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  1. F

    Chaco: Discussion and inevitable off-topicness

    ...4 things only 14 dude 2.quiet you:mad: *pulls out fully loaded shotgun and pulls trigger* 3. than the charcoal doesnt make smoke 4. everybody knocked up chako EVERYONE;):p
  2. F

    On the Subject of Why Mimigas Wear Sweaters and Also Their Attire.

    because your as racist as i am crazy (Which is alot btw):D
  3. F

    Monster X

    wait a sec wait a sec we should get back to monster x THEYRE watching us for example does any1 notice when you kill monster x he just opens his mouth with a ;) expression is he happy to fall offscreen
  4. F

    Most annoying way to die

    NO!...when u get aids from chaco and 9 months later she has kids ...what? fine the things at the bottom of the egg corridor
  5. F

    Chaco: Discussion and inevitable off-topicness

    answers for your troubles the logs dont make smoke igor is her long lost brother so when you kill igor his soul goes into chako and of course igors magic (he shoots energy balls) so she summons jellyfish when you live in a town of grass you need lipstick and quote probably has a *bleep*...
  6. F

    Is Sue a furry

    dammit your right i wish i was in cave story :(
  7. F

    Cave Story Bloopers

    thats disturbing,pleasing,and weird all in one
  8. F

    Is Sue a furry

    to answer you in 2 words "HELLS YES" :)
  9. F

    Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

    i cant get by genisis:light i got to the last save point where the jumping skeleton is but i cant go anywhere
  10. F

    Movie script

    how about this when quote faces enraged toroko like in the middle of the battle toroko tries to slash quote but just missess and cataches part of quotes scarf and at the end of the battle king lands one final blow with his sword