• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

A Quick Guide for some People

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Feb 22, 2012 at 9:02 AM
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I made this guide for some people that I introduced Cave Story to. I'd appreciate it if you didn't reply to this thread, as the guide covers everything that needs to be covered. It's really short, and I hope it didn't reveal to much of the plot.

Oh, and thanks Muffin for trying the game I suggested.


In Grasstown:
Before leaving, ensure you have Jellyfish Juice on you. Use this on the fire in the Mimiga Village Meeting Hall to receive the Bubbler.

In Sand Zone:
Also, ensure you pick up King’s Blade at the end of the Sand Zone.

In The Labyrinth:
Make sure you get the medicine and that Curly is out of the hospital before moving out of that area.
To get the chest in the hospital, go outside to the circular hub area. Jump up, and let one of the enemies hit you toward the wall, thus knocking you into a secret area above the hospital. This gets you the Arms Barrier.
At some point you will come across a chasm and a man falls from the ceiling. DO NOT check on the man. Instead, jump across the chasm using the red mark on the ground as a marker, letting you know where to jump.

After the Labyrinth:
Make sure you pick the Tow Rope in the massive Core Room. It is found among destroyed robots littered around the room. This can be done before or after the fight in this room, however, do not leave the room until after you’ve gotten the rope and used it on Curly.

In the Waterway:
The water currents will lead you past a door with some bats hanging around it. Reload the game if you skip this door. DO NOT skip this door. Jump up to it and enter. Place Curly on the bed and use search the bookshelves for a book. After reading the book, continuously check on Curly until you can pick her up again.

In the Egg Chamber?/ Outer Wall:
DO NOT accept Kazuma’s offer to fly away on the Sky Dragon.
If you’d like to get the Nemesis (a gun, that while strong at level 1, actually gets weaker as it levels up, so avoid XP), then make your way to the very bottom of the Outer Wall. Fly under and enter the door. Talk to the little people there. I’ll explain what to do next in the next section.
Search the crevasses in the Outer Wall for a hidden room by checking all the nooks and crannies of the crevasses by pressing down. If you can open the chest, you’ve done everything correctly up to this point.

In the Plantation:
Talk to the man and Curly. Go back to the Mimiga village. Use the Booster to fly back up to First Cave. Talk to the Hermit Gunsmith you stole the Polar Star from before. You will be rewarded.
Go to the Graveyard. If you wanted the Nemesis and completed the steps in the previous section, you can find the man here. Return him to his home after you’re done in the Graveyard. Next, boost up to the previously unreachable door and talk to the Mushroom. Check your inventory and read over the Mushroom Badge. Talk to the Mushroom again to get the Ma Pignon.
Go back to the Plantation and give the Ma Pignon to Curly. You will receive the Iron Bond. DO NOT GO FORTH WITHOUT THE IRON BOND.

After the fight with Undead Core:
DO NOT go to the helicopter. Instead enter the Prefab House. Welcome to Hell. Make sure you find Curly there and pick her up.
Feb 22, 2012 at 2:54 PM
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I made this guide for some people that I introduced Cave Story to. I'd appreciate it if you didn't reply to this thread, as the guide covers everything that needs to be covered. It's really short, and I hope it didn't reveal to much of the plot. [Why post it here if you know them?]

Oh, and thanks Muffin for trying the game I suggested.[See above.]

MADE FOR MUFFINQT AND OTHERS I GUESS[Caps Lock is cruise control for cool.]

In Grasstown:
Before leaving, ensure you have Jellyfish Juice on you. Use this on the fire in the Mimiga Village Meeting Hall to receive the Bubbler.[True.]

In Sand Zone:
DO NOT GET THE MACHINE GUN[Not everybody wants the Spur.]
DO NOT USE THE LIFE POT UNTIL YOU GET TO THE SACRED GROUNDS (HELL)[I see you never talked to Jenka's Puppy in the Plantation.]
Also, ensure you pick up King’s Blade at the end of the Sand Zone.[It's impossible not to.]

