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Search results

  1. Aar

    20 years of cave guy.....

    20 years of cave guy.....
  2. Aar

    Tonight at 7 PM ET, I'm racing Cave Story to celebrate its 20th anniversary...

    Tonight at 7 PM ET, I'm racing Cave Story to celebrate its 20th anniversary! https://www.twitch.tv/aarmastah This is also being done to commemorate the 10th anniversary of a race we did during the Skype days to celebrate Cave Story's 10th anniversary, lol. I was able to get back in touch with...
  3. Aar

    Celebration 2014

    A basic, linear Cave Story mod I made in 2014 to show to family at a gathering, promptly burned to a CD and forgotten about in a closet until I rediscovered it 10 years later. Here it is, with the absolute minimum number of details obfuscated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFLfVefKCaI...
  4. Aar

    happy 19th anniversary cave stoy

    happy 19th anniversary cave stoy
  5. Aar

    time freaking flies man. my 12th anniversary passed this month

    time freaking flies man. my 12th anniversary passed this month
  6. Aar

    i have instinctively checked this website every day for over a decade at this point

    i have instinctively checked this website every day for over a decade at this point
  7. Aar


  8. Aar

    The Cave Story preservation thread

    Got some more recent recordings of the US WiiWare release and its demo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AL_mZ--7-o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqgRdo8By20
  9. Aar


  10. Aar

    The Cave Story preservation thread

    Small update; just installed the AVE-HDMI mod in a Wii. Using that and disabling the deflicker filter results in some pretty awesome image quality so I guess it's time to re-record the WiiWare release too.
  11. Aar

    The Cave Story preservation thread

    I have footage of a 100% playthrough of each and every Cave Story port on my second channel, but I'd like to redo Cave Story 3D and eShop especially. Loopy came out with a New 3DS XL capture card earlier this year, and this thing is awesome - the weird katsukity issues being addressed finally is...
  12. Aar

    Kid named official TF2 map contributor

    Kid named official TF2 map contributor
  13. Aar

    Does anyone have a video of a full Ikachan 3DS Playthrough?

    I have done the thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrIRbsZyr9I
  14. Aar

    Does anyone have a video of a full Ikachan 3DS Playthrough?

    Honestly shocked I haven't done that yet. Probably worth looking into
  15. Aar

    holy shit

    holy shit
  16. Aar

    i went to kfc every fucking day when i was in college

    i went to kfc every fucking day when i was in college
  17. Aar

    no ssd in 2022?

    no ssd in 2022?
  18. Aar

    Is GBARunner2 actually good enough to use yet? I haven't ever really bothered with it

    Is GBARunner2 actually good enough to use yet? I haven't ever really bothered with it
  19. Aar

    Curly Brace ~ Ace Attorney: The First Turnabout (UNFINISHED)

    Glad to hear you at least got something out of it! Maybe someday I'll come back and finish it. Most likely something I left in for testing. That's probably the point where I left it unfinished honestly. It took a lot of time to get to that point and I guess I just kinda dropped it there...
  20. Aar

    Curly Brace ~ Ace Attorney: The First Turnabout (UNFINISHED)

    Works on my end. I'm assuming that this issue could be happening because I'm using GLFW instead of SDL2; have you tried updating your graphics drivers etc? EDIT: I will note that I completely axed the startup screen, so I would also recommend pushing Z or X immediately after loading.
  21. Aar

    HELP: Cave Story - Game Engine Architecture?

    If you have a copy of CSE2's source code, that should have all the answers you're looking for
  22. Aar

    Curly Brace ~ Ace Attorney: The First Turnabout (UNFINISHED)

    I made it early last summer after binging the first four games in the series. There's not much content here, it's mostly a proof-of-concept; but there's probably still some fun to be had seeing how the Ace Attorney format could work in Cave Story.
  23. Aar

    Curly Brace ~ Ace Attorney: The First Turnabout (UNFINISHED)

    This mod is a recreation of the first case from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney in Cave Story Engine 2. Eventually somewhere along the line I got distracted or something and didn't end up finishing the mod, so I'm going to post it here rather than let it sit in a private GitHub repo forever...
  24. Aar

    ghost trick is really good you should play it

    ghost trick is really good you should play it
  25. Aar

    i turn 22 in a month and i still don't know what i'm doing lol

    i turn 22 in a month and i still don't know what i'm doing lol