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Search results

  1. S

    One Year to Remember and Forget

    Hope nobody minds that I make this thread, but if someone does, I apologize in advance.Anyway, it's been a full year since I've joined these forums - which happens to be the first forum I have ever joined....A year ago, when I was still new around here, I was a total stupid, foolish, idiotic...
  2. S

    Hope of Shané (Frost: version β)

    Hope of Shané: Frost version β has been released. A few days early, but it has been released nonetheless. Nobody was harmed during the making of this mod. Except for me, of course, because I broke my left arm falling off a ladder on 17 May 2013. Yet I continued modding (with the help of another...
  3. S

    Into the Unknown v0.1: Escape

    This is my sixth mod for Cave Story, and I guess this is going to be my final post. But I doubt the members here will allow me to "retire", so only time will tell. And the polls. Yes, I'm probably annoying everybody with the fact that I'm making so many mods. Sorry about that. It definitely...
  4. S

    Shane's Old Mods

    Yep, it's me again, posting two more mods of mine. However, these are mods that I made when I was still learning TSC back in 2011. They are extremely short. In fact, they are shorter than all of my main mods (of which there are five). There is a poll - if the majority votes are for "yes" for...
  5. S

    The Curse of Il'andri'iel (version 0.1)

    This is going to be my fifth Cave Story mod and it is entirely unrelated to my other three mods (Shadow of the Stars, Cave Story Re:coded and Shane's Cave Story 1). And it's definitely unrelated to Cave Story: Time Warp. I know some members told me in the past not to make six mods at once (I'm...
  6. S

    Dragon Riders Re:coded [v0.2] (previously Cave Story Re:coded)

    This is my fourth Cave Story mod. I've been busy during the last six months ^_^ The currently boring story of annoyance: Basically, the protagonists are all inside a digital world with no idea how they got there. The playable protagonist is Serenity Black, the other two are Charlotte le Roux...
  7. S

    Shadow of the Stars (CANCELLED)

    This is my third mod, Shadow of the Stars, named by Mixer8421/Randolf. It was started on 26 March 2012. PLOT: This mod is related to the Shane's Cave Story mods in that the powerful Inhuman will appear in the later episodes of Shane's Cave Story. No, the powerful Inhuman's name is not Shane...
  8. S

    Cave Story - Time Warp (CANCELLED)

    Those of you who read the topic of one of my other mods that are still in progress (http://www.cavestory...e-story-cs-mod/) may have noticed that I mentioned a Time Warp mod. Well, here it is. http://www.mediafire...ecel0a1nufe12ig At the moment, it's still not finished, due to the amount of...
  9. S

    Topic of Riddles

    I dunno if this topic can go here, but I'll place it here anyway. This topic is for any riddles one can think of. I guess I'll go first. Please make the riddles in bold, since it can be easier to see, so that some people (such as myself) don't think that the answer of a previous riddle is the...
  10. S

    SCS Episode 1 - forever version 0.9X due to being CANCELLED

    This is my second mod, Shane's Cave Story. The current version is version 0.9¾. It will soon be updated to version 0.9X, once I figure out how to fix those darn glitches -_- Original post from 12 February 2012 to 29 August 2012: and the fact that the first weapon is supposed to be...