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Search results

  1. apis

    King: Strife and Sacrifice (AKA King's Story)

    I'm here still waiting for the new release since 2014
  2. apis

    for map editing, im more comfortable with ce because it has bigger window. not docked into the...

    for map editing, im more comfortable with ce because it has bigger window. not docked into the main window. would you add this ability to bl?
  3. apis

    What do YOU think of Fidget Spinners

    "What do YOU think of Fidget Spinners" It's a thing that will be forgotten in 2018
  4. apis

    sometimes, cave editor can do something more easily

    sometimes, cave editor can do something more easily
  5. apis

    Booster's Lab - It's Pretty Good Now

    Png files has smaller size and have alpha/transparancy values. Cave Story would be more fancier if it support png images. (but that will never happen :droll:) --- How does "new" button in Booster Lab works exactly?
  6. apis

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Thanks! It's very easy to use :3 Replacing the graphics doesn't change it's behaviour. I want something cool like a gun that shots fireball repeatly and auto-reload it (machine gun+fireball) without needing advanced hacks. So, just replacing the the bullet to another gun seems more easier. E...
  7. apis

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I'm not an expert at assembly hacking but know a bit about it and also OllyDebug. I just need some time to understand what is happening on the code. :mahin:
  8. apis

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    How to make a weapon shot another weapon's bullet? For example, the machine gun will shot polar star bullets or bubbler that shots fireballs
  9. apis

    Show us your desktop

    oh yeah, the resolution is 2560x1440. umm.. that is a very big screen. I never used a monitor that is larger than 1366x768 :/
  10. apis


  11. apis

    Show us your desktop

    just wanna know, what is the resolution of your display?
  12. apis

    Show us your desktop

    Here is my desktop, with my favorite hero from Overwatch
  13. apis

    Oh, and I also have Wind Story, it is a modification of Cave Story +, not original Cave Story...

    Oh, and I also have Wind Story, it is a modification of Cave Story +, not original Cave Story. So, I don't think is it okay to post it. :\
  14. apis

    I just see your amazing mod archive list, and I found Thanksgiving Story on my computer, one of...

    I just see your amazing mod archive list, and I found Thanksgiving Story on my computer, one of the unavailabe mod from the list. https://www.mediafire.com/file/x5i2ac5fk4afwwd/Thanksgiving%20Story.zip
  15. apis

    Thanks for helping! I have my old account back now :) How about that account?

    Thanks for helping! I have my old account back now :) How about that account?
  16. apis

    Show off your org music...

    I have chance 1/3 to go back to this forum - or go away forever
  17. apis

    Show off your org music...

    There is 3 files in your download link, I've downloaded all these files. I like Sixty, it has nice and good sounds. Ninja's delight... Do i ever hear it? :confused: Anyways, Raining River 2 Unnaturally
  18. apis

    Show off your org music...

    Last Stand (OrgMaker 2.1.0 drums) Green Forest
  19. apis

    Show off your org music...

    Hot Wings (I Wanna Party) - From Rio soundtrack. A failed music transcribe. But it have a nice drums. :)
  20. apis

    Hello Penguin Remake

    I hate big files
  21. apis

    Hello Penguin Remake

    Oh, thank you andwhyisit! Should i replace it with original download?
  22. apis


  23. apis

    Hello Penguin Remake

    I've been rechecked it, and works perfectly. Maybe your Windows 8 is the problem. I run this on Windows 7.
  24. apis

    Hello Penguin Remake

    Hm... What is it? argh, i can get heart attack, dealing with 2 masters at same time. :toroko2:
  25. apis

    A really short mod.

    Best mod ever. This mod shows us how a real game is.