In The Labyrinth:
DO NOT TRADE IN ANY WEAPONS HERE[Again, not everyone wants the Spur.]
Make sure you get the medicine and that Curly is out of the hospital before moving out of that area.[Because it's totally possible to move the boulder without Curly.]
To get the chest in the hospital, go outside to the circular hub area. Jump up, and let one of the enemies hit you toward the wall, thus knocking you into a secret area above the hospital. This gets you the Arms Barrier.[True.]
At some point you will come across a chasm and a man falls from the ceiling. DO NOT check on the man. Instead, jump across the chasm using the red mark on the ground as a marker, letting you know where to jump.[True]

After the Labyrinth:
Make sure you pick the Tow Rope in the massive Core Room. It is found among destroyed robots littered around the room. This can be done before or after the fight in this room, however, do not leave the room until after you’ve gotten the rope and used it on Curly.[It is impossible to pick up the Tow Rope after the Core fight.]

In the Waterway:
The water currents will lead you past a door with some bats hanging around it. Reload the game if you skip this door. DO NOT skip this door. Jump up to it and enter. Place Curly on the bed and use search the bookshelves for a book. After reading the book, continuously check on Curly until you can pick her up again.[True.]

In the Egg Chamber?/ Outer Wall:
DO NOT accept Kazuma’s offer to fly away on the Sky Dragon.
If you’d like to get the Nemesis (a gun, that while strong at level 1, actually gets weaker as it levels up, so avoid XP), then make your way to the very bottom of the Outer Wall. Fly under and enter the door. Talk to the little people there. I’ll explain what to do next in the next section.
Search the crevasses in the Outer Wall for a hidden room by checking all the nooks and crannies of the crevasses by pressing down. If you can open the chest, you’ve done everything correctly up to this point.
In the Plantation:
Talk to the man and Curly. Go back to the Mimiga village. Use the Booster to fly back up to First Cave. Talk to the Hermit Gunsmith you stole the Polar Star from before. You will be rewarded.[Unless you don't have the Polar Star.]
Go to the Graveyard. If you wanted the Nemesis and completed the steps in the previous section,[You mean talked to the Littles? Totally completing steps.] you can find the man here. Return him to his home after you’re done in the Graveyard. Next, boost up to the previously unreachable door and talk to the Mushroom. Check your inventory and read over the Mushroom Badge. Talk to the Mushroom again to get the Ma Pignon.[Dont forget he's a boss too.]
Go back to the Plantation and give the Ma Pignon to Curly. You will receive the Iron Bond. DO NOT GO FORTH WITHOUT THE IRON BOND.[Extremely true.]

After the fight with Undead Core:
DO NOT go to the helicopter. Instead enter the Prefab House. Welcome to Hell. Make sure you find Curly there and pick her up.[Because it's totally possible to leave the first room without picking her up.]
A couple critiques on your guide, in square brackets.
EDIT: Also, you can't ask people not to reply to your thread, because it isn't the perfect guide you think it is.
Feb 22, 2012 at 3:15 PM
In my body, in my head
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I don't understand why one would make a thread if they didn't want people to reply to it. Isn't that the whole point of a forum?
If it's supposed to just be a private communication then send it in email or something. It's not like there aren't other guides available.
Feb 22, 2012 at 7:42 PM
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He Forgot To Check The Home Page. Lurk More, fractaldactyl, Lurk More.

also welcome to the forums, Noxid here is one of the admins. He'll make sure you follow the rules. by force.
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:44 PM
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and I prefer the term "gentle encouragement"
Feb 23, 2012 at 4:19 AM
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I would like to request that you put all that in spoiler tags please, because it contains numerous spoilers.
Contrary to popular belief, spoiler tags are not in fact used for nesting inside one another to hide inane images, but rather to stop something from being, you know, spoiled.
Feb 23, 2012 at 9:40 AM
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I'd like to clear a few things up. First of all, I do not know these people personally per se (it's a little complicated), and therefore, did not find it appropriate to ask for their emails. This is why I posted it here so they could view it without having to give out any personal information.

Second thing. Some critiques were made to my guide. If you didn't notice in my guide, I made this specifically for a few people. So my guide is pretty close to perfect as it includes everything they wanted. You simply assumed they didn't request the Spur, which they did. The only imperfections were the fact that I wasn't sure if you could skip the Blade or skip Curly in Hell. I just wanted to make double sure on these as I wouldn't want them to miss anything. Also, I have picked up the Tow Rope after the Core fight. So unless there has been a change to the game since I've done it, the point remains valid.

