assuming that you want to go to map 16, starting at event 94, placing the player at 100,13 which i'll call start point, use:
[load map 0016, place player at (100,13), when done, execute event 0094]
broken down:
<TRAxxxx:yyyy:zzzz:aaaa, where
xxxx = map no. (i.e. 0016 for start point, whatever)
[load map 0016]
yyyy = starting event (i.e. 0094 for event #0094 in Start Point's event script)
[load map 0016, when done, execute event 0094]
zzzz = the x co-ordinate where you want the player to start from (i.e. 0100 for 100 units to the right)
[load map 0016, place player at (100,y), when done, execute event 0094]
aaaa = the y co-ordinate where you want the player to start from (i.e. 0013 for 13 units down(? I could be wrong on this, i don't remember correctly))
[load map 0016, place player at (100,13), when done, execute event 0094]
simple enough