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Search results

  1. Rubyyoshi

    Weird Technical Bug in Chaco's House

    So at school, I showed my friend Cave Story, and he was playing through it with me guiding him at certain parts when something bizaare happened... What happened, is after he got the Jellyfish Juice in Grasstown, he went back into Chaco's house (without getting the charcoal/skipping via damage...
  2. Rubyyoshi

    Last Cave 2?

    I've been a fan of Cave Story for a long time now, and I've never heard of a Last Cave 2 before... I only heard about it after trying to find a Soundtrack on youtube. Apparently, it's in CS3D. (Which I never played) Can someone help clarify this? (I know about the 2 different Last Caves...
  3. Rubyyoshi

    (Currently) Unnamed Mod

    So after this thread kinda died out, back when I made that thread, I was half-considering to turn it into a Cs mod. After reading a couple guides and learning in's and out's, I wanted to put something together for that. Anyway, over the past week or two, (Not counting the time I spent months ago...
  4. Rubyyoshi

    New and Unused .Org

    I was looking around in the Cs+ files for some reason, and I came across a bunch of .Org files and I was like "Wait, can't orgplayer play these?" So I took the files, went through most/all of the songs in Orgplayer. (The name they are given in the Cs+ folder is different, Ex: A file called Grand...
  5. Rubyyoshi

    Through Troubles and Hardships (Cave Story Fanfic/Novelization)

    I'm sure that this is being posted in the right spot, since this is a Cave Story thing but anyway... I've started to write a Cave Story fanfic/novelization. It won't be word for word, as I'm using both translations of the game (Nicalis and Aeon Genesis) into account when writing it. (Up until a...
  6. Rubyyoshi

    Getting stuck, indefinably.

    It is possible to get stuck forever and having to restart. Luckily, it's near the start of the game, but it's only possible if you know skips and explore far too much. Skip the fireball by skipping the first Jellyfish juice, (The one you use to get past Chaco's fireplace) then turning on the...
  7. Rubyyoshi

    Well, Finally Back...

    After going about a week without internet, I'm finally back and hopefully I haven't missed too much. Also, I want to make note that I've started a novelization/fanfic of Cave Story and probably start posting chapters in a week or so. (Currently up to the start of Egg Corridor) Updates will...