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  1. T

    Cave story manga

    This would be hobby, so no rush. Would be nice, if you start writing story. and then, someone, who have time, start writing lines for characters and whats happening. Then i can start working with characters. Yeah, i mean, that i have bad grammar, so i dont even try to speak good english... i...
  2. T

    Cave story manga I think, i start to draw cavestory manga, but i dont want to do it alone, because my english sucks and i want it to be flawless. If i get someone, who will write story for it, Build my images in pages, Create bagrounds and edit stuff, it could work. Im...
  3. T

    Thundertimi's music

    Im using FL studio 8
  4. T

    Thundertimi's music

    Hello! I am Thundertimi, and i make video game music out of old games like Sonic the hedgehog and Ristar. Because i love CaveStory, i decided to make Cavestory remixes. I have only this for now, but in future, i have time to make new remixes. Enjoy!