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  1. R

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Okay I will use the search function (hoping to find something...) Thanks to everyone and also to Dubby (I saw your post just now :pignon:).
  2. R

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Ah, it was easier than expected... :cool: Anyway, when I have finished to translate, where should I post it? :pignon: Many thanks!! PS: I know that is OT, but how do I change my avatar? :D
  3. R

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Hi everyone!! I'm new here and i need some help to translate in italian (yes, i'm from italy :cool:) the dialogues of Cave Story. What tool I have to use?? :pignon: An hex editor? Resource Hacker? Thanks to all who answer me. :D