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Search results

  1. Ambient_Malice

    Chocolate Sunday Demo

    Thanks for all the feedback. I've taken note, and I'll release a patched demo with bugfixes soon.
  2. Ambient_Malice

    Chocolate Sunday Demo

    Okay. Thanks for pointing out these bugs. I'll fix them when I get the time. And don't be afraid to point out stuff like Misery calling her "Miss Brace". I do listen to feedback. I'll look at how it fits when I go back and start adding in the later chapters of the mod.
  3. Ambient_Malice

    Chocolate Sunday Demo

    Those two non-solid blocks are a bug. Combat is problematic. I'm strongly against adding in combat for the sake of having it - I think it's poor game design. While the mod has a pistol, there's no use for it beyond shooting blocks at this point. If I can find a plot-related justification for...
  4. Ambient_Malice

    Chocolate Sunday Demo

    Yes, the mod will have multiple endings in the final version. There is a pistol in the demo, but it's a bit hidden. I'm going to try to fix the somewhat barren atmosphere with more NPCs. Music is trickier, but I'll do what I can. Has anyone played the PSP version? I ask because the mod was...
  5. Ambient_Malice

    Chocolate Sunday Demo

    Well, I'm glad you liked it. There is a lot of stuff going on the background. It's somewhat influenced by the design of Majora's Mask. The lack of music was both a practical decision, since I was unhappy with the way Cave Story's music fit with the storyline, and also partly inspired by the...
  6. Ambient_Malice

    how did curly get to hell and why was she at the door?

    You do have to consider she was with Cthulhu.
  7. Ambient_Malice

    Well, released Chocolate Sunday. 10 downloads so far. Didn't work so well as an April Fool's...

    Well, released Chocolate Sunday. 10 downloads so far. Didn't work so well as an April Fool's joke, but that's not important.
  8. Ambient_Malice

    What Would You Do To The Person Above You

    Tell him that he can't have tree fitty, and put that roast beef behind spirit-proof glass.
  9. Ambient_Malice

    Toroko Story v.0.1

    April Fool's or Easter? If the latter, be warned. HE'S GONNA GETCHA. On a more serious note, please fix the broken links as soon as possible.
  10. Ambient_Malice

    Toroko Story v.0.1

    This was packed wrong, dude... the entire game data folder seems to be missing. I know it must be awkward for you, but just pack the whole game folder inside a zip, rar, or 7z file, and upload that. Then use the 'copy link' tab in mediafire to get the pasting link.
  11. Ambient_Malice

    Chocolate Sunday Demo

    That's what happens when you discover you don't have clearance for some character art so you have to rewrite large chunks of the entro and demo ending days before release. Think carefully about Chaba's instructions, think carefully about the destination of that teleporter, think very carefully...
  12. Ambient_Malice

    Chocolate Sunday Demo

    Chocolate Sunday is my new Cave Story mod for PC and PSP with a heavy focus on story, player choices, and exploration. This demo covers the first 1\3 or so of the finished mod. I hope you enjoy it. I also hope I managed to squash the worst of the bugs. Dowload Demo 1.0 (Windows and PSP...
  13. Ambient_Malice

    Reading Orson Scott Card's work has opened my eyes. I immediately started rewriting my mod's...

    Reading Orson Scott Card's work has opened my eyes. I immediately started rewriting my mod's script. Less smug, more honesty.
  14. Ambient_Malice

    Let's Play Dangan Ronpa!

    I believe the fan translation project for this game will be finished soon, possibly sometime this year. The fan translators finished translating the demo a few months back, and I loved every second of it. I was genuinely surprised to see someone else mention this game, especially on these...
  15. Ambient_Malice

    CIS privilege, Feminism, The Patriarchy, Rape Culture.

    Problem solved: Step 1: Stop raping people. Step 2: Accept the body you were born with. Step 3: Complain less. Step 4: Follow the golden rule. Step 5: ???? Step 6: PROFIT!!!
  16. Ambient_Malice

    adding extra face pictures?

    Just be aware that while the PC has practically limitless face pane capacity, ports such as the PSP version can only handle about 60 or so. Just a thought if you ever want your mod to be ported.
  17. Ambient_Malice

    Your Favorite Underrated Games?

    I'm going to say the same thing I always say: Perfect Dark is the greatest videogame ever created and it is criminally underappreciated. 32Zz5Rpobes
  18. Ambient_Malice

    CS on SNES

    BUT IS IT? Your mocking me. In truth, he is saying he IS your mocking. Ultimate Nerd-meister has spent months with the Na'vi, learning their language and ways. Someone like you could NEVER understand the complexities of communication. And magic trees. And why non-mammals have breasts. Or why...
  19. Ambient_Malice

    Negativity Thread.

    "Time for some SUPER-NEGATIVITY!" *Dances to J-pop melody* *removes inappropriate schoolgirl outfit* Ahem. So. You know how you've all had bad things happen to you? How your puppy died? How you broke that Xbox 360 game trying to take the DVD out of the shittily designed packet? How you were...
  20. Ambient_Malice

    still alive

    Or, as I say, "All the dead were once alive." Which totally sounds like an awesome post-hardcore metal song with one of those super awesome refrains where the lead singer sings in that really whiny angelic voice those metal singers have.
  21. Ambient_Malice

    Nukes in Cave Story

    Quote is Solid Snake. The Core is Metal Gear. That seems about as likely an explaination as any.
  22. Ambient_Malice

    The Beast Fang's Intent

    At some point we need to realise that the fanbase sometimes knows more about the work than the creator, especially if said creator is absentminded. *cough* Joss Whedon fans. *cough*
  23. Ambient_Malice

    What did you dream about last night?

    I dreamt me and two other people stole a stash of priceless platinum tokens or some shit. Then the fencer betrayed us to the IMF, who sent a hitman after us. I battled him valiantly, using cover. Until I suddenly discovered he was a tin of tuna. Reading Cloud Atlas last evening while feeling...
  24. Ambient_Malice

    mods you'd like to see return

    I spoke with him on IRC about 6 months ago. (Around the time someone on here posted a picture and asked 'which mod is this'? Answer = Eternal Chaos.) He was rather dismissive of my starry-eyed fanboism and told me he regarded Eternal Chaos 2.0 as 'shit'. Reasons he gave included repetition...
  25. Ambient_Malice

    Top 10 Favorite Videogame Weapons

    Why has nobody mentioned these: Turok 2: The Nuke. Charges up, unleases massive light. THEN ALL THE DINOSAURS ARE CRISPY. THEN THEY EXPLODE! Turok 3: Portable Singularity Generator. Fires a BLACK HOLE which warps the level geometry towards it, and will suck you in if you don't run behind...