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Search results

  1. FDeityLink

    The Cave Story flash drives sold out; feels like it's the end of an era b/c those are the whole...

    The Cave Story flash drives sold out; feels like it's the end of an era b/c those are the whole reason I joined these forums in the first place.
  2. FDeityLink


  3. FDeityLink

    Fun fact about CS3D

    How do we know it's running the freeware and not CS+ under the hood? edit nvm I'm a dumbass, I see from the second image in the OP
  4. FDeityLink

    i was wondering how do i put cave story in html5

    Huh weird. Never dropped below 49 fps for me. Running on a 5600X and 3060 Ti though.
  5. FDeityLink

    i was wondering how do i put cave story in html5

    There is an Emscripten port based on CSE2. Unfortunately that was subject to DMCA takedown, so while the game is still up, you can't look at the repo.
  6. FDeityLink

    This also reminds me of when I played CS3D (my introduction to Cave Story), got to the Outer...

    This also reminds me of when I played CS3D (my introduction to Cave Story), got to the Outer Wall, and didn't realize I was supposed to climb up. I never progressed further on that game. That's not on Pixel though; I'm just a dumbass.
  7. FDeityLink

    Yeah I'm curious how people first realized that the Best Ending exists and how to do it. I only...

    Yeah I'm curious how people first realized that the Best Ending exists and how to do it. I only knew from guides. I know there's the hint in the little room before the Doctor fight and the red line in Labyrinth but that feels real minimal.
  8. FDeityLink

    @Hina I had made it all the way to Outer Wall and when I couldn't get the counter is when I...

    @Hina I had made it all the way to Outer Wall and when I couldn't get the counter is when I realized. Thank god for save editors. And my fuckup was not taking Curly with me out of the cabin. I thought you were supposed to leave her on the bed.
  9. FDeityLink

    FML I fucked up the best ending in waterway cabin after not playing this game in years.

    FML I fucked up the best ending in waterway cabin after not playing this game in years.
  10. FDeityLink

    10 years

    Haven't been on these forums in a long time but I started lurking a little bit recently. It always gives me pause when I see that some of the people who used to be super active were last online a few years ago. But I'm glad to see that some of the old regulars are still around and that some of...
  11. FDeityLink

    Cave Story USB Drives

    I'm necrobumping this thread hard but for anyone still interested, they did eventually release them. $20 for a 16 GB plastic gun to take down Ballos with. Unfortunately, despite what was originally indicated, they seem to be completely blank (the store page does not mention them having copies of...
  12. FDeityLink

    I hereby declare October 29 to be International Noxid Is A Sexy Beast Day

    Congratulations to His Royal Sexiness Noxid on another successfully sexy year! May the next year be even sexier than the last!
  13. FDeityLink


  14. FDeityLink

    Pretty sure Andwhy is the one to update stuff like that. And he lives in Australia so it's...

    Pretty sure Andwhy is the one to update stuff like that. And he lives in Australia so it's probably a timezone thing.
  15. FDeityLink

    Good to see you again!

    Good to see you again!
  16. FDeityLink

    Kero Blaster Physical

    Yeah. I luckily managed to get one at ~3 PM EST yesterday
  17. FDeityLink

    Booster's Lab - It's Pretty Good Now

    You should probably put questions like these in the Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread Anyway, the Curly AI only works for shooting at enemies that were in the Labyrinth
  18. FDeityLink

    I do have a copy. I assume you no longer need me to send it?

    I do have a copy. I assume you no longer need me to send it?
  19. FDeityLink

    Do you have a Steam account or some other platform through which I can give you the link? I'd...

    Do you have a Steam account or some other platform through which I can give you the link? I'd rather not post it completely publicly, and because you haven't accumulated a high enough post count, I can't DM you here.
  20. FDeityLink

    Have you considered free hosting options? You'd need a different domain. There's x10hosting...

    Have you considered free hosting options? You'd need a different domain. There's x10hosting (https://x10hosting.com/), which is okay. I personally use GitHub pages (https://pages.github.com)
  21. FDeityLink

    CSTSF Modding Competition 2017 - Submission and Discussion Thread

    I looked at the EXEs he posted (well I only looked at the 50fps one but I assume 60fps has the same conditions) and it looks like he opened those in BL so they have the necessary section for mapdata so BL users should be fine. edit: looks like zxin posted a split second before me
  22. FDeityLink

    CSTSF Modding Competition 2017 - Submission and Discussion Thread

    I don't even mod much or participate in these contests, but it's pretty clear that the requirement for the EXE to be absolutely unmodified puts too much of a damper (and an unnecessary one at that) on creativity and what you can do. It forces unnecessary complexity as modders would need to find...
  23. FDeityLink

    why not

    why not
  24. FDeityLink

    No problem. I should also mention this GItHub repo, which is how I initially found the source...

    No problem. I should also mention this GItHub repo, which is how I initially found the source. It's a pxtone player for Linux and Mac https://github.com/stkchp/pxtnplay
  25. FDeityLink

    Pixel hosts the pxtone code online so it might be worth rehosting or linking to on either the...

    Pixel hosts the pxtone code online so it might be worth rehosting or linking to on either the Music Tools page or the pxtone Collage page under Pixels' Works. I'm not sure if it's the full pxtone Collage suite or just a basic pxtone library though. http://pxtone.org/developer/