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Search results

  1. Subbd_Gaming

    I found another bug in Cave Story+ (Nintendo Switch Version)

    Still home to the funniest glitches in CS though, like if you drop P2 during the Ironhead fight and add them back they will have normal gravity and the camera will act kind of strange
  2. Subbd_Gaming

    Mod Engine / TSC Extended

    That is definitely worth giving a shot (I just hope it works on Win XP)
  3. Subbd_Gaming

    I found another bug in Cave Story+ (Nintendo Switch Version)

    That's not all the times that can happen, you can crush yourself with the rocket that sends you up to the last cave as long as you fall and stand under it before it comes back down, and you might end up softlocking in the ground, and also yes I found that glitch happening to me a lot recently. (...
  4. Subbd_Gaming

    CSE2 - The Cave Story decompilation project

    Yea I know
  5. Subbd_Gaming

    CSE2 - The Cave Story decompilation project

    Nicalis: Pixel we would like to put your game on Wii Pixel: O K Nicalis: sign this not suspicious contract the takes a games source code. *Pixel Signs the contract* Nicalis: makes 5 ports and a PC remaster. *NXengine exists* Nicalis: L E G A L *CSE2 Exists* Nicalis: time to screw some devs over...
  6. Subbd_Gaming

    Rockfish - An Unreleased Game Remake

    Wow, there is alot to say about this game I completed this game to what I think is 100% and not once was there was a part I did not like I loved this game all the way through, this was my favorite mod and first one I've completed. My final thoughts overall 9.5/10, nice job remaking an...
  7. Subbd_Gaming

    At least the Story mode and Curly mode did not break

    At least the Story mode and Curly mode did not break
  8. Subbd_Gaming

    Hmmmm... Wind Fortress crashed Cave Story + on switch everytime I try to play it.

    Hmmmm... Wind Fortress crashed Cave Story + on switch everytime I try to play it.
  9. Subbd_Gaming

    Eh, I recently joined and I'm only 13 so.... yea most likely

    Eh, I recently joined and I'm only 13 so.... yea most likely
  10. Subbd_Gaming

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Ok I Have made the .ico and it worked, thanks.
  11. Subbd_Gaming

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    How do I change the game's icon to a custom one, I've been trying different ways to do it and they won't work.
  12. Subbd_Gaming

    Noice, have fun with that

    Noice, have fun with that
  13. Subbd_Gaming

    What has been peoples experiences with co op?

    Mine was pretty funny, just watching me and my bother died 10-15 time to the core because water sucks and it was entertaining and playing with first time players and teaching them how to not suck is fun, and now every weekend I do 2 full playthroughs of CS+ with or without people. Still it was...
  14. Subbd_Gaming

    RTA (Random Time Attack) 2

    Yea, I found that out some time after I made my post.
  15. Subbd_Gaming

    When would Wind Fortress take place?

    Well, It could be acsessed in the plantation most likely because Cave Story 3D had an extra area like wind fortress that was at the bottom of the island. It would make sense for this to be what pixel could of done. Other than that All I know is that it has to be in the plantation and not...
  16. Subbd_Gaming

    RTA (Random Time Attack) 2

    This is an interesting mod, I never played the first one and one reason this caught my eye is that it supported the Wii and Switch versions of Cave Story. They don't really get that much mod support and I'm surprised to see that. Sadly I don't have The wii version and I don't really want to mess...
  17. Subbd_Gaming

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Ok thanks I will try Java 7 and 8
  18. Subbd_Gaming

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    How do I get Boosters lab running on a Win Xp setup I'm thinking about switching to it. The only thing I know about setting it up is that it requires Java but I don't know what version it needs.
  19. Subbd_Gaming

    Cave Story Detail

    Yeah I've been working on fixing some minor errors I made on the maps, I will be keeping an eye out for these kinds of mistakes and learn how this all works in the progress and the chains will be changed a bit. Thanks for the feedback.
  20. Subbd_Gaming

    Cave Story Detail

    I'm glad you like it ;)
  21. Subbd_Gaming

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Ok thanks I found a program to edit sprites called pixelformer to change the title and characters, and I will try reusing code for existing doors.
  22. Subbd_Gaming

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    This is my fist time modding and I would like to know how to do a few things in Cave Editor 1. How do I change Quote's Sprite ( I can't find it) 2. How do I get a working door transition with a music change 3. How do I do a door and key System 4. How do I change the Title and the intro...
  23. Subbd_Gaming

    Cave Story+ was free (not free from 10th December)

    I picked up Cave Story+ on switch while it was on sale for $20
  24. Subbd_Gaming

    Cave Story Detail

    It came out around 2002 it runs cave story like a dream but Nxengine runs really badly
  25. Subbd_Gaming

    Cave Story Detail

    Yes I am Using Windows XP