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  1. 32bitpolygons

    Is it me, or are the current Cave Story editors out of date?

    Aren't all the major advantages of CSE2 in coding? why bother doing that if we can just edit a few code files and recompile?
  2. 32bitpolygons

    Do you believe Nicalis stole the rights

    That's a thing that irks me, all the console rereleases of CS have always been nintendo exclusive, despite the fact all their other games are available on PS4 and even Xbox Im pretty sure there is some secret deal or something, they can't be able to port all their other games to other platforms...
  3. 32bitpolygons

    If you wanted to add gameplay mechanics or a gameplay style from another franchise into Cave Story, what would it be and why?

    I literally suggested that earlier in the thread Imagine the bullet patterns a character like misery could make She already looks a bit like a TH character anyway. Also, Puyo puyo Cave Story? Crystal Crisis says hi.
  4. 32bitpolygons

    Favorite game of 2017?

    2 words Sonic Mania I could care less about the rehashed stages, the physics are 1:1, graphics have pixel art beyond human comprehension, a great story that'll keep you on the edge of your chair, the best special stages the series has ever seen, and fucking Knuckles&Knuckles mode. Also, drop...
  5. 32bitpolygons

    If Jenka was a 10, what would Ballos be? (Referring to power, of course)

    If jenka managed to seal ballos in a chamber, make an island fly, and be able to live over like a hundred years while ballos destroyed a kingdom and his family Jenka's a 10 while ballos is like a 8
  6. 32bitpolygons

    If you wanted to add gameplay mechanics or a gameplay style from another franchise into Cave Story, what would it be and why?

    Honestly I'd prefer for it to be more akin to streets of rage, especially the second game I'd also like some variety in the stages like battletoads did with it's racing and rope stage (despite being horrible) But what enemies would we add to make it more like a beatemup? Critters are too small...
  7. 32bitpolygons

    CS merchandise

    They DO own Cave Story. If they didn't then characters like Curly and Quote wouldn't be in blade strangers or in that one puzzle fighting game they released.
  8. 32bitpolygons

    why dose nicalis own the rights of Cave Story

    Next you're gonna say "I was only pretending to be retarded" Anyway, NiCALiS has the rights for CS because pixel chose them to publish the game I don't know why he specifically chose NiCALiS, but whatever. It's probably because they were cheap or something. Really bad choice on pixel's part.
  9. 32bitpolygons

    If you wanted to add gameplay mechanics or a gameplay style from another franchise into Cave Story, what would it be and why?

    The dash ability should also be added too, but more akin to Mega Man X. Quote moves faster on air than he does on ground (with the booster 0.8/2.0), and most of the time you'll be running on ground. Dash ability from Mega Man X means quote can jump after dashing to keep the speed in air.
  10. 32bitpolygons

    What happened in your FIRST hell run ?

    Ran into hell facefirst with machine gun and flopped on the B1 death spikes. Got further each time, but eventually gave up and tried the stage with spur. Died a couple more times, but after doing some ballos practice and some other stuff I beat hell on freeware.
  11. 32bitpolygons

    Favorite Balrog Catchphrase

    Why is this even a question? Kool aid refrences in a 2004 japanese game? No thanks. HUZZAH!
  12. 32bitpolygons

    Why do you play cave story?

    I play video games for entertainment. Cave Story is a video game, and it's possible for me to play it for entertainment. So why not?
  13. 32bitpolygons

    Your Stupidest Deaths in Cave Story?

    Running into the first spikes in last cave is a given when it's your first time playing CS. Just like I did. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  14. 32bitpolygons

    Yay first profile post i like cheese?

    Yay first profile post i like cheese?
  15. 32bitpolygons

    favorite song Of The Ost

    Wow. None of you guys said Final Battle or Oppression. Those are like my 2 favorite tracks, especially Final Battle for just sounding awesome throughout nearly ALL soundtrack versions. The way back home is also a good contender, but it's a bit upbeat for an ending tune. Cave Story/Plantation...
  16. 32bitpolygons

    What is your favourite weapon

    Under normal circumstances I would say the spur But for hell runs, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, but i would perfer the snake It just feels much smoother to fire at enemies through walls instead of camp and charge Also, machine gun for normal ending because it makes the mid game...
  17. 32bitpolygons

    Is Cave Story + (Switch) worth it for someone who already has Cave Story + (PC/Steam)?

    Clownacy's mod loader allows you to use most of the CS remixes. (I say most because it doesn't have Dynamiteman.EXE's soundtrack. Or the sega genesis soundtrack, but that soundtrack sucks.) It allows you to use all the soundtracks in the switch version, alongside the DM Dokuro OST, and Vince64's...
  18. 32bitpolygons

    Is Cave Story + (Switch) worth it for someone who already has Cave Story + (PC/Steam)?

    2 player? Just get CSE2O and play online with people all over the world Water physics? again, get CSE2E and make all the water textures transparent. 2 extra soundtracks? Get original CS with Clownacy's mod loader and the soundtracks you want to hear. Besides that, clownacy might be working on...
  19. 32bitpolygons

    If you wanted to add gameplay mechanics or a gameplay style from another franchise into Cave Story, what would it be and why?

    I think a better word would probably be gameplay mechanics. Should've said that before. But in terms of gameplay style, I can also say that a shoot-em-up gamestyle would be fine for CS, mostly the bosses Imagine playing CS on a vertical screen, shooting shitloads of machine gun pellets at the...
  20. 32bitpolygons

    If you wanted to add gameplay mechanics or a gameplay style from another franchise into Cave Story, what would it be and why?

    I thought it would be cool if Cave Story had Mega Man's gameplay style. You can get the abilities of the bosses you beat (aside from Balrog boss battle in shack, he doesn't fire any projectile) You can't aim any other direction aside from the front of your face, but in exchange you have infinite...
  21. 32bitpolygons

    If you wanted to add gameplay mechanics or a gameplay style from another franchise into Cave Story, what would it be and why?

    I was thinking maybe Metroid or Mega Man, probably because.... It's a jumping and shooting platformer. Especially Mega Man. The idea of being able to get boss abilities would be just fucking awesome. Especially being able to shoot the white balls from core/undead core and obliterate everything.
  22. 32bitpolygons

    Worst part about Cave Story?

    Don't forget King. And if you're taking the bad ending, professor Booster, Curly, Momorin and practically everyone else in the game aside from Quote and Kazuma can be added to that death list.
  23. 32bitpolygons

    If you put 3 existing art styles into vanilla cave story...

    I'd say Sonic Mania's artstyle because it just screams bright, smooth, and colorful. Cave Story's graphics in some places look a bit flat (Core/Undead Core) and having bright shaded graphics combined with smooth animation would really be a great artstyle. Besides that, I'd also like there to be...
  24. 32bitpolygons

    fastest weapon

    If you don't like ammo, lv1 nemesis is probably fastest. But aside from that, Super Missile Launcher, spur for damage, and machine gun for speed and autofire