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  1. Solid One

    Help porting PT-BR translation to Cave Story+

    Tested it just now. It didn't worked. Although the game recognized the modified file just fine, accents showed in blank, as if it were ignored by the game. Tried exporting FNT in different encodings, such as unicode and ANSI. But no luck. Guess porting that translation will be a much harder...
  2. Solid One

    Help porting PT-BR translation to Cave Story+

    Interesting. Thanks for the link above. I found out that there's a software called BMFont on that link, and this software is able to convert TTF fonts to FNT + PNG. The syntax of the file is very similar to the original files. Fiddling with BMFont, I was able to generate an almost identical...
  3. Solid One

    Help porting PT-BR translation to Cave Story+

    Unfortunately, Cave Story Plus makes use of another font mechanism. I know that original Cave Story from 2004 uses a Windows TTF font for rendering texts (probably Courier New), and since that font has all accents, it works. However, on CS+, the font seems to be divided in two files...
  4. Solid One

    Help porting PT-BR translation to Cave Story+

    Hello guys. My name is Leonardo and my nickname is Solid One. I'm a brazilian romhacker focused on translating games to brazilian portuguese. Recently I discovered Cave Story, firstly on my raspberry and later on my Nintendo 3DS with Cave Story 3D. It's a great game, with interesting plot and...