up sprite in the inventory when you get it from the fireplace, but it works normally.
3 ) HUGE BUG: It is possible to get to the Graveyard and when you leave it, you get stuck in a wall; Forcing you to reset.
4 ) If you talk to Ma Pignon, you can't fight him.
5 ) Getting Arthur's Key before you get the shack key will appear as Arthur's Key in the inventory. (I believe)
6 ) Getting Arthur's Key after you get the shack key will not change a thing. (Except for getting stuck)
1 ) That's supposed to happen! Once you get the Booster, you can get the Flamethrower. (Though now that I said that, everyone'll go get it.)

2 ) I used it's bubbles for the Slingshot's ammo. Besides... Ah, I'll just lock the Assembly Hall until I do something.

3 ) Sadly, that's a bug I thought I solved, but didn't.

4 ) It's a bug, why would you be able to fight him?

5 ) The item is the Shack Key. The game just calls it Arthur's Key in the Graveyard.

6 ) You can't get duplicates of items, so since you have the Shack Key you can't get it again.


1) Yes.

2 ) What was even funnier was before I deleted the NPCs in the Balcony room, there was TRIPLE Curly action!

3 ) Well... It's a bug.

4 ) Yep, that is a bug.

5 ) Yeah, not supposed to happen. Though if you wanted to speedrun, that could work.

6 ) If you talk to Cthulu, you get a Slingshot with 25 ammo... Yeah, that's kinda bad.

7 ) Those are rocks.

So many bugs, just one release. Well, this is why we have betas. Thanks again for the feedback, you two! Have a cookie.

@Polar: Wait until version 0.2, that will DEFINITELY not be happening.
Feb 17, 2014 at 4:39 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm just having horrible trouble right now due to a stupid glitch, so the 0.2 release will have to be delayed for who knows how long.
...Okay, hopefully it'll be out today or tomorrow.
Feb 17, 2014 at 5:36 PM
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Warps get extremely fucked up if there are any events that aren't tied up properly.

I'd suggest deleting or commenting out anything not in use and testing each door one at a time to find the "bad egg".
Feb 17, 2014 at 6:18 PM
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It's already fixed in 0.2, by having the doors locked. It's another bug that's keeping it from being released, otherwise pretty much all bugs in 0.1 should have been fixed.
Feb 17, 2014 at 9:21 PM
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Kayya said:
It's already fixed in 0.2, by having the doors locked. It's another bug that's keeping it from being released, otherwise pretty much all bugs in 0.1 should have been fixed.
Yup, all of the wrong warping bugs have been fixed. Also, I don't know when I'll have the sample ready. I might make it very basic with 2/3, but you can get the idea off of that.
Apr 6, 2014 at 4:54 AM
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I bet you all thought this mod was dead.
Well, it's not!
After someone told me to stream myself making the mod, I got inspired to actually finish it. So, obviously, I happened to finish it.


- Two new areas added
- Two new bosses added
- Some more slingshot ammo
- Fixed many bugs
- Ending! ...Yay?

Either way, I've updated the OP with the new download link.

HOWEVER, there is one MAJOR bug that I have no idea if it only affects one person or others.
If your game crashes when entering a certain room, I would like for you to PM me the error, if there is one. If it's just a "ABNS has stopped working", you obviously can't send an error report. If it keeps crashing, ask for a fixed save. The save will either be in the room before fighting the boss, or right after beating it. I'm sorry, I can't do anything for it, but this is the most I can do.
Anyways, have fun!
Apr 14, 2014 at 4:11 PM
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Hello man, well I found a bug.
When I just start to play, I am in a room with many signs, but I cant read those signs, when I click down, the music stops, and I can read it, also when I get out of the main room I cant do nothing, if I get outside of the screen, I cant move, and I cant do nothing.
Please fix that, I want to play this mod it looks cool :3
Apr 14, 2014 at 4:16 PM
tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!!
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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You have to read the sign all the way on the left I think. It worked for me.
Apr 14, 2014 at 11:04 PM
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Ok I will try it
Apr 14, 2014 at 11:55 PM
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Oh, this reminds me.
The OP didn't seem to update, so you're playing 0.1.
Which means you should definitely download 1.0.
Apr 15, 2014 at 3:13 AM
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Kayya said:
Oh, this reminds me.
The OP didn't seem to update, so you're playing 0.1.
Which means you should definitely download 1.0.
Well... That version is a lot more better than 0.1.
But, I found another bug -_-
The bug is that I cant pass the room on grass town (when a mimiga give you the room key)
The game just stops working :I
Well, for all that is pretty good the story and the gameplay (Although I find no sense on Quote desicion)

Kayya said:
Apr 15, 2014 at 3:59 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Maucho13 said:
The bug is that I cant pass the room on grass town (when a mimiga give you the room key)
The game just stops working :I
Oh, that. That's what I mean in the OP, that room crashing.
I seriously don't know why it does that, but if you want I'll send you a profile.dat that's after the boss so you can continue past the room.

(Before anyone assumes, Cave Editor shows no problems with the room except for randomly crashing. Otherwise it's fine.)
Apr 15, 2014 at 4:25 AM
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Kayya said:
Oh, that. That's what I mean in the OP, that room crashing.
I seriously don't know why it does that, but if you want I'll send you a profile.dat that's after the boss so you can continue past the room.

(Before anyone assumes, Cave Editor shows no problems with the room except for randomly crashing. Otherwise it's fine.)
Its okay ^^ I can wait until the bug its fixed, no problem.
Apr 15, 2014 at 5:55 AM
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I enjoyed your mod to the fullest.

To get through the point where the game crashes, set compatibility mode to Windows XP if you play on Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1.

Hidden text highlight (or click) to view:

Just like I did with the controversial mod "Super Street Nito", it was horrible and a time-waster.

Those who are stuck with Windows XP (where unsupported as of April 8 2014) all the time won't have any crash problems.

This is a hard find and fix, but my guess is recreating a map identical to the one which crashed should be able to fix it, that is you only link it from the preceding to the newly recreated map.
Apr 15, 2014 at 2:36 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Fluff8836 said:
I enjoyed your mod to the fullest.

To get through the point where the game crashes, set compatibility mode to Windows XP if you play on Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1.
Those who are stuck with Windows XP (where unsupported as of April 8 2014) all the time won't have any crash problems.

This is a hard find and fix, but my guess is recreating a map identical to the one which crashed should be able to fix it, that is you only link it from the preceding to the newly recreated map.
Oh, you're actually right. It seems to just be a problem with W7/8/8.1 as I'm running 8 but had it set to Windows XP compatability mode. (No wonder why my friend said it didn't crash for her...)
I'll hopefully be able to recreate the room sometime later today and, thus, fix the glitch.
Thank you so much for finding it, though!

Edit: Okay, so...
I did what Fluff said to do, by creating a new map identical to the old one.
While transferring entities over, I found something... odd. Which might have been the cause of crashing.
I'll let you look at the two screenshots I took, but if you want it in words, I think two entities got severely corrupted, and it was somehow crashing the mod on anything over XP. Why? I don't know. But it is fixed and confirmed to not crash on anything after Windows XP.
Anyways, new download in the OP.

I'm pretty sure there's no entity named "64827".
And I'm pretty sure I didn't set their Entity IDs, Event #s and Flags to those either.
(The entities on the left were fine.)
Apr 16, 2014 at 3:12 PM
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Man you are evil ;-;
The game is so hard that I almost break my computer
But that makes it funnier :D