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  1. BossGames

    Cave Story - Extra Episode (made with Game Maker)

    Thanks. I am using "Curier New" font size 13, but you should notice that if your project's sprites size is the same as the original CS's sprites size and you haven't doubled the pixels for each sprite - you have to scale the text by 0.5. Otherwise, your font will be large, and blurred. P.S...
  2. BossGames

    Need your opinions on my stand-alone Cave Story game...

    Huh? why is TheCore banned? :(
  3. BossGames

    Cave Story - Extra Episode (made with Game Maker)

    Hey everyone, I have updated the first post. New version (1.01) is ready to be tested! What's new: - Fixed the Graphics and the text quality. (all sprites are pixeled x2) - Fixed the missile's speed. - Fixed the saving device's animation. (thanks to ChimeApple for noticing it.) - Added an...
  4. BossGames

    Cave Story - Extra Episode (made with Game Maker)

    Hey, that's not a bad idea FrozenFire. Although MagicDoors is right and Cave Story uses an actual font, The text's quality might improve if I use the font_add_sprite command. Thank you. EDIT: I have tried anything to fix the text's quality and nothing seems to work. The only thing I can do is...
  5. BossGames

    Cave Story - Extra Episode (made with Game Maker)

    Thanks The Core, I willl try it later when I work on my project. I have noticed you also make a Cave Story mod with Game Maker. If you need any help with TextBox or weapons or something else, I can help you. ____ EDIT: I was testing your scripts on my project. The Graphics were high (as the...
  6. BossGames

    Cave Story - Extra Episode (made with Game Maker)

    Hehe, don't forget I can make a multiplayer version of this project with Game Maker. ;)
  7. BossGames

    Cave Story - Extra Episode (made with Game Maker)

    There's a problem with the Graphics in the game. I can set up the game with 2 options: 1. Medium Graphics, and Medium text quality (as the screenshot in the first post) 2. High Graphics (as the original CS) , and very low text quality. I have no idea how to fix it. I might go with...
  8. BossGames

    Cave Story - Extra Episode (made with Game Maker)

    1. I can do that, but the data size will be increased by 2. (for example 8mb instead of 4mb) I'm trying to fix the blurred Graphics, and If I won't manage to fix it, I will go with your idea. 2. Sorry about the way it looks on the video, but the saving animation is exactly as the original...
  9. BossGames

    cave story mods for retro arch(nx engine)ANDROID

    I tested a GBA port of Cave Story and it works on my Android device (even on my Galaxy Y Armv6 processor) but you can only the test the maps and movement. :/
  10. BossGames

    whats the diffrent between cave story pc/wii/3ds?

    ok sorry I didn't know. :(
  11. BossGames

    Cave Story - Extra Episode (made with Game Maker)

    Thanks, I know. I'm still trying to fix the Display screen (it's doubled by 2 from 320x240 pixels to 640x480)
  12. BossGames

    whats the diffrent between cave story pc/wii/3ds?

    Uhh.. can someone help me please? I feel lost in this site :/ I don't know how to change my status and I don't know how to delete a topic I've made.. please help.
  13. BossGames

    Cave Story - Extra Episode (made with Game Maker)

    The Story: An Extra Episode of Cave Story which takes place between Cave Story 1 after playing the good ending, and Cave Story 2 if there be one. While Balrog, Quote and Curly are flying to the island, they get their flight interrupted by surprise.. NOTE: This game was made with GAME MAKER 8...