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  1. pue_eternity

    Punch the Doctor

    It looks like the doctor enjoys being punched, I can't win, he won't stop smiling!!
  2. pue_eternity

    Stuff you think is normal that other people find incredibly bizarre.

    your what?? antique katana greasy butter knife hook-like manicured nails rock-hard, razor-sharp shlong ???
  3. pue_eternity

    Mimigas would be awesome if they were real!

    privatize? Like mimiga trafficking?
  4. pue_eternity

    Stuff you think is normal that other people find incredibly bizarre.

    NO, they killed my entire family in 'Nam! OH DUK DUK, TIK-LOOK, PHO-PHO, WHY WHY WHY?!! NOBODY UNDERSTANDS EMO VIETNAMESE ORPHANS LIKE ME!!! *cries and breaks all the china in the house* HOW WOULD YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL, HUH? --extremely insensitive joke over, please don't cut me with your...
  5. pue_eternity

    Stuff you think is normal that other people find incredibly bizarre.

    I'm not crotchety/crusty/crabby/anySTDlikewordyouwantMr.Fab, I'm a bitter, angry person. Gah! -having nobody(especially Cpt. Fabulous) understand I'M going through. Selfish bastards. WHAT ABOUT MY FEELINGS?!! WHY, WHY, WHY, ETC.!!! *cuts wrists(figuratively)* -wearing lots of black, cause...
  6. pue_eternity

    Chaco: Discussion and inevitable off-topicness

    You gotta pay for the flowers/fish somehow...
  7. pue_eternity

    Live Action Pokemon Movie

    Hollywood, why must you rape/ incest my childhood and all that is dear to me??? You took Dragonball and butchered it to nonrecognition, then you ... molested Ash and made Pikachu some kind of hideous plush toy! Not to mention of all the warm, steaming piles of bullhonkey you have made...
  8. pue_eternity

    Sue's pendant

    Mmm. Aluminum foil?
  9. pue_eternity

    Sue's pendant

    I think that pendant looks like Goldfish, the snack cracker thing. It also puzzles me that you find Kanpachi fishing, Mimigas don't eat fish, they eat flowers, right? Why would they even KNOW HOW TO FISH??
  10. pue_eternity

    Replaying CS and boredom thereof

    Is no one saying the Sacred Grounds/ Ballos??? I guess I failed at Cavestory so much anyway, I finally beat those levels after hours upon hours of trying. DEDICATION. Yeah, the labyrinth is death the first few times you try it. I passed it without the booster or machinegun, and that takes...
  11. pue_eternity

    The Wish-Granting Game

    your wish is granted, However Nintendo sued your ass and banned its games from your country. I wish that the USSR suddenly came back to life and restored my country.
  12. pue_eternity

    Chaco: Discussion and inevitable off-topicness

    And if he wants to kill you or not, that's up to him. You would probably be hiding or running away at this point, tho. Prostitution ain't for the weak hoes. You don't have to be a girl to be a prostitute as proven by the Rosa Parks of Nevada, "Markus". His talents will be missed.
  13. pue_eternity

    Yes, my grammar is awful, it so hard. T.T

    Yes, my grammar is awful, it so hard. T.T
  14. pue_eternity

    Mimigas would be awesome if they were real!

    I don't know about that, they would get depressed, but only Quote and his human friends could save them. The Mimigas themselves only died in a short-sided attempt to free themselves. If they all banded together and made an army with actual weapons instead of just berserkers.... Forgive me, I...
  15. pue_eternity

    Cultural Stereotype??

    Jenka's unknown unmentioned lover. She may have not needed a father per say, because Jenka's also a witch/hag(?) and could've made her from a stew or did that whole female-female reproduction thing that a species of lizards do(I was told that that is how hags/witches reproduce).
  16. pue_eternity

    Cultural Stereotype??

    In that case, they could have had blonde, red, blue, or a bright neon color hair instead of just green...
  17. pue_eternity

    Mimigas would be awesome if they were real!

    WoodenRat sounds just like I imagine a slavic guy would, always hungry for hunting or eating or something like that. Mimi-meat sounds a lot like Mariah Carey sliced and diced and lightly scented with one of her perfumes. Mimiga flesh/cut would sound more appropriate and more tasty, too. You...
  18. pue_eternity


    The graphics are very smooth and the movement is very realistic, too. The style of the art reminds me of that 100 pixel game called Kin or something, but much bigger and more realistic. Now I want to make a game so badly, yet I am lost in scripting and programming and such... :D
  19. pue_eternity

    Mimigas would be awesome if they were real!

    Megaman is a robot, but they made him a girlfriend/sister? in the show! And I thought he was only half-robot(that arm of his...)
  20. pue_eternity

    My family and I were born in Moscow, we've been living in the US tho.

    My family and I were born in Moscow, we've been living in the US tho.
  21. pue_eternity

    Cultural Stereotype??

    As we all know, there is a green-haired family and the doctor is green-haired and MAY be the daddy(or his evil twin), BUT, why are so many characters created with distinctly artificial traits(like hair color) to be running naturally(and unexplained) in the family or even in the society? Take...
  22. pue_eternity

    sorry. I forgot the rule! TT

    sorry. I forgot the rule! TT
  23. pue_eternity

    MALCO: Gay for Quote?

    Those in question of robotic interrelations haven't seen that episode of Futurama, you know, when they go to a robot strip club. and how in the world did Quote bone Chaco? MIMIGAS ARE ALSO PART ROBOT, maybe.
  24. pue_eternity


    and EGG CORRIDOR, I think that's preeetty wierd, too! But there's more strange stuff to come!
  25. pue_eternity

    Cave story manga

    this = win Cthutlu is still awesome tho.