not a mod

  1. kurosurintomasu

    MSPFA - Cave Story: Retold

    Also known as CS: Retold DX, Cave Story: Retold is my take on a semi-comedic Cave Story sprite comic, with major, MAJOR hints of Homestuck, and is a rework/retread of my prior attempt at this sort of thing. Canon is merely a suggestion. The timeline has shifted significantly. The android has...
  2. TUgly


    so... quote is a woman?? (I see this because quote's hair is too long on cs+ if you see an black image you se he (or her) long hair) now dont say me WAW TUlgy NEVER PELEAD CUV stURI GHE NEVA SEE QUOTA IA FREWAR ND PLUZ HE SEE VIDROS oN YOUTOBO anD NOVOR PLAIAD KURO BLOSToR TIS GaY SUCS lol...