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  1. thajaro

    Single level: Hell's legion

    is there infinite butes, or has anyone beaten this mod? (destroyed all butes)
  2. thajaro

    About the Tribute Sites Forum

    you're sure? thanks, i'm taking Japanese in school but I know very little kanji
  3. thajaro

    Cave Story: The Album - A Collection of Remixes

    has anyone been seeding this/ could you post it on mediafire, etc.?
  4. thajaro

    Hard Playthrough

    someone should make this thread a sticky-it's kind of annoying to see a new person asking how to get to hell practically every time you log on.
  5. thajaro

    Any Way To Make Cave Story Not Lag Or Not So Laggy When Recording?

    it's free, i have it too. you can get it here:
  6. thajaro

    About the Tribute Sites Forum

    does anyone know what the kanji at the top of the CS style means? i know the last one is "go" which means language/writing. i'm guessing it just means tribute site forums.
  7. thajaro

    Best Boss

    I agree, Ballos and first core fight are EPIC
  8. thajaro

    WTF story demo v 0.504

    the neck in the facepic looks too thin, and maybe you could shift the entire head one space left, but other wise it looks great!
  9. thajaro

    WTF story demo v 0.504

    I still can't beat the very annoying tetris level, could you make it easier or post a video on how to beat it?? Edit: Ok, got past the first tetris level, but I'm stuck on the falling blocks part. I mean, you said chapter 2 would be hard but you could at least make it so that anybody who hasn't...
  10. thajaro

    Best Boss

    Funnest: Misery/Miza, because she was a lot easier than I expected Most Annoying: Heavy Press after you've played through Hell +100 times and havent beaten him
  11. thajaro

    Cave Story: The Prequel, The Remake, and The Sequel.

    Okay, since I'm still a newbie and can't pm, I'm just going to post my ideas here. Idea for Prequel: Think back to the messages that popped up in Hell (Did you know that Jenka...) "Under the extreme cruelty of the torture, Ballos's magical abilities finally ran wild. The king was engulfed in...
  12. thajaro

    Cave Story: The Prequel, The Remake, and The Sequel.

    I have a couple of ideas relating to this...can i pm you about them?