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Search results

  1. Wisery

    First video games you've had/played?

    I guess it was Warcraft III. The one I got. But the one I played first may be Diablo II.
  2. Wisery

    Mods general discussion

    I don't think I have the talent or the time sadly...
  3. Wisery

    Mods general discussion

    I really wanna see some more prequel or sequel mods.
  4. Wisery

    Cave Story Online

    Wait Cave Story multiplayer is a thing? Gotta look deeper into that.
  5. Wisery

    Mimiga's Adventure: Elements' Awakening (DEMO v1.2.2.0!)

    This looks ver interesting and original. Definetely going to try it out!
  6. Wisery

    General Anime Discussion Thread

    Vinland Saga? Have you red the manga? I hesitate to watch animes of master works such as Berserk and Vinland Saga. Is it better compared to the manga? If yes, in what way?
  7. Wisery

    General Anime Discussion Thread

    Still waiting for a decent Berserk adaptation. Not like the first one wasn't good, but it lacked a lot.
  8. Wisery

    Cave Story's Future

    It is certain that we will never see a new Cave Story game. However, we've all been saying this over the years. And then all of a sudden Secret Santa came out, which I enjoyed pretty much mostly because of nostalgia. But come on, Secret Santa was a pretty fun ride. Fun mini-game with good art...
  9. Wisery


    Aight i'm hyped for this.
  10. Wisery

    Artwork and Stuff

    Never seen the anime but looks really good. Loved the colors!
  11. Wisery

    Cave Story FanArt

    I think it looks really good. Which software do you use, if you don't mind me asking?
  12. Wisery


    Looks good. Looking forward to this.
  13. Wisery

    Hat Thief ~ Hahttou Thifuu

    Ah, really enjoyed it. Good work!
  14. Wisery


  15. Wisery

    ...that is your opinion.

    ...that is your opinion.
  16. Wisery

    Jenka Dating Simulator...is this the yaoi one or...not yaoi one ?

    Jenka Dating Simulator...is this the yaoi one or...not yaoi one ?
  17. Wisery

    Mods general discussion

    I see. Well I don't remember asking anyone to create a mod for me but still, thanks !
  18. Wisery

    Mods general discussion

    Don't we need some Cave Story Dating Sim now ? Who doesn't wanna have some good time with Sue or Curly ? Or Kakeru ? Not Chako. She nasty. Seriously. I don't understand how this modding works but I would be glad if there's a this kinda mod somewhere.
  19. Wisery

    Don't we need some Cave Story Dating Sim now ? Who doesn't wanna have some good time with Sue or...

    Don't we need some Cave Story Dating Sim now ? Who doesn't wanna have some good time with Sue or Curly ? Or Kakeru ? Not Chako. She nasty.
  20. Wisery

    Curly Story~Reimagined

    Curly Story ? I'm hyped ! I will give some feedback after ı play it. Thanks for your effort.
  21. Wisery

    Pervert from the surface

    Pervert from the surface
  22. Wisery


    The link for the mod doesn't work. Is it deleted ? When can I download it?