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  1. brutalnate

    Cemetery Edit

    I edited and added some extra atmosphereic effects to the cemetary (Wii) track. Link:
  2. brutalnate

    why would you buy it

    Now i know i have cs+ but that was part of the hib4 which i got as a gift. Say that you already have the normal cave story why would you buy it think about it and dont say it has more features or something like that, who knows maybe the money doesnt even go to pixel himself (or very little at...
  3. brutalnate

    What do you LIKE about cave story (like is the keyword) No spoilers to me

    Now lets start over okay my name is nate (obviously). So anyways what do you like about the game.
  4. brutalnate

    what do you think of cave story?

    Just curious.... I think its awesome (i havent beaten it so no spoilers please). :)