big theory

  1. Jade

    CS community meta discussion

    Edit 3 This thread is for discussing the state of the Cave Story community and coming up with solutions to help it. Nicalis is not doing a good job at keeping this game relevant and we shouldn't expect them to any time soon. If you want to see more CS I think we need to take steps to ensure...
  2. TUgly


    so... quote is a woman?? (I see this because quote's hair is too long on cs+ if you see an black image you se he (or her) long hair) now dont say me WAW TUlgy NEVER PELEAD CUV stURI GHE NEVA SEE QUOTA IA FREWAR ND PLUZ HE SEE VIDROS oN YOUTOBO anD NOVOR PLAIAD KURO BLOSToR TIS GaY SUCS lol...