When it comes to Curly at the hospital, I played a game once where I did not ensure she left the hospital, I got to the Boulder Room, and nothing happened as she wasn't there. I had to restart my game. I was preventing this tragedy from happening to someone else.

Also, the purpose of me not mentioning that Ma Pignon was a boss was because, as said in the beginning of the guide, I wanted to reveal as little information as possible. I'm not sure about you, but I was a little surprised to see that I was fighting a mushroom, and I did not want to ruin this surprise.

As for spoilers, I did mention at the beginning of the guide that I tried to reveal as little information as possible. That being said, there is still plot revealing information. It heavily implies that there are spoilers. However, I will include the tags as I see your point.

I hope this clears a few things up.
Feb 23, 2012 at 10:59 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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Uhm, using the Life Pot and returning to Jenka to get a new one works too, right? Skilled players will be able to continue without using it until the final area (which requires a lot of heroism) and those who are unskilled aren't.

How can the boulder be moved without Curly?
How can Curly be ignored in the Sacred Grounds? I tried leaving her there, but it was impossible. Ignoring her and going through the door, Quote decides to walk back, or there's some sort of weirdness that makes a corridor of two doors, which takes Quote back, and disappears when Quote has Curly on his back.
Feb 23, 2012 at 2:52 PM
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You can't move the boulder without Curly, and you can't leave Curly in Sacred Grounds.
Feb 23, 2012 at 5:06 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Yeah, that's what I said (although I put it in my own words, so it may not make much sense at first glance). The only way for Curly to not be at the boulder OR the Sacred Grounds is by modding.
Feb 23, 2012 at 11:33 PM
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I made this guide for some people that I introduced Cave Story to. I'd appreciate it if you didn't reply to this thread, as the guide covers everything that needs to be covered. It's really short, and I hope it didn't reveal to much of the plot.

Oh, and thanks Muffin for trying the game I suggested.


In Grasstown:
Before leaving, ensure you have Jellyfish Juice on you. Use this on the fire in the Mimiga Village Meeting Hall to receive the Bubbler.

In Sand Zone:
DO NOT USE THE LIFE POT UNTIL YOU GET TO THE SACRED GROUNDS (HELL) Wrong, you can get new ones if you talk to Jenka again but you can only carry one at a time.
Also, ensure you pick up King’s Blade at the end of the Sand Zone.

In The Labyrinth:
Make sure you get the medicine and that Curly is out of the hospital before moving out of that area.
To get the chest in the hospital, go outside to the circular hub area. Jump up, and let one of the enemies hit you toward the wall, thus knocking you into a secret area above the hospital. This gets you the Arms Barrier.
At some point you will come across a chasm and Professor Booster falls from the ceiling. DO NOT talk to him. Instead, jump across the chasm using the red mark on the ground as a marker, letting you know where to jump. If you talk to him reload as taking the booster now prevents you from saving Curly and obtaining the upgraded booster later in the game.

After the Labyrinth:
Make sure you pick the Tow Rope in the massive Core Room. It is found among destroyed robots littered around the room in the bottom right. This can be done before or after the fight in this room, however, do not leave the room until after you’ve gotten the rope and used it on Curly.

In the Waterway:
The water currents will lead you past a door with some bats hanging around it. Reload the game if you skip this door. DO NOT skip this door. Jump up to it and enter. Place Curly on the bed and use search the bookshelves for a book. After reading the book, continuously check on Curly until you can pick her up again.

In the Egg Chamber?/ Outer Wall:
DO NOT accept Kazuma’s offer to fly away on the Sky Dragon. Unless you have the steam version in which there's an achievement for picking this, and you can reload after it concludes.
If you’d like to get the Nemesis (a gun, that while strong at level 1, actually gets weaker as it levels up, so avoid XP while holding it out), then make your way to the very bottom of the Outer Wall. Fly under and enter the door. Talk to the little people there. I’ll explain what to do next in the next section. Note: This removes King's Knife.
Search the crevasses in the Outer Wall for a hidden room by checking all the nooks and crannies of the crevasses by pressing down. If you can open the chest, you’ve done everything correctly up to this point.

In the Plantation:
Talk to the man and Curly. Go back to the Mimiga village. Use the Booster to fly back up to First Cave. Talk to the Hermit Gunsmith you stole the Polar Star from before. You will be rewarded.
Go to the Graveyard. If you wanted the Nemesis and completed the steps in the previous section, you can find the man here. Return him to his home after you’re done in the Graveyard. Next, boost up to the previously unreachable door and talk to the Mushroom. Check your inventory and read over the Mushroom Badge. Talk to the Mushroom again to get the Ma Pignon.
Go back to the Plantation and give the Ma Pignon to Curly. You will receive the Iron Bond. DO NOT GO FORTH WITHOUT THE IRON BOND. Avoid using the health pot after you've gotten past the wall of presses as this is the point of no return. Note: There's also an achievement on the steam version that if you don't pick-up your booster you'll get the Mimigas Hero achievement, but you'll be unable to avoid some of attacks the bosses use.

After the fight with Undead Core:
DO NOT go to the helicopter. Instead enter the Prefab House. Welcome to Hell. Make sure you find Curly there and pick her up.

I put in some fixes in bold.
Feb 24, 2012 at 12:25 AM
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Again, I made this guide for a group of people and it is specifically tailored to them. The Life Pot issue was because they did not want me to complicate things with it, and they specifically told me to make a note reminding them not to use it at all until the Sacred Grounds. Also, for the Machine Gun, Curly asks you to trade for the Machine Gun. I'm sure anyone could easily figure out that not getting the Machine Gun means you shouldn't trade for it.

I did not mention Professor Booster's name because I wanted to reveal as little information about the game as possible. They knew who Curly was before they started, so I felt I could mention her name. Because this guide is also for them to reach the best ending, as long as I say 'Do not do ____', one should realize that this would prevent them from reaching the best ending.

Also, I would think that they are smart enough to realize that the weapons can only acquire EXP while they are out, so the rule of avoiding EXP while holding the Nemesis would directly apply to this. They also already know you have to trade in the Blade for the Nemesis, so I felt no reason in putting that in there. None of them are playing the game via Steam.

It seems most of the issues you all have with this guide is that it you are assuming that the people that this guide is tailored for did not request specific things, which they did. I created the guide FOR THEM. Not for any random person, just for them. This doesn't mean that anyone cannot use it, but they have to realize that this influences the game according to the instructions I was given.

I'd also like to apologize to anyone who has felt that their time here has been wasted, and to any of the admins or moderators who have had to stick their nose in this little issue.

Thank you for your time and I hope that I have managed to shed a little more light on the current problems. Again, I ask that you try not to reply to this as there is no need to.
Feb 24, 2012 at 1:04 AM
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Understood here, fract. Guys, this is for these people that asked him to write it like this. It is good enough for him/them, so he doesn't need anything new. As long as they're happy, leave them happy. BTW 100th post! :)
Feb 24, 2012 at 2:02 AM
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Just explain to me one thing. Why is it so hard to give this to these people individually or privately? Give me a legitimate reason, and I will leave this thread and never come back.
Feb 24, 2012 at 2:13 AM
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Not to defend him or his reasons, but he said he didn't know them well, and would feel awkward asking for their e-mail.
Feb 24, 2012 at 2:22 AM
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You can still go down if you go straight down when using the Booster 2.0. But even without any Booster, I was still able to get down to the bottom without being crushed by the Presses
Feb 24, 2012 at 3:31 AM
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My reason is that one of the people mentioned in the OP, Muffinqt, is professional gamer. While I do not know him personally, I avidly participate in discussions in his IRC channel while he streams. I suggested Cave Story to him, adding I would make him a guide, and he said he'd try it. The other people are also members of his IRC channel that I do not know personally.

Thank Lord Shadow for being able to see my logic.

I'd also appreciate it the "point of no return" discussion was taken elsewhere. This thread was only meant to have one post, and a few misunderstanding have led to it being bigger than need be. Please do not make this more of an issue.
Feb 24, 2012 at 3:35 AM
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how about I just do everyone a favour here and let this have a little rest